
by Nairne Holtz

Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Literature with Lesbian Content (More)

by Jeannette Howard Foster

Bibliographic History of Sex Variant Women in Literature (More)

A List

Individual Poets (More)

A List

Individual Writers (More)

List of periodicals with individual pages for each

Periodicals (More)

List of publishers and small presses with individual pages

Publishers/Small Presses (More)

by Barbara Grier

The Lesbian in Literature (More)

edited by Marie J. Kuda. Published in 1974 by Lavendar Press. The archive includes digital images of the complete chapbook.

Women Loving Women: A Bibliography (More)

Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Literature with Lesbian Content by Nairne Holtz

Nairne Holtz is an award winning queer Canadian author.
From Nairne's personal Goodreads account:
"I began my writing career in the early 90s with the creation of a pansexual queer porn zine, Pornorama, which generated reviews and sales from around the world. Today, I manage a law library in Toronto and am the author of several works of fiction. The Skin Beneath (Insomniac, 2007), was shortlisted for Quebec’s McAuslan Prize and This One’s Going to Last Forever (Insomniac, 2009), was a Lambda Literary Award finalist. My newest novel, Femme Confidential, was released in November of 2017. For more information about my work and my projects, go to"

Nairne has compiled and continues to update an extensive bibliography titled Annotated Bibliography of Canadian Literature with Lesbian Content.

This exceptional resource can be accessed below in PDF format by clicking the cover image or scrolling down to the Attachments section of the website.

Bibliographic History of Sex Variant Women in Literature by Jeannette Howard Foster

Foster, Jeannette Howard. Sex Variant Women in Literature. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1956.

Foster, Jeannette Howard. Sex Variant Women in Literature. London, UK: Muller, 1958.

Foster, Jeannette Howard. Sex Variant Women in Literature. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.

Foster, Jeannette Howard. Sex Variant Women in Literature. Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1985.

Editor Note: The history of printing of Foster's book is interesting as it demonstrates some of the power of lesbian small presses and the interests of lesbians as a reading community. Foster published the book first in 1956 through Vantage Press, a vanity press based in New York. It was then reprinted by the feminist press in Baltimore, MD, Diana Press, in 1975. In 1985, Barbara Grier, the owner of Naiad Press with her partner, reissued the book. Naiad Press was a large publisher of lesbian fiction.

Joanne Passet has written an excellent biography of Jeannette Howard Foster titled, Sex Variant Woman: The Life of Jeannette Howard Foster. (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, 2008.

Individual Poets

Robin Becker is an American poet, critic, feminist, and professor.

Becker, Robin (More)

Becky Birtha is an American poet and children's author who lives in the greater Philadelphia area. She is best known for her poetry and short stories depicting African-American and lesbian relationships.

Birtha, Becky (More)

Author of The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Dyke

Bissert, Ellen Marie (More)

Author of Revolutionary Blues and Other Fevers: Poetry

Blackwomon, Julie (More)

Author of Dyke Hands & Sutras Erotic & Lyric.

Bogus-Adamz, SDiane (More)

Becker, Robin

Becker, Robin. Personal Effects. Cambridge: Alice James Books, 1976.
Becker, Robin. Backtalk. Cambridge: Alice James Books, 1982.
Becker, Robin. Giacometti's Dog. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press 1990.
Becker, Robin. All-American Girl. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1996.
Becker, Robin. The Horse Fair: Poems. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000.
Becker, Robin. Venetian Blue. Pittsburgh: Frick Art & Historical Center, 2002.

Becker, Robin. Domain of Perfect Affection. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006.

Birtha, Becky


For Nights Like This One: Stories of Loving Women, XXX: Frog in the Well,1983.
Lovers' Choice, Berkeley: Seal Press, 1987.
The Forbidden Poems, Berkeley: Seal Press, 1991.

Children's Books

Grandmama’s Pride, Morton Grove: Albert Whitman & Company, 2005.
Lucky Beans, Chicago: Albert Whitman & Company, 2010.
Far Apart, Close in Heart: Being a Family When a Loved One Is Incarcerated, Chicago: Albert Whitman & Company, 2017.

Work in Anthologies and Journals:
“Leftovers” in Sinister Wisdom 9, edited by Harriet Desmoines and Catherine Nicolson, Lincoln: Sinister Wisdom, 1979.

“Maria de las Rosas” in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology, edited by Barbara Smith, New York: Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, 1983.

“Jonnieruth” in Breaking Ice: An Anthology of Contemporary African-American Fiction, edited by Terry McMillan, New York: Penguin Books, 1990. Also in Daughters of Africa: An International Anthology of Words and Writings by Women of African Descent, edited by Margaret Busby, London: Jonathan Cape, 1992.

“Babies” in Revolutionary Tales: African American Women's Short Stories, from the First Story to the Present, edited by Bill V. Mullen, New York: Laurel Leaf, 1995.

“Ice Castles” in Go the Way Your Blood Beats: An Anthology of Lesbian and Gay Fiction by African-American Writers, edited by Shawn Stewart Ruff, New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1996.

“Accept it Gracefully-- Keeping Our Creative Gifts Alive” keynote address, Washington DC: Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns, 1991.

Bibliography compiled by Sara Gregory

Bissert, Ellen Marie

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Dyke. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1977.

Blackwomon, Julie

Lesbian Short Fiction. Edited with Nona Caspers. Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1990.

Voyages Out 2: Lesbian Short Fiction. Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1990.

Revolutionary Blues and Other Fevers: Poetry. Publisher unknown, 1984.

Bogus-Adamz, SDiane

Are you a poet?: The Poetry Workbook. San Francisco, CA: WIM. Publications, 1991.

The Chant of the Women of Magdalena and the Magdalena Poems, Tradition and Poetic Memory. San Francisco, CA: Woman in the Moon Publications, 1990.

Dyke Hands & Sutras Erotic & Lyric. San Francisco, CA: W.I.M Publications, 1988, 1989.

For the Love of Men: Shikata Gai Nai: Poems for Gay Men. San Francisco, CA: Moon Publications, 1991.

Greatest hits, 1962-2000. Johnstown, OH: Pudding House Publications, 2001.

Her poems: an anniversaric chronology. Inglewood, CA: W.I.M. Publications, 1979.

I'm off to see the goddamn wizard, alright! Inglewood, CA: W.I.M. Publications, 1971.

I'm off to see the goddamn wizard, alright!: a collection of first poems for black people, and those whom it may concern. Chicago, IL: 1971.

I'm off to see the goddamn wizard, alright! Inglewood, CA: W.I.M. Publications, 1980.

I'm off to see the godamn wizard, alright! Inglewood, CA [?]: publication data incomplete, 1991.

I'm off to see the goddamn wizard, alright! Inglewood, CA: Woman in the Moon Publications, 1995.

Intro to finé with Adele Stephanie Sebastian and Jacquelyn Sebastian. San Francisco, CA: WIM Publications, 1985.

Lady Godiva. Inglewood, CA [?]: S.D. Bogus, 1981.

[Poems]. [CA?]: S.D. Bogus, 1977.

Sapphire's Sampler: An Anthology of Poetry, Prose, and Drama. Oxford, OH: S. Bogus, 1982.

Sapphire's Sampler: An Anthology of Poetry, Prose, and Drama. Publication data incomplete, 1991.

The Studenthood Primer: Formats, Documents, and Rationale for Education in the New Age. Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

A Studenthood Reader with Training Supplements. Needham Heights, MA : Simon Schuster, 1995.

Theme and portraiture in the fiction of Ann Allen Shockley. Unpublished dissertation, Miami University, OH, Department of English, 1988.

Woman in the Moon. Stamford, CT: Soap Box Publishing Company, 1977.

Woman in the Moon. Inglewood, CA: W.I.M. Publications, 1979.

Woman in the Moon. Cupertino, CA : Woman in the Moon Publications, 1995, 1996.

W.I.M. Publications Poetry Test and Check List. San Francisco, CA: W.I.M. Publications, 1979, 1988.

Woman in the Moon Publications Poetry Broadsides. Cupertino, CA: Woman in the Moon Publications, 1971-1999.

SDiane Adamz-Bogus papers, 1968-2001, are archived at the Schomburg Collection of the New York Public Library,

Editor note: Adamz-Bogus issued her work repeatedly. I have not reviewed multiple copies to date adequately the various editions. This bibliography is primarily constructed from searches on WorldCat.

Bulkin, Elly (1944- )

Elly Bulkin and Joan Larkin, eds. Amazon Poetry: An Anthology. Brooklyn: Out & Out Books, 1975.

Elly Bulkin, ed. Lesbian Fiction: An Anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Elly Bulkin and Joan Larkin, eds. Lesbian Poetry: An Anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Elly Bulkin, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and Barbara Smith. Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism. Brooklyn: Long Haul Press, 1984. Reprinted by Firebrand Books.

Elly Bulkin. Enter Password: Recovery Re-Enter Password:. Albany, NY: Turtle Books, 1990.

Byrd, Stephanie

25 Years of Malcontent. Boston, MA: The Good Gay Poets, 1976.

A Distant Footstep on the Plain. Publisher Unknown, 1981.

Clarke, Cheryl


The Days of Good Looks: the poetry and prose of Cheryl Clarke, 1980 to 2005. New York: Carroll & Graf, 2006.

‘After Mecca’: women poets and the Black Arts Movement. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004.

Experimental Love: poetry. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1993.

Humid Pitch: narrative poetry. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1989.

Living as a Lesbian. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1986.

Narratives: Poems in the Tradition of Black Women. New York: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983. [Self-published 1981]

Edited Collection

With Steven G. Fullwood, To Be Left With the Body, AIDS Project Los Angeles, 2008.

Film and Performance

"Interview with black lesbian feminist Cheryl Clarke," by Darnell Moore. Feminist Wire. October 2012.

Black.Womyn. conversations with lesbians of African descent. by tiona.m. 2009.

Watermelon Woman, feature length film directed by Cheryl Dunye, 1995.

“Hell Diving Women,” narrative poem written for Tiny and Ruby: Hell Diving Women, a video documentary of legendary black woman jazz trumpeter, Tiny Davis, and her forty-year lesbian relationship with partner, Ruby Lucas. Produced and Directed by Greta Schiller and Andrea Weiss, Jezebel Productions, New York City, 1988.

“Epic of Song,” a long poem produced as a staged reading for The Medicine Show Theater Ensemble’s Carnival of the Spoken Word, New York City. April 3, 4, 5, 1987.

Narratives: A Dramatic Event, stage adaptation of the book of poetry, Narratives: poems in the tradition of black women. Directed by Breena Clarke. First performed on June 2, 1982, on 133 W. 14th Street in New York City. Subsequent productions include The National Women’s Theater Festival, Santa Cruz, Ca., 1983 and the San Francisco Opera House, San Francisco, Ca., 1984.

Book Reviews

“Ella Baker and the Black Freedom Movement” in Signs, Fall Issue, 2006.

“Fighting Words by Patricia Hill Collins" in African-American Review, Fall Issue, 2000.

“Diaspora Legacy: Audre Lorde’s Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance”. Women’s Review of Books, Vol. XI, No. 12, 1994. 13-15.

“Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color ed., Gloria Anzaldua.” Bridges: A Journal for Jewish Feminists and Our Friends, Spring, 1991.

“Ann Petry and the Isolation of Being Other: The Miss Muriel Stories. Belles Lettres, Fall, 1989.

“Black, Brave, and Woman, Too: All The Women Are White, All The Blacks Are Men, But Some Of Us Are Brave, eds. Smith, Hull, Scott Sinister Wisdom 20, 1982.

"nappy edges by ntozake shange." Conditions: Five The Black Women's Issue, 1979.


“Her Love Means Danger,” Sinister Wisdom #87 Tribute to Adrienne Rich, August, 2012.

“But Some of Us Are Brave and the Transformation of the Academy: Transformation” in Signs: “Symposium: Black women’s Studies and the Transformation of the Academy.” Vol. 35, No. 4, Su 2010.

“Afro Pomo Homo in the Age of AIDS,” Corpus, a publication of AIDS Project Los Angeles, 2007.

“The Prong of Permanency: A Rant,” Philips and Wharton, eds. I Do/I Don’t: Queers on Marriage, Suspect Thoughts Press, San Francisco, Ca., 2004.

“The Failure to Transform: Homophobia in the Black Community”; “Women of Summer” (short story). B. Smith, ed. Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology. Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, Latham, NY, 1983.

“Lesbianism: An Act of Resistance.” Cherry Moraga and Gloria Anzaldua, eds. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. Persephone Press, 1981; reprinted by Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, Latham, N.Y. 1984. (Included in all reprints.)


“Despite the Variety: Feminist Commitments in Higher Education.” Institute for Women’s Leadership Consortium with Spelman College, Barnard College, Jan. 25, 2013.

Keynote Address at the Harry Hay Conference, CUNY Graduate Center, N.Y., N.Y. Sept. 28, 2012.

“My Most Voice,” Panel at the Audre Lorde Conference, Hunter College, NY., NY., Oct. 12, 2012

“‘Heavy Breathing’: The Poetic Contributions of Essex Hemphill.” Essex Hemphill and Audre Lorde Lecture, CUNY Graduate Center, N.Y., N.Y., Nov. 7, 2011.


The Festival of Women Writers, Hobart, N.Y. Sept. 6, 7, 8, 2013. Inaugural Gathering of Women Writers in the New York, New Jersey, New England region.

Women Writers in Bloom: Salon. New York City, N.Y., Aug. 24, 2013.

“Just Words: Poetry for Social Justice” With Staceyann Chin and Willie Perdomo, Sponsored by the Arcus Center for Social Justice at Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Mi., Feb. 7, 2011.


“One Million” and other poems on the Feminist Wire, Jan. 13, 2013 (

“A Woman in My Shower Crying.” In Annie Finch, ed. Villanelle, 2011.

"Song of Longing." "Whatever Happened to Lesbian Feminism" issue of Sinister Wisdom 87, Fall 2012.

“Body Double” and “Elegy” in To Be Left With the Body. Publication of AIDS Project Los Angeles, Spring 2008.

“Brooklyn,” Home Planet News, No. 52, 2005.

“The Days of Good Looks,” “Bald Woman,” Bloom: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Writing, No. 1, 2004.

“A Sister’s Lament,” Long Shot: Beat Bush Issue, 2004.

Clausen, Jan (1950- )

After Touch. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975

Apples & Oranges: My Journey through Sexual Identity. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.

Beyond Gay or Straight: Understanding Sexual Orientation. With Martin B. Duberman. Philadelphia, PA: Chelsea House Publishers, 1997.

Books & Life. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, 1989.

Duration. Brooklyn, NY: Hanging Loose Press, 1983.

From a Glass House. New York, NY: Ikon, 2007.

If You Like Difficulty. Brownsville, VT: Harbor Mountain Press, 2007.

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Lover: Stories. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1980.

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Lover: Stories. London: Women's Press, 1985, 1980.

A Movement of Poets: Thoughts on Poetry and Feminism. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1982.

The Prosperine Papers. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1988.

The Prosperine Papers. London, Women's Press, 1988.

Sinking Stealing: A Novel. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1985.

Sinking, Stealing. London: Women's Press, 1985.

Waking at the Bottom of the Dark. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1979.

Courtot, Martha (1941-2000)

Tribe. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1977.

Journey. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1977

Tribes. Browerville, Minn. : Ox Head Press, 1990

The bird escapes. Sebastopol, CA (P.O. Box 2455, Sebastopol 95473): Earthy Mama Press, 2001.

"Tribe" by Martha Courtot

You say to us: if this is a tribe, why do you never stay still?
Why do you meet only long enough to exchange
stones, shells, feathers, amulets?
Why can you pass through the center only
alone and in absolute darkness?

You say, if this is a tribe, what is the giver language?
What is its name, who belongs?
You challenge our assumptions.
You say, what kind of people is
always on the road, alone,
only speaking to each other in crisis,
at connecting points,
in crowded intersections in dying cities,
in drugstores
in small towns where no one knows your name,
and then dispersal?

This is our answer: our language is poetry. Do you understand?
Our language is signs, symbols, sacred objects:
we are sacred people.
We have magical properties.
There are many things to be done,
people to be healed, houses to be built.
It is not a time to be together.
It is a time to be separate,
to learn what it means to be alone.

We tell you this: we are doing the impossible.
We are teaching ourselves to be human.
When we are finished,
the strands which connect us
will be unbreakable; already
we are stronger than we have ever been...

Thus we move: silently, separately;
our name is buried in various sacred spots all over the land.
We are waiting until it is safe to claim it.
Though we move silently, separate,

can you hear our joint voices singing,
singing our women's songs in ever widening circles? 

Listen. We are making ready.
Hear our music across the dying land...

from Tribes by Martha Courtot, published by Pearlchild Press.
This poem was also printed in a cookbook published by the Bloodroot Collective.

Douglas, Carol Anne

Loving women is dangerous. Washington, DC: Jo March Press, 1977.

Dykewomon (Nachman), Elana

Note: Dykewomon began publishing with the name Elana Nachman and changed it in the 1970s to Dykewomon.

Riverfinger women. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1974; Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1992.

They will know me by my teeth: stories and poems of lesbian struggle, celebration, and survival. Northhampton, MA: Megaera Press, 1976.

Fragments from Lesbos. Langlois, OR: Disapora Distribution, 1981.

Nothing Will Be As Sweet As the Taste: Selected Poems 1974-1994. London, UK: Onlywomen Press, 1995.

Sarahs Töchter: Roman. Berlin: Krug und Schadenberg, 1999

Moon Creek Road: Collected Stories. Denver, CO: Spinster Ink Books, 2003.

Beyond the Pale: A Novel. Vancouver, BC: Press Gang Publishers, 1997; London, UK: Onlywomen, 2000, 2009; Vancouver, BC: Raincoast Books, 2003.

Risk. Ann Arbor, MI: Bywater Books, 2009.

Dykewomon has had stories included in:

Warland, Betsy and Valerie Speidel. InVersions: Writing by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians. Vancouver, BC: Press Gang Publishers, 1991.

Nestle, Joan and Naomi Holoch. Women on Women 3: An Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction. New York, NY: Plume, 1996.

Rothblum, Esther D. and Sondra Solovay. Fat Studies Reader. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2009.

Oral Histories:

Excellent history on Dykewomon's work in Northampton in the 1970s:

Complete Bibliography

For reference: Elena Nachman changed her name to Elana Dykewomon following the publication of her first novel in 1974.
All works are listed by textual form in chronological order.

Dykewomon, Elana, et al. “Letters.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 1992, pp. 3–7.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Vilde Chaya and Civilization.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 1992, p. 20.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Census Taker Interviews the 20th Century.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 1992, pp. 15–19.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Law of Physics.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, Winter-Summer 1994, p. 62.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Writing Fiercely.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, Winter-Summer 1994, pp. 107–11.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Manifesto, a Genealogy, a Cause.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 5, no. 2, Winter 1995, pp. 114–22.
Dykewomon, Elana. “My Mother and the Wars.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, Fall 2002, pp. 48–54.
Dykewomon, Elana, and Jyl Lynn Felman. “Forward and Backward: Jewish Lesbian Writers.” Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 16, no. 1, Spring 2011, pp. 228–33,

Dykewomon, Elana. "The Mezzuzah Maker". Common Lives/Lesbian Lives, vol. 3, no. 2 (8), June 1983, pp. 93-99.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Staking Claims.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives, no. 17, Sept. 1985. pp. 56-66.

Dykewomon, Elana. “In Search of the Fabled Fat Woman.” Fat Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014, pp. 1–5.

Dykewomon, Elana. “1985 WIP Publishers Accords.” Feminist Bookstore News, vol. 8, no. 2/3, Sept. 1985, p. 19.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Moving it Along: Thoughts on Being Part of the Travels of Sinister Wisdom.” Feminist Bookstore News, vol. 12, no. 5, Jan/Feb 1990, pp. 17-18.

Dykewomon, Elana. “Rebecca’s Garden.” Harrington Lesbian Fiction Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 2, 2002, pp. 31–37.

Dykewomon, Elana. “Changing the World.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 5, no. 3, 2001, pp. 53–62.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Lesbian Quarters: On Building Space, Identity, Institutional Memory and Resources.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 9, no. 1-2, 2005, pp. 31–43.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Living “Anyway:” Stories of Access.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, 2014, pp. 21–30.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Caregiver and Her Friends.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 22, no. 1, 2018, pp. 94–101.

Dykewomon, Elana. "Who says we're extinct?" TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism, Issue 10, 2010.
Dykewomon, Elana. "Walking on the Moon." TRIVIA: Voices of Feminism, Issue 11, 2011.

Dykewomon, Elana, and Teya Schaffer. “Grief Observed.” The Women’s Review of Books, vol. 16, no. 10/11, July 1999, p. 36.
Enloe, Cynthia, et al. “If You Could Take It with You..” The Women’s Review of Books, vol. 17, no. 4, Mar. 2000, pp. 10–12.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Outsiders Who Welcome Us In.” The Women’s Review of Books, vol. 25, no. 4, July – Aug. 2008, pp. 31–32.

Dykewomon, Elana. “Travelling Fat.” Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression, edited by Lisa Schoenfielder and Barb Wieser, Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1983.
Dykewomon, Elana. "The Fourth Daughter's Four Hundred Questions.” Nice Jewish Girls: A Lesbian Anthology, edited by Evelyn Torton Beck, Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1989.
Dykewomon, Elana, et al. “40. Are We Ready to Throw Our Weight around? Fat Studies and Political Activism.” The Fat Studies Reader, 2020, pp. 334–40.

Nachman-Dykewomon, Elana. Riverfinger Women. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1974.
Dykewomon, Elana. Beyond the Pale. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
Dykewomon, Elana. Risk. Ann Arbor, MI: Bywater Books, 2012.

Dykewomon, Elana. Moon Creek Road. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink., 2003.

Dykewoman, Elana. They Will Know Me By My Teeth: Stories and Poems of Lesbian Struggle, Celebration, And Survival. Northampton, MA: Megaera Press, 1976.
Dykewomon, Elana. Fragments from Lesbos. Langlois, OR: Diaspora Distribution, 1981.
Dykewomon, Elana. Nothing Will Be As Sweet As The Taste: Selected Poems 1974–1994. London, UK: Onlywomen Press, 1995.
Dykewomon, Elana. What Can I Ask: New and Selected Poems 1975-2014. Berkeley, CA: Sinister Wisdom, 2015.

Dykewomon, Elana. "Manna from Heaven.” The Tribe of Dina: A Jewish Women's Anthology, edited by Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz and Irena Klepfisz, Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1989, p. 185.
Dykewomon, Elana. "My Grandmother's Plates." Speaking for Ourselves: Short Stories by Jewish Lesbians, edited by Irene Zahava, Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1990, pp. 77-81
Dykewomon, Elana. "Knaydie and the Librarian." Friday the Rabbi Wore Lace: Jewish Lesbian Erotica, edited by Karen X. Tulchinsky, Hoboken, NJ: Cleis Press, 1998.
Dykewomon, Elana. "Grace." Augenblicke, edited by Andrea Krug and Dagmar Schadenberg, Berlin, Germany: Verlag Krug and Schadenberg, 1999.
Dykewomon, Elana. "Dinoflagellates." Hot & Bothered 3: Short Short Fiction on Lesbian Desire, edited by Karen X. Tulchinsky, Vancouver, B.C: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2001.
Dykewomon, Elana. "The Body Politic: Meditations on Identity." This Bridge We Call Home: Radical Visions for Transformation, edited by Gloria Anzaldúa and Analouise Analouise, New York, NY: Routledge, 2002, pp. 450–457,
Dykewomon, Elana. "What Love Is." Best Lesbian Love Stories 2003, edited by Angela Brown, Angela, New York, NY: Alyson Press, 2003.
Dykewomon, Elana. "Seeking Welcome." Love, Castro Street: Reflections of San Francisco, edited by Katherine V. Forrest and Jim Van Buskirk, New York, NY: Alyson Press, 2007.

Dykewomon, Elana. "learning to breathe." Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression, edited by Lisa Schoenfielder and Barb Wieser, Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1983.
Dykewomon, Elana. "I had a dream..." and "Even My Eyes Became Mouths". Naming the Waves: Contemporary Lesbian Poetry, edited by Christian McEwen, Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1990
Dykewomon, Elana. "The Census Taker Interviews the 20th Century" and "The Vilde Chaya and Civilization." Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, Summer 1992.
Dykewomon, Elana. "New England Cemetery" and "diving, i kiss". Lesbian Culture: An Anthology, edited by Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe, Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.
Dykewomon, Elana. "A Law of Physics". Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal, 1994.
Dykewomon, Elana. "When to Answer". Zyzzyva, vol. 38, 1994.
Dykewomon, Elana. Various works in Not for the Academy: Lesbian Poets, edited by Lilian Mohin, London, UK: Onlywomen Press, 1999.
Dykewomon, Elana. "Butch resisting the pressure to change gender". Sojourner: The Women’s Forum, 2000.
Dykewomon, Elana. Foreword, "Yahrzeit," "Butch Breasts at Fifty," and "Should I Tell My Gynecologist”. What I Want From You: Voices of East Bay Lesbian Poets, edited by Linda Zeiser and Trena Machado, Pittsburgh, CA: Raw Art Press, 2006.
Dykewomon, Elana. "An Eastern/Western Country Song". Milk and Honey: A Celebration of Jewish Lesbian Poetry, edited by Julie R. Enszer, Dover, FL: A Midsummer Night's Press, 2011.
Dykewomon, Elana. "Pauline Newman at 92". Calyx. vol. 29, no. 1, 2016.

Dykewomon, Elana. “A Train Ride.” Sinister Wisdom 28, Winter 1985, pp. 100-103.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Story I Never Write.” Sinister Wisdom 36, Winter 1988/89, pp. 64-70.

Dykewomon, Elana. “Knowledge in the Biblical Sense .” Sinister Wisdom 31, Winter 1987, p. 42.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Carnal Knowledge .” Sinister Wisdom 31, Winter 1987, pp. 43-44.
Dykewomon, Elana. “From My Journal: The Night That Willow Died.” Sinister Wisdom 32, Summer 1987, pp. 52-54.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Real Fat Womon Poems.” Sinister Wisdom 33, Fall 1987, pp. 85-93.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Some Things Chava Meyer Says.” Sinister Wisdom 42, Winter 1990-1991, pp. 29.32.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Real Fat Womon Poems.” Sinister Wisdom 43/44, Summer 1991, pp. 245-253.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Oakland: February 1991, 1AM.” Sinister Wisdom 46, Spring 1992, pp. 37-38.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Simple Truths.” Sinister Wisdom 83, Summer 2011, pp. 11-14.
Dykewomon, Elana. “I Have Just Begun This.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 25.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Women in Black.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 26.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Assignment.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 27-28.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Pauline Newman at 92.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 29-32.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Butch Resisting the Pressue to Change Gender.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 33-35.
Dykewomon, Elana. “When to Answer.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 36-37.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Unravel, then.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 38-39.
Dykewomon, Elana. “California.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 40.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Dream Fish.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 41.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Now About Old Women – .” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 42.
Dykewomon, Elana. “If You Were My Home.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 45.
Dykewomon, Elana. “She Says She Is.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 46.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Lesbian’s Perspective.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 47-48.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Knowledge in the Biblical Sense.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 49-50.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Carnal Knowledge.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 51-52.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Census Taker Interviews the 20th Century.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 53-58.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Law of Physics.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 59.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Fifteen Minutes from the Kar Kare Klinic.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 60-61.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Desire, Jews, Casino.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 62-65.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Big Belly on the Road from Reno.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 66-71.
Dykewomon Elana. “Poem for My Unborn Niece.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 72.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Real Fat Womon Poems.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 73-82.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Only].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 83.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Some Notes on the Nature of the Bad Queen.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 84-86.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Fool for Love.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 87-88.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Oakland: February 1991, 1am.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 89-90.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Trying to Understand Rosebud.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 91-93.
Dykewomon, Elana. “American Wounds.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 94.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Woodpeckers.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 95-97.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Poem for the Protection of My Loved Ones.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 98.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Take Anything.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 99-100.
Dykewomon, Elana. “These Things.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 101.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Deliberate Slowing.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 102.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Thing We Long For.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 103.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Blood Letting.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 104-105.
Dykewomon, Elana. “My Mother’s Gifts.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 106.
Dykewomon, Elana. “My Mother Used to Have that Dream.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 107-108.
Dykewomon, Elana. “We Change Each Other.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 109.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Tell Me A Story.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 110-111.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Carrying the Ark.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp.112-113.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Alchemy.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 114.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Great Barrier Reef.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 115.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Even My Eyes Become Mouths.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 116.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Like Paradise.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 117.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Bowls – A Series.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 118-131.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Gift.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 118-120.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Glass.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 121-122.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Wood.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 123-126.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Pottery.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 127-128.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Metal.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 129.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Night & Sky.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 130-131.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Everyone].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 135.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Great Stars Sweep the Sky.]” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 136.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Amy].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 136.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[You Don’t Ask But I].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 137.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Highway 99. Every time].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 137.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Before You Are Gone].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 138.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[She Walks at Sunset Along the Shore].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 139.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Give Me a Wide Sky].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 139.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Let the Softness Enter You Woman].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 139.
Dykewomon, Elana. “In Praise of Lust.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 140.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[The Truth Is].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 141.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Witch Moon].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 142-143.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[The Moon Cups Her Hand to Hold].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 143.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[Small Apple Leaf that Winces & Grins].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 143.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[With her Drunkest Eyes She Would Like to See].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 144.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Rose the Dyke.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 145.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[do you come from this country?].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 146.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[her arm dangles along the shelf of my sleep]” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 147.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[outside of flagstaff, arizona, at dawn:].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 147.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[moon stalking].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 147.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[what does she want?].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 148.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[i’ll put it].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 149.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[on our love bed i imagine].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 149.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[but].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 149.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[near troutdale i should have].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 149.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[come to me when the moon is waxing].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 150-151.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[the mountain field opens…].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 152.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[twenty miles from Mesa Verde].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 153.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[what’s best].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 153.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[i light the candle of drunkness].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 153.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[thick against the screen].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 154.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[some one].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 154.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[this is my vagina’s song].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 155.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[sea underwind has].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 156.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Linda at Eight.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 156.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[flight of ravens].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 157.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[diving, I kiss and/kiss and/ kiss].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 158.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[I brush the windchimes with my shoulders].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 158.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Whale Poem 2: For She Who Still Thrives.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 159.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[my love is amber].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 160.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[my love is copper].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 161.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[my love is rose].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 161.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[the flesh is a sweet river].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 162-163.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[if I put my hand on your belly and my cheek].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 164.
Dykewomon, Elana. “[with its howls, its seas, its].” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 164.
Dykewomon, Elana. “In the Jewelry Room of the Egyptian Collection.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 167-168.
Dykewomon, Elana. “What Can I Ask.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 169-171.
Dykewomon, Elana. “New England Cemetary .” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, p. 172.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Naming the Lesbian History Archives Again and Again .” Sinister Wisdom 118, Fall 2020, pp. 107-108.
Dykewomon, Elana. “It’s All Herstory Now… .” Sinister Wisdom 118, Fall 2020, pp. 109-111.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Yiddish.” Sinister Wisdom 119, Winter 2021, p. 83.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Sweet Peas.” Sinister Wisdom 130, Fall 2023, p. 278.
Dykewomon, Elana. “In the Grave.” Sinister Wisdom 130, Fall 2023, p. 279.

Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes on the Themes.” Sinister Wisdom 33, Fall 1987, pp. 8-9.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine: A Dyke Geography.” Sinister Wisdom 33, Winter 1987, pp. 3-7.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Making a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 34, Spring 1988, pp. 4-5.
Dykewomon, Elana and Linda Shear. “Lesbian Visions, Fantasy, Science Fiction.” Sinister Wisdom 34, Spring 1988, pp. 3-4.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine – On Passing.” Sinister Wisdom 35, Summer/Fall 1988, pp. 3-6.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine: Surviving Psychiatric.” Sinister Wisdom 36, Winter 1988/89, pp. 3-8.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Mazagine.” Sinister Wisdom 37, Spring 1989, pp. 3-5.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes on the Themes.” Sinister Wisdom 37, Spring 1989, pp. 5-6.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine: Did you say love?” Sinister Wisdom 38, Summer/Fall 1989, pp. 3-6.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 39, Winter 1989/90, pp. 3-8.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 40, Spring 1990, pp. 4-9.
Dykewomon, Elana, et al. “Sinister Wisdom Friendship Discussion 12/5/89.” Sinister Wisdom 40, Spring 1990, pp. 17-35.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 42, Winter 1990-1991, pp. 3-6.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 43/44, 1991, pp. 5-6.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 48, Winter 1992/93, pp. 3-5.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine: Our Bodies are the Flags.” Sinister Wisdom 49, Spring 1993, pp. 4-9.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 51, Winter 1993, pp. 3-5.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom 52, Spring/ Summer 1994, pp. 3-4.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine: Religion.” Sinister Wisdom 54, Winter 1994, pp. 3-9.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine: Goodbye.” Sinister Wisdom 54, Winter 1994, pp. 124-126.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Dedication: Gloria Anzaldúa.” Sinister Wisdom 62, Summer 2004, p. 1.
Dykewomon, Elana. “A Dream of Uncommin Legacies.” Sinister Wisdom 87, Fall 2012, pp. 27-33.
Dykewomon, Elana and Judith Katz. “Additional Note for a Special Issue in a Special Time.” Sinister Wisdom 119, Winter 2021, p. 9.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Special Issue.” Sinister Wisdom 119, Winter 2021, pp. 12-14.
Dykewomon, Elana and Dolphin Waletzky. “Snapshot Lesbian Love Celebration.” Sinister Wisdom 130, Fall 2023, pp. 271-274.

Essay/ Academia:
Dykewomon, Elana. “Manna from Heaven.” Sinister Wisdom 29/30, Spring 1986, pp. 171.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Lesbian Theory and Social Organisation: The Knots of Process.” Sinister Wisdom 37, Spring 1989, pp. 29-34.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Women in Black – International Jerusalem Conference 2005.” Sinister Wisdom 66, Winter 2005, pp. 91-96.
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Ex-Patriot and Her Name.” Sinister Wisdom 96, Spring 2015, pp. 175-183.

Advertisement/ Publishing:
Dykewomon, Elana. “Notes for a Magazine – Sinister Wisdom: Institution or radical zine?” Sinister Wisdom 46, Spring 1992, pp. 3-6.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Riverfinger Womon.” Sinister Wisdom 47, Summer/Fall 1992, p.157.
Dykewomon, Elana. “Riverfinger Womon.” Sinister Wisdom 48, Winter 1992/93, p. 139.

Novel Excerpt:
Dykewomon, Elana. “The Words for It.” Sinister Wisdom 50, Summer/Fall 1993, pp. 46-55.

Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci

Fukaya, Michiyo Cornell

Edited by Gwendolyn L. Shervington. A Fire Is Burning, It Is in Me: The Life and Writings of Michiyo Fukaya. Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1996.

Lesbian Lyrics. Self-published 22 page chapbook, 1981.

Leah Chen Weinstein's thesis, "Songs of Resistance: Transformations of Trauma in the writing of Michiyo Fukaya", on the poetry of Michiyo Fukaya is available here:

Anna M. Moncada Storti, "'So, I turn inside': Overcome by the Unbearable, Seeing Myself in Michiyo Fukaya," Feminist Studies vol 48, no 1 (2022):
pp. 260-269.

Gibbs, Joan

Between a Rock and a Hard Place. [Brooklyn, N.Y.?] : February 3rd Press, 1979.

Gomillion, E. Sharon

Forty Acres and a Mule. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1973.

Gould, Janice


Seed. Sequim, WA: Headmistress Press, 2019.
The Force of Gratitude. Sequim, WA: Headmistress Press, 2017.
Doubters and Dreamers. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2011.
Earthquake Weather: Poems. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1996.
Alphabet. Vashon Island, WA: May Day Press, 1996.
Beneath My Heart: Poetry. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1990.

Edited Collections

A Generous Spirit: Selected Work by Beth Brant. Dover, FL. USA: Sinister Wisdom; Toronto, Canada: Inanna Publications, 2019.

Essays on Contemporary Indigenous Poetry. With Dean Rader. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2003.


"American Indian Women's Poetry: Strategies of Rage and Hope" in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Vol. 20, No. 4 (Summer, 1995): 797-817.

“Disobedience (in language) in texts by lesbian Native Americans.” In Ariel 25, no. 1 (1994): 32-44.

“Lesbian landscape.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 20, no. 3-4 (2016). 342-351.

“A Maidu in the City of Gold: Some Thoughts on Censorship and American Indian Poetry.” In The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women, edited by Connie Fife. Toronto: Sister Vision, 1993.

“Postcolonial, Emergent, and Indigent Feminism.” Signs 20, no. 4 (1995).

“The Problem of Being ‘Indian’: One Mixed-Blood’s Dilemma.” In De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women's Autobiography, edited by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.

"Singing, Speaking, and Seeing a World." In Placing the Academy: Essays on Landscape, Work, and Identity, edited by Sinor Jennifer and Kaufman Rona, 254-68. University Press of Colorado, 2007. doi:10.2307/j.ctt4cgq72.20.

"Speaking a World into Existence." The Women's Review of Books 9, no. 10/11 (1992): 12. doi:10.2307/4021318.

“Telling Stories to the Seventh Generation: Resisting the Assimilationist Narrative of Stiya.” In Reading Native American Women: Critical/Creative Representations, edited by Inés Hernández-Avila, 9-20. Lanham, MD: Altamira Press, 2005.

"The Warrior Spirit." The Women's Review of Books 30, no. 4 (2013): 21-22. (Review of Joy Harjo’s Crazy Brave: A Memoir)

Thesis & Dissertation

“Between Two Realms: Problems of Return in American Indian Women’s Literature.” MA thesis. University of California, Berkeley, 1987.

“’I Give You Back’: Memory, Language, and Transformation in Joy Harjo’s Poetry.” PhD diss. University of New Mexico, 2000.

Selected Poems

"I Learn a Simple Lesson About Our Society." Callaloo 17, no. 1 (1994): 105-07. doi:10.2307/2932067.

"Nightfall." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 12, no. 3 (1992): 151. doi:10.2307/3346646.

"Outside Language." American Poetry Review 22, no. 4 (1993): 34.

"Prayer." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 23, no. 2 (2002): 62-63.

"Spring." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 23, no. 2 (2002): 63-64.

"What Happened to My Anger?" Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 12, no. 3 (1992). 152-53. doi:10.2307/3346647.

"Your Fury." Prairie Schooner 72, no. 4 (1998): 125-26.

(Additional poetry available here:


The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers, edited by Lisa Maria Hogeland and Mary Klages. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2004.

Bearing Witness / Sobreviviendo: An Anthology of Native American / Latina Art and Literature, edited by Jo Cochran. Corvallis, OR: Calyx, 1984.

A Desire for Women: Relational Psychoanalysis, Writing, and Relationships between Women, edited by Suzanne Juhasz. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2003.

The Dirt Is Red Here: Art and Poetry from Native California, edited by Margaret Denise Dubin. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books, 2002.

A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women, edited by Beth Brant. Ithaca: Firebrand Books, 1988.

Contemporary Lesbian Writers of the United States: A Bio-bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Sandra Pollack and Denise D. Knight. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993.

Critical Visions: Contemporary North American Native Writing, edited by Jeanne Martha Perreault and Joseph Bruchac. Calgary: University of Alberta, 1994.

His Hands, His Tools, His Sex, His Dress: Lesbian Writers on Their Fathers, edited by Catherine Reid and Holly Iglesias. New York: Alice Street Editions, 2001.

vAn Intimate Wilderness: Lesbian Writers on Sexuality, edited by Judith Barrington. Portland: Eighth Mountain Press, 1991.

Lesbian Culture: An Anthology, edited by Julia Penelope and Susan J. Wolfe. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.

Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology, edited by Will Roscoe and Gay American Indians. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1988.

Making Face, Making Soul = Haciendo Caras : Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color, edited by Gloria Anzaldúa. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation Books, 1990.

Naming the Waves: Contemporary Lesbian Poetry, edited by Christian McEwen. Freedom, Calif: Crossing Press, 1989.

Native Voices: Indigenous American Poetry, Craft, and Conversations, edited by CMarie Fuhrman and Dean Rader. North Adams: Tupelo Press, 2019.

Poetry for the Earth, edited by Sara Dunn and Alan Scholefield. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1992.

Red Indian Road West: Native American Poetry from California, edited by Luke Warm Water and Lucille Day. Oakland: Scarlet Tanager Books, 2016.

Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writing of North America, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1998.

Returning the Gift: Poetry and Prose from the First North American Native Writers' Festival, edited by Joseph Bruchac and the Association for Study of American Indian Literatures (U.S.). Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1994.

Shout Out: Women of Color Respond to Violence, edited by María Ochoa and Barbara K. Ige. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press, 2007.

Sing, Whisper, Shout, Pray!: Feminist Visions for a Just World, edited by M. Jacqui Alexander. Fort Bragg, CA: Edgework books, 2003.

The Sound of Rattles and Clappers: A Collection of New California Indian Writing, edited by Greg Sarris. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1994.

Sovereign Erotics: A Collection of Two-Spirit Literature, edited by Qwo-Li Driskill, Daniel Health Justice, Deborah A. Miranda, and Lisa Tatonetti. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2011.

Through the Eye of the Deer: An Anthology of Native American Women Writers, edited by Carolyn Dunn Anderson and Carol Comfort. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.

Unsettling America: An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry, edited by Maria M. Gillan and Jennifer Gillan. New York: Penguin Books, 1994.

Scholarly Work about Gould's Poetry

Brant, Beth. "Giveaway: Native Lesbian Writers." Signs 18, no. 4 (1993). 944-47.

Tatonetti, Lisa. "The Emergence and Importance of Queer American Indian Literatures; Or, "Help and Stories" in Thirty Years of SAIL." Studies in American Indian Literatures, Series 2, 19, no. 4 (2007): 143-70.

Tatonetti, Lisa. "Indigenous Assemblage and Queer Diasporas in the Work of Janice Gould." In The Queerness of Native American Literature, 144-73. University of Minnesota Press, 2014.

Bibliography compiled by Amy Hong

Graham, Carole

Chameleon: Poems. San Francisco, CA: Hot Water Press, 1976.

Book Turf. San Francisco, CA: Hot Water Press, 1977.

Grahn, Judy

Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1984 (reprint 1990).

Another Mother Tongue: Gay Words, Gay Worlds. New York, NY: Quality Paperback Book Club, Bookspan, 2000.

Blood, Bread, and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1993.

The Bowl Speech. San Francisco, CA: Interval Press, 1975.

The Common Woman. Oakland, CA: Womens Press Collective, 1973, 1980.

Descent to the Butch of the Realm. Oakland, CA: Inanna Institute, 1970s (?).*

Descent to the Roses of the Family. Iowa City, IA: Common Lives/Lesbian Lives, 1986.*

Edward the Dyke and Other Poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1971.

Elephant Poem Coloring Book. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972.

The Highest Apple: Sappho and the Lesbian Poetic Tradition. San Francisco, CA: Spinsters, Ink, 1985.

The Inheritance. St. Paul, MN: printed at the Toothpaste Press for Bookslinger, 1981.*

The Judy Grahn Reader. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books, 2009

Love Belongs to Those Who Do the Feeling: New & Selected Poems (1966-2006). Los Angeles, CA: Red Hill Press, 2008.

Really Reading Gertrude Stein: A Selected Anthology with Essays by Judy Grahn. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1989.

Mundane's World: A Novel. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1988.

The Queen of Swords (Poems). Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1987.

The Queen of Swords. Oakland, CA : Judy Says, 1994.

The Queen of Wands: Poetry. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1982.

Sacred Blood. Unknown, 1981.*

She Who: A Graphic Book of Poems. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1977.

Spider Webster's Declaration: He is Singing the End of the World Again. San Francisco, CA: Interval Press, 1983.*

A Woman is Talking to Death: Poem. Illustrations by Karen Sjöholm. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1977.

The Work of a Common Woman: The Collected Poetry of Judy Grahn, 1964-1977, with an introduction by Adrienne Rich. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

The Work of a Common Woman: The Collected Poetry of Judy Grahn, 1964-1977. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1978

The Work of a Common Woman: The Collected Poetry of Judy Grahn, 1964-1977. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980.

The Work of a Common Woman. London: Onlywomen, 1985.

True to life adventure stories. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

True to life adventure stories. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1983.

Online Journal

Metaformia: A Journal of Menstruation and Culture.

Sound Recordings

History of Lavender. Los Angeles, CA: Pacifica Radio Archive, 1983.

Judy Grahn, 4-13-83. San Francisco, CA: American Poetry Archive at the Poetry Center San Francisco State University, 1983.

Judy Grahn Poetry Reading, Nov. 20, 1985. Michael Davidson, 1985. Cassette Tape.

Judy Grahn 10.2.1974 Reading. San Francisco, CA : Poetry Center & American Poetry Archives, 1974. Cassette Tape.

Lesbian Concentrate. Oakland, CA: Olivia Records, 1977. LP recording.

Where Would I Be Without You: The Poetry of Pat Parker and Judy Grahn. Los Angeles, CA: Olivia Records, 1976.

A Woman is Talking to Death & Other Poems. Washington, DC: Watershed Foundation, 1990. Cassette tape.

The Women Weavers with Judy Grahn Ntozake Shange, and others. Tarabu Betserai, executive producer Tarabu Betserai. North Hollywood, CA: Pacifica Radio Archives, 1989.


Gloria Anzalduá and Judy Grahn. San Francisco, CA: American Poetry Archives, San Francisco State University, 1988.

Last call at Maud's. Paris Poirier, Director. New York, NY: Water Bearer Films, 1993. DVD, 77 minutes.

Women Working in Literature. Kathleen Fraser, Director. San Francisco, CA : Poetry Center/American Poetry Archives, 1991. VHS.


This bibliography was challenging to construct because Grahn is one of the most widely circulated lesbian-feminist poets during the 1970s and 1980s. I have omitted a complete bibliography of publications of individual poems. There are particular citations of which information is incomplete or confusing in library database and I have not examined the source. These citations are followed by an asterisk (*). I welcome feedback to correct, clarify and expand this entry.


Healy, Eloise Klein

Compiled December 2007
By Julie R. Enszer

Primary Works

Building Some Changes. Venice, CA: NewBooks published by Beyond Baroque Foundation, 1976.

A Packet Beating Like a Heart. Los Angeles, CA: Books of a Feather Press, 1981.

Ordinary Wisdom. Los Angeles, CA: Paradise Press, 1981; reissued, Los Angeles, CA: Red Hen Press, 2005.

Artemis In Echo Park. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1991.

Women’s Studies Chronicles. 1998.

Passing. Los Angeles, CA: Red Hen Press, 2002.

The Islands Project: Poems for Sappho. Los Angeles, CA: Red Hen Press, 2007.

A Wild Surmise: New & Selected Poems & Recordings. Los Angeles, CA: Red Hen Press, 2013.


The World In Us: Lesbian and Gay Poetry of the Next Wave; The Geography Of Home: California’s Poetry of Place; Intimate Nature: The Bond Between Women and Animals; Grand Passion: Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond; California Poetry: From The Gold Rush to the Present; and Another City: Writing From Los Angeles.

Secondary Works

Boutilier, Nancy. Review of Passing. New York, NY: Lambda Book Report, Feb/Mar2003.

Enszer, Julie R. Review of The Islands Project. New York, NY: Lambda Book Report, Spring 2007, volume 15, issue 1.

Gioia, Dana, Chryss Yost, & Jack Hicks, editors. California Poetry: From the Gold Rush to the Present. Berkeley, CA: Heyday Books, 2003, p. 242.

Iknadossian, Armine. "Lesbian Legacy: Eloise Klein Healy’s Quest for Sappho." Media Cake eMagazine, issue 2, Summer 2007,, accessed December 26, 2007.

Kort, Michele. “Words, Writers, Women” in From Site to Vision: The Woman’s Building in Contemporary Culture, edited by Sondra Hale and Terry Wolverton. ebook,, accessed December 26, 2007.

Sexton, Elaine. Interview with Eloise Klein Healy. New York, NY: Lambda Book Report, Spring 2007, volume 15, issue 1.

Hopkins, Lea

I'm Not Crazy, Just Different. Unknown publication details, 1977 (?).
Womyn I have known you. Unknown publication details, 1978 (?).

Kim, Willyce

Kim, Willyce. Curtains of Light: Poems. Oakland, CA: W. Kim, 1971.

Kim, Willyce. Dancer Dawkins and the California Kid. Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, 1985.

Kim, Willyce. Dead Heat. Boston, MA: Alyson Publications, 1988.

Kim, Willyce. Eating Artichokes. Oakland, CA: Woman's Press Collective, 1972.

Kim, Willyce. Under the rolling sky. [Oakland, CA?]: Maud Gonne Press, 1976.


Klepfisz, Irena

PDF icon Irena Klepfisz in LUX Magazine.pdf5.3 MB

Lapidus, Jacqueline

The Marked Men (with Aris Fakinos and Eléni N. Kazantzáki). New York, NY: Liveright, 1971.

Ready to Survive. Brooklyn, NY: Hanging Loose Press, 1975.

Starting Over: Poetry. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.

Ultimate Conspiracy: Poems. Provincetown, MA: Lynx Publications, 1987.

Yantras of Womanlove (with Tee Corinne and Margaret Sloan-Hunter.) Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1982.

Learn more about Jacqueline Lapudis at her website:

Larkin, Joan

Larkin, Joan. Legs Tipped with Small Claws. Argos Books, 2012.

Larkin, Joan. My Body: New and Selected Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Hanging Loose Press, 2007.

Larkin, Joan. A Garden. [A Broadside.] New York, NY: Center for Book Arts, 2005.

Larkin, Joan. Boston Piano: For George Moffitt, 1907-1964. Brooklyn, NY: Belladonna Books, 2003.

Larkin, Joan, ed. A Woman Like That. New York: HarperCollins World, 2001.

Larkin, Joan. A Woman Like That: Lesbian and Bisexual Writers Tell Their Coming Out Stories. New York, NY: Avon Books, 1999.

Larkin, Joan. If You Want What We Have: Sponsorship Meditations. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1998.

Larkin, Joan. Glad Day: Daily meditations for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender People. Center City, MN: Hazelden, 1998.

Larkin, Joan. Cold River: Poems. New York : Painted Leaf Press, 1997.

Larkin, Joan and Carl Morse, eds. Gay and Lesbian Poetry In Our Time. New York: St Martin's Press, 1988.

Larkin, Joan. A Long Sound: A Book of Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1986.

Larkin, Joan. The Women Writers Calendar: 1983. Trumansberg, NY: The Crossing Press, 1982.

Larkin, Joan and Elly Bulkin, eds. Lesbian Poetry. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Larkin, Joan. Housework: Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.

Larkin, Joan and Elly Bulkin, eds. Amazon Poetry: An Anthology. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.

Lerman, Eleanor

Armed Love. Middletown, CT, Wesleyan University Press 1973.

The Blonde on the Train: Stories. Bay City, MI : Mayapple Press, 2009.

Come the Sweet By and By: Poems. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 1975.

The Mystery of Meteors: Poems. Louisville, KY: Sarabande Books, 2001.

Our Post-Soviet History Unfolds. Louisville, KY: Sarabande Books, 2005.

The Sensual World Re-emerges. Louisville, KY: Sarabande Books, 2010.

Lonidier, Lynn

Po tree & illustrations. Berkeley: Berkeley Free Press, 1967.

The Female Freeway. San Francisco: Tenth Muse/A Maelstrom Production, 1970.

A Jellyfish Swim. San Francisco, CA: Tenth Muse, 1972. (Broadside)

A Lesbian Estate: Poems, 1970-1973. South San Francisco, CA: Manroot, 1977.

For Sale: Girl Poet Cheap. South San Francisco, CA: ManRoot, 1977. (Broadside)

Woman Explorer. Philadelphia, PA: Painted Bride Quarterly, 1979.

Christmas Kitty in Bilingualand, or, What I Did This Year, 1986. (Broadside)

Clitoris Lost: A Woman's Version of the Creation Myth: a take-off on John Milton's ordering of a heaven, earth, and hell. Boyes Hot Spring, CA: Manroot Press, 1989.

The Rhyme of the Ag-ed Mariness: Last Poems. Barrytown, NY: Barrytown, Ltd. 2000.

The papers of Lynn Lonidier are housed at the San Francisco Public Library. The catalogue entry for these papers is:|Rb2109438|Slonidier|Orightresult|X5?lang=eng&suite=def
The finding aid contains a biographical sketch of Lonidier.

Read Patrick Dunagan's article about Lynn Lonidier:

Lorde, Audre

The First Cities. New York, NY: Poets Press, 1968.

Cables to Rage. London, UK: Paul Breman, 1970.

From a Land Where Other People Live. Detroit, MI: Broadside Press, 1973.

New York Head Shop and Museum. Detroit, MI: Broadside Press, 1975.

Coal. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1976.

Between Our Selves. Point Reyes, CA: Eidolon Editions, 1976.

Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978.

The Black Unicorn: Poems. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1978.

The Black Unicorn: Poems. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1995, 1978.

The Cancer Journals. Argyle, NY: Spinsters, Ink, 1980.

Zami, a new spelling of my name. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.

Zami, a new spelling of my name. Trumansburg, NY: Crossing Press, 1982.

Zami: A New Spelling of My Name. London, UK: Pandora, 1996, 1982.

Chosen Poems, Old and New. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1982.

Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Trumansburg, NY : Crossing Press, 1984.

Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches. Berkeley, CA: Crossing Press, 2007.

I Am Your Sister: Black women organizing across sexualities. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1985.

Our Dead Behind Us: Poems. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, 1986.

Apartheid U.S.A./Freedom Organizing in the Eighties. With Merle Woo. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986

A Burst of Light: Essays. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1988.

Need: A Chorale for Black Woman Voices. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, 1990.

Undersong: Chosen Poems, Old and New. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1992.

The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance: Poems 1987-1992. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1993.

Zami; Sister outsider; Undersong. New York, NY: Quality Paperback Book Club, 1993.

The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde. New York, NY: W. W. Norton, 1997.

The Cancer Journals. San Francisco, CA: Aunt Lute Books, 1997.

I Am Your Sister: Collected and Unpublished Writings of Audre Lorde. Byrd, Rudolph P, Johnnetta B. Cole, and others. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009.

Parker, Pat 1944-1989

Movement in Black: the collected poetry of Pat Parker, 1961-1978. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1999.

Jonestown & other madness: poetry. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1985.

Movement in Black : the collected poetry of Pat Parker.[Foreword by Audre Lorde; introduction by Judy Grahn; graphics by Wendy Cadden, Irmajean, Karen Sjoholm.] Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

Womanslaughter. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

Pit stop. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1973, 1975.

Child of myself. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972, 1974.

Videos/Recorded Readings

Recording of Pat & Audre reading from the 1980s

“Pat Parker and Audre Lorde: February 7, 1986.” APA, 1986. Poetry Center Digital Archive,

Tribute to Parker from the tribute at the Women’s Building

Work about Pat Parker

Ali, Kazim. “The Killer Will Remain Free: On Pat Parker and the Poetics of Madness.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 379–383. doi:10.1080/10894160.2015.1028281.
Allen, Jafari S. There's a Disco Ball Between Us: A Theory of Black Gay Life. Durham: Duke University Press, 2022.
Annas, Pamela. “A Poetry of Survival: Unnaming and Renaming in the Poetry of Audre Lorde, Pat Parker, Sylvia Plath, and Adrienne Rich.” Colby Library Quarterly, vol. 18, no. 1, Mar. 1982, pp. 9–25.
Avilez, GerShun. Black Queer Freedom: Spaces of Injury and Paths of Desire. University of Illinois Press, 2020.
Brimstone, Lyndie. “Pat Parker: A Tribute.” Feminist Review, vol. 34, no. 1, 1990, pp. 4–7., doi:10.1057/fr.1990.2.
Clarke, Cheryl, and Julie R. Enszer. “Introduction: ‘Where Would I Be Without You.’” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 275–289., doi:10.1080/10894160.2015.1028238.
Davies, Jeffrey. "Who Was Pat Parker?" Book Riot, 2023.
Green, David B. “‘Anything That Gets Me in My Heart’: Pat Parker's Poetry of Justice.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 317–335., doi:10.1080/10894160.2015.1026705.
Kim, Eunsong. “Unbinding Poetic Lives” in American Poets: The Journal of the Academy of American Poets, vol 65 (Fall-Winter 2023), 33-37.
Marcus, Sara. "Senses of Solidarity: Voice, Vision, and Feminism in Crisis" in Political Disappointment: A Cultural History from Reconstruction to the AIDS Crisis. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2023.
Smith, Barbara. “Naming the Unnameable: The Poetry of Pat Parker.” Conditions: Three vol. 1, Spring 1978, pp. 99-103.
Spira, Tamara Lea. “I Give You a World Incomplete”: Pat Parker’s Revolution and the Unfinished Legacy of 1970s Feminist Radicalisms. Feminist Studies, v. 48, no. 1 (2022), 60-80.
Van Ausdall, Mimi Iimuro. “‘The Day All of the Different Parts of Me Can Come Along’: Intersectionality and U.S. Third World Feminism in the Poetry of Pat Parker and Willyce Kim.” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 336–356., doi:10.1080/10894160.2015.1026708.
Washburn, Amy. “Unpacking Pat Parker: Intersections and Revolutions in ‘Movement in Black.’” Journal of Lesbian Studies, vol. 19, no. 3, 2015, pp. 305–316., doi:10.1080/10894160.2015.1026704.
“‘I Have a Dream Too’: Pat Parker.” Identity Poetics: Race, Class, and the Lesbian-Feminist Roots of Queer Theory, by Linda Garber, Columbia University Press, 2001, pp. 63–96.

PDF icon Eunsong Kim on Kim and Parker.pdf10.3 MB

Pratt, Minnie Bruce

Work by Minnie Bruce Pratt

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. The Sound of One Fork. Chapel Hill, NC: Night Heron Press, 1981.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. We Say We Love Each Other. Spinster Ink/Aunt Lute Books, 1985.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. We Say We Love Each Other. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1992.

Bulkin, Elly, Minnie Bruce Pratt and Barbara Smith. Yours In Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives On Anti-Semitism and Racism. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1984.

Bulkin, Elly, Minnie Bruce Pratt and Barbara Smith. Yours In Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives On Anti-Semitism and Racism. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1988.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Crimes Against Nature. Firebrand Books, 1989.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Rebellion: Essays 1980-1991. Firebrand Books, 1992.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. S/He. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1995.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. S/He. Los Angeles, CA: Alyson Books, 2008.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Walking Back Up Depot Street. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. The Dirt She Ate: Selected and New Poems. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. “Rose Gladney Lecture: When I Say ‘Steal,’ Who Do You Think Of?” Southern Spaces, July 21, 2004.

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, Robin L. Riley, and Minnie Bruce Pratt, eds. Feminism and War: Confronting US Imperialism. London ; New York: Zed Books, 2008.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Inside the Money Machine. Durham, NC: Carolina Wren Press, 2011.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. “The Queer South: Where the Past Is Not Past, and the Future Is Now.” Scalawag, January 27, 2020.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Magnified. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2021.


A Conversation with Activist and Writer Minnie Bruce Pratt, 2021.

Belladonna* Lesbian All Stars Celebrates Minnie Bruce Pratt, 2021.

Celebrating Minnie Bruce Pratt’s New Poetry Collection Magnified, 2021.

Crooke, Jerald. “A Triumph: Dr. Minnie-Bruce Pratt.” Higher Ground Society. Accessed July 28, 2023.

Growing Solidarity - Minnie Bruce Pratt, 2018.

Harris, Laura, and Elizabeth Crocker, eds. “Pronouns, Politics, and Femme Practice: An Interview With Minnie Bruce Pratt.” In Femme: Feminists, Lesbians, and Bad Girls, 190–97. New York: Routledge, 1997.

Hunt, V. “An Interview with Minnie Bruce Pratt.” Southern Quarterly 35, no. 3 (Spring, 1997): 97.

Minnie Bruce Pratt, 2016.

Mohanty, Chandra Talpade, and Linda Carty, eds. “Minnie Bruce Pratt - Being in Motion: Building Movements across Generations.” In Feminist Freedom Warriors: Genealogies, Justice, Politics, and Hope, 73–84. Chicago, Illinois: Haymarket Books, 2018.

Navickas, Kate. The limitations of Liberation in the Classroom: Lessons from Minnie Bruce Pratt. Pedagogy: critical approaches to teaching literature, language, culture, and composition (January 2020) Volume 20, Issue 1, p. 49-58.

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. Minnie Bruce Pratt. Interview by Kelly Anderson, March 16-17, 2005. Voices of Feminism Oral History Project, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College.

Reading Minnie Bruce Pratt at Online Conference “30 Years of Stone Butch Blues – Memories and Visions,” 2023.

Work About Minnie Bruce Pratt

Brightwell, Laura, and Allison Taylor. “Why Femme Stories Matter: Constructing Femme Theory through Historical Femme Life Writing.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 25, no. 1 (January 2, 2021): 18–35.

Cantrell, Jaime. “Subscribe to Feminary! Producing Community, Region, and Archive.” In Out of the Closet, Into the Archives: Researching Sexual Histories, edited by Amy L. Stone and Jaime Cantrell, 311–55. SUNY Series in Queer Politics and Cultures. Albany: SUNY Press, 2015.

Carty, Linda, and Chandra Talpade Mohanty. “Mapping Transnational Feminist Engagements: Neoliberalism and the Politics of Solidarity.” In The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements, edited by Rawwida Baksh and Wendy Harcourt, 82–115. Oxford University Press, 2015.

Eagleton, Mary. “Working Across Difference: Examples from Minnie Bruce Pratt and June Jordan.” In Caught Between Cultures: Women, Writing & Subjectivities, edited by Elizabeth Russell, 129–50. Cross/Cultures 52. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2002.

Enszer, Julie R. “Feverishly Lesbian-Feminist: Archival Objects and Queer Desires.” In Out of the Closet, Into the Archives: Researching Sexual Histories, edited by Amy L. Stone and Jaime Cantrell, 149–71. SUNY Series in Queer Politics and Cultures. Albany: SUNY Press, 2015.

Enszer, Julie R. “Night Heron Press and Lesbian Print Culture in North Carolina, 1976–1983.” Southern Cultures 21, no. 2 (2015): 43–56.

Farley, Tucker Pamela. “‘the Dirt She Ate’: Minnie Bruce Pratt ‘Acting Contrary Somehow’.” The Lesbian Review of Books 8, no. 1 (Oct 31, 2001): 3. (Review of Walking Back Up Depot Street).

Graff, E. J. “Struggling with Gender.” The Women’s Review of Books 12, no. 10/11 (July 1995): 25. (Review of S/HE).

Greenslit, Sara. “Girl’s Guide to Blurred Gender Lines.” The Lesbian Review of Books 2, no. 1 (October 31, 1995): 25. (Review of S/HE).

Harker, Jaime. The Lesbian South: Southern Feminists, the Women in Print Movement, and the Queer Literary Canon. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2018.

Innes, Charlotte. “Questioning Out Loud: A Book about Pain, Poetry, Possibility -- and a Peach.” Lambda Book Report, 01, (1992): 19. (Review of Rebellion).

Kawada, Louise. “Minnie Bruce Pratt.” Contemporary Lesbian Writers of the United States: A BioBibliographical Critical Sourcebook. 420-426. Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1993.

Mixon, Amanda. “‘Not in My Name’: The Anti-Racist Praxis of Mab Segrest & Minnie Bruce Pratt.” Journal of Lesbian Studies 24, no. 3 (2020): 199–213.

Peckham, Joel. “Reconstructing Self, Sex, and the South: Minnie Bruce Pratt’s ‘Walking Back Up Depot Street.’” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 55, no. 2 (2013): 207–33.

Visser, Serena, Jaisie Walker, and Suzanne Lenon. “Notes in the Margins: A Conversation about Minnie Bruce Pratt’s ‘Identity: Skin, Blood, Heart.’” Feminist Formations 32, no. 1 (2020): 227–37.


Doolan, Khirsten. “The Blood of the Covenant: A Queer Southern Literary Genealogy.” Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2021.

Kranz, Tova E. “Body, Land, and Memory: Counter-Narratives in the Poetry of Minnie Bruce Pratt, Brenda Marie Osbey, and Natasha Trethewey.” M.A., University of Louisiana at Lafayette, 2017.

Mixon, Amanda Jean. “Twentieth-Century White Southern Lesbian Writers & Anti-Racist Praxis.” UC Irvine, 2021.


The Minnie Bruce Pratt Papers are housed at David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University. More information including a finding aid is available here:

A copy of her writings for Workers World is available here:

Her page at The Lesbian Poetry Archive is available here:

Her page at The Poetry Foundation is available here:

Compiled by Julie R. Enszer and Taylor Marie Doherty

Rich, Adrienne


A Change of World, with foreword by W.H. Auden, Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 1951.
Poems, Oxford University Poetry Society (New York, NY), 1952.
The Diamond Cutters and Other Poems, Harper (New York, NY), 1955.
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law: Poems, 1954-1962, Harper (New York, NY), 1963, revised edition, Norton (New York, NY), 1967.
Necessities of Life, Norton (New York, NY), 1966.
Selected Poems, Chatto & Windus (London, England), 1967.
Leaflets: Poems, 1965-1968, Norton (New York, NY), 1969.
The Will to Change: Poems, 1968-1970, Norton (New York, NY), 1971.
Diving into the Wreck: Poems, 1971-1972, Norton (New York, NY), 1973.
Poems: Selected and New, 1950-1974, Norton (New York, NY), 1974.
Twenty-one Love Poems, Effie's Press (Emeryville, CA), 1977.
The Dream of a Common Language: Poems, 1974-1977, Norton (New York, NY), 1978.
A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far: Poems, 1978-1981, Norton (New York, NY), 1981.
Sources, Heyeck Press (Woodside, CA), 1983.
The Fact of a Doorframe: Poems Selected and New, 1950-1984, Norton (New York, NY), 1984.
Your Native Land, Your Life, Norton (New York, NY), 1986.
Time's Power: Poems, 1985-1988, Norton (New York, NY), 1988.
An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems, 1988-1991, Norton (New York, NY), 1991.
Collected Early Poems, 1950-1970, Norton (New York, NY), 1993.
Dark Fields of the Republic, 1991-1995, Norton (New York, NY), 1995.
Selected Poems, 1950-1995, Salmon Publishers (Knockeven, Ireland), 1996.
Midnight Salvage: Poems, 1995-1998, Norton (New York, NY), 1999.
Fox: Poems, 1998-2000, Norton (New York, NY), 2001.
The School among the Ruins: Poems, 2000-2004, Norton (New York, NY), 2004.
Telephone Ringing in the Labyrinth: Poems 2004-2006, Norton (New York, NY), 2007.
Tonight No Poetry Will Serve, Norton (New York, NY), 2010.


Of Woman Born: Motherhood As Experience and Institution, Norton (New York, NY), 1976, 10th anniversary edition with a revised introduction, 1986.
Women and Honor: Some Notes on Lying (pamphlet), Motheroot Publishing/ Pittsburgh Women Writers (Pittsburgh, PA), 1977.
On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose, 1966-1978, Norton (New York, NY), 1979.
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence (pamphlet), Antelope Publications (Denver, CO), 1980.
Blood, Bread and Poetry: Selected Prose, 1979-1986, Norton (New York, NY), 1986.
(With Susan Morland) Birth of the Age of Women, Wild Caret (Hereford, England), 1991.
What Is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics, Norton (New York, NY), 1993.
Arts of the Possible: Essays and Conversations, Norton (New York, NY), 2001.
Poetry and Commitment: An Essay, Norton (New York, NY), 2007.
A Human Eye: Essays on Art in Society 1997-2008, Norton (New York, NY), 2009.

Ryan, Kay

The Best of It. New York: NY: Grove Press, 2009.

The Niagara River. New York, NY: Grove Press, 2005.

Say Uncle. New York, NY: Grove Press, 2000.

Elephant Rocks. New York, NY: Grove Press, 1996.

Flamingo Watching. Providence, RI: Copper Beech Press, 1994.

Strangely Marked Metal. Providence, RI: Copper Beech Press, 1985.

Dragon Acts to Dragon Ends. Fairfax, CA: Taylor Street Press, 1983.

Scott, Claudia

Portrait. Chicago, IL: Lavender Press, 1972.
In This Morning. Chicago, IL: Tree Frog Press, 1979.
Lesbian Writer: Collected Work of Claudia Scott. Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981.

Warland, Betsy

Warland, Betsy. A Gathering Instinct (Toronto: Williams-Wallace International, 1981).

Warland, Betsy. Open is Broken (Longspoon Press, 1984).

Warland, Betsy. Serpent (W)rite: A Reader's Guide (Toronto: The Coach House Press, 1987).

Warland, Betsy and Daphne Marlatt. Double Negative (Charlottetown: Gynergy Books, 1988).

Warland, Betsy. Proper Deafinitions: Collected Theorograms (Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1990).

Telling It Book Collective: Sky Lee, Lee Maracle, Daphne Marlatt, and Betsy Warland. Telling It: Women and Language Across Cultures (Vancouver: Press Gang Publishers, 1990).

Warland, Betsy and Valerie Speidel. InVersions: Writing by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians (Vancouver, BC: Press Gang Publishers, 1991).

Warland, Betsy. The Bat Had Blue Eyes (Toronto: Women's Press, 1993).

Warland, Betsy and Daphne Marlatt. Two Women in a Birth (Toronto: Guernica, 1994).

Warland, Betsy. What Holds Us Here (Georgetown, ONT: Buscheck Books, 1998).

Warland, Betsy. Bloodroot: Tracing the Untelling of Motherloss (Toronto: Second Story Press, 2000).

Warland, Betsy. Only This Blue (Toronto: Mercury Press, 2005).

Warland, Betsy. Breathing the Page: Reading the Act of Writing (Toronto: Cormorant Books Inc., 2010).

Warland, Betsy. Oscar of Between (Halfmoon Bay, BC: Caitlin Press, 2016).

Waters, Chocolate

To the man reporter from the Denver Post: Poems. Denver, CO: Eggplant Press, 1975.
Second edition, vivarium, November, 1980.

Take Me Like a Photograph. Denver, CO: Eggplant Press, [December] 1977. Second Printing July 1980.

Charting New Waters. Denver, CO: Eggplant Press, [July] 1980.

Winant, Fran

Looking at Women: Poems. New York: Violet Press, 1971, 1980.

Dyke Jacket: Poems and Songs. New York: Violet Press, 1975, 1976, 1980.

Goddess of Lesbian Dreams: Poems and Songs. New York: Violet Press, 1980.

Winant’s work as a visual artist is included in Lesbian Art in America: A Contemporary History by Harmony Hammond (New York: Rizzoli, 2000).

Wood-Thompson, Susan

Crazy Quilt: Poems. Washington, DC : Crone Books, 1980.

Individual Writers

Born to a Lebanese American father and a Laguna Pueblo-Sioux mother in Albuquerque in 1939, Paula Gunn Allen was an American writer whose poems, scholarly work, and novels explored the intersectionality of feminism, sexuality, and Native American heritage.

Allen, Paula Gunn (More)

Dorothy Allison is an American writer from South Carolina whose writing focuses on class struggle, sexual abuse, child abuse, feminism and lesbianism.

Allison, Dorothy (More)

June Arnold was an American novelist and publisher.

Arnold, June (More)

Beth Brant, 1941-2015, is a poet and essayist from Ontario, Canada. As a Mohawk woman, she also went by the names Degonwadonti and Kaieneke'hak. Her works center around lesbianism, domestic violence, and racial tensions for native representation.

Brant, Beth (More)

Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in New York, Michelle Cliff was a Jamaican-American writer whose short stories, novels, and essays explored race, gender, sexuality, and post-colonialism.

Cliff, Michelle (More)

Joan Drury was an American novelist, book publisher, book seller, and philanthropist.

Drury, Joan (More)

Leslie Feinberg was an American butch lesbian, transgender activist, communist, and author. Feinberg authored Stone Butch Blues in 1993.

Feinberg, Leslie (More)

Author of Such is My Beloved

Hales, Carol (More)

Terri Lynn Jewell was an American author, poet and Black lesbian activist.

Jewell, Terri L. (More)

Cherríe Moraga is a Chicana writer, feminist activist, poet, essayist, and playwright.

Moraga, Cherrie (More)

Joan Nestle is a Lambda Award winning writer and editor and a founder of the Lesbian Herstory Archives, which holds, among other things, everything she has ever written.

Nestle, Joan (More)

Author of Call Me Lesbian: Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Theory

Penelope, Julia (More)

Author of In This Morning

Scott, Claudia (More)

Author of I am a Lesbian

Sela, Lora (More)

Kitty Tsui is a Cantonese-American author, poet, actor, and bodybuilder.

Tsui, Kitty (More)

Born in Colombia and raised in Miami, Florida, tatiana de la tierra was a bilingual and bicultural writer, exploring issues of Latina identity, sexuality, and social activism.

de la Tierra, Tatiana (More)

Allen, Paula Gunn

Born to a Lebanese American father and a Laguna Pueblo-Sioux mother in Albuquerque in 1939, Paula Gunn Allen was an American writer whose poems, scholarly work, and novels explored the intersectionality of feminism, sexuality, and Native American heritage. She earned a BA in English and an MFA in writing at the University of Oregon and a Ph.D. from the University of New Mexico. Paula Gunn Allen was one of the leading voices in Native American literature and the contemporary women’s spirituality movement. In addition to writing, she taught English, Creative Writing, and American Indian Studies at the University of California. She died in 2008 at the age of 68.

Blind Lion, Berkeley: Thorp Springs Press, 1974.
Coyote’s Daylight Trip, Albuquerque: La Confluencia, 1978.
A Cannon Between my Knees, New York: Strawberry Press, 1981.
Star Child, Marvin: Blue Cloud Quarterly, 1981.
Studies in American Indian Literature: Critical Essays and Course Designs, New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1983.
Shadow Country, Los Angeles: University of California, 1984.
The Woman Who Owned the Shadows, San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink., 1984.
The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions, Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.
Wyrds, Taurean Horn Press, 1987.
Skins and Bones, New York: West End Press, 1988.
Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women, Boston: Beacon Press, 1989.
Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook, Boston: Beacon Press, 1991.
Voice of the Turtle: American Indian Literature, New York: Ballantine Books, 1994.
As Long as the Rivers Flow: The Stories of Nine Native Americans, New York: Scholastic, 1996.
Song of the Turtle: American Indian Literature, 1974-1994, New York: Ballantine Books, 1996.
Life is a Fatal Disease: Selected Poems, 1962-1995, New York: West End Press, 1997.
Off the Reservation: Reflections on Boundary-Bustin, Border-Crossing Loose Canons, Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.
Hozho – Walking in Beauty: Native American Stories of Inspiration, Humor, and Life, Los Angeles: Lowell House, 2001.
Pocahontas: Medicine Woman, Spy, Entrepreneur, Diplomat, San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 2003.
America the Beautiful: Last Poems, New York: West End Press, 2010

“Judy Grahn: Gathering of the Tribe.” Contact II 5, no. 27/28/29 (1983).
“Kochinnenako in Academe: Three Approaches to Interpreting a Keres Indian Tale” in Feminisms, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991.
"Quièn Es Que Anda?" Chicago Review 39, no. 3/4 (1993): 24-26. doi:10.2307/25305710.
“Where I Come From is Like This.” Feminist Frontiers, no. 3 (1993).
“‘Border’ Studies: The Intersection of Gender and Color.” The Ethnic Canon, (1995).
“Burned Alive in the Blues.” Reckonings Oxford, (2008): 3-16.

Paula Gunn Allen's Work in Anthologies, Encyclopedias, and Journals:
“Lament of my Father, Lakota” in Voices from Wah `Kon-Tah: Contemporary Poetry of Native Americans, edited by Robert K. Dodge and Joseph B. McCullough, New York: International Publishers, 1974.
"Two Poems." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 6, no. 3 (1981): 62-63. doi:10.2307/3346217.
“Tough Love” in Earth Power Coming: Short Fiction in Native American Literature, edited by Simon J. Ortiz, Tsaile: Navajo Community College Press, 1983.
“Angry Women are Building: Issues and Struggles Facing Native American Women” in All American Women: Lines that Divide, Ties that Bind, New York: Free Press, 1986.
"The Warrior." Feminist Studies 14, no. 3 (1988): 428-29. doi:10.2307/3178052.
“Grandmother of the Sun” in Weaving the Visions: New Patterns in Feminist Spirituality, edited by Judith Plaskow and Carol P. Christ, San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
“Deer Woman” in Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories, edited by Craig Lesley and Katheryn Stavrakis, New York: Laurel, 1991.
“They Make Their Climb” in Women’s Friendships: A Collection of Short Stories, edited by Susan Koppelman, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.
"Glastonbury Experience." Religion & Literature 26, no. 1 (1994): 81-87.
“Who is Your Mother?: Red Roots of White Feminism” in From Different Shores: Perspectives on Race and Ethnicity in America, edited by Ronald T. Takaki, New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
"Essentially, It's Spring." Studies in American Indian Literatures 7, no. 4 (1995): 87.
“The Sacred Hoop: A Contemporary Perspective” in The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology, edited by Teresa Shewry, Cheryll Glotfelty, and Harold Fromm, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1996.
“Going Home, December 1992” in Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writing of North America, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird, New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1997.
“Sacred Shoes; Kopis’taya (A Gathering of Spirits)” in The Serpent’s Tongue: Prose, Poetry, and Art of the New Mexico Pueblos, edited by Nancy C. Wood, New York: Dutton Books, 1997.
“Rant for Old Teachers” in Wise Women: Reflections of Teachers at Midlife, edited by Phyllis R. Freeman and Jan Zlotnik Schmidt, New York: Routledge, 2000.
“Special Problems in Teaching Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony” in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony: A Casebook, edited by Allan Richard Chavkin, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
“The Savages in the Mirror: Phantoms and Fantasies in America” in Eating Fire, Tasting Blood: Breaking the Great Silence of the American Indian Holocaust, edited by MariJo Moore, New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 2006.
“Grandmother” in The Penguin Anthology of Twentieth-Century American Poetry, edited by Rita Dove, New York: Penguin Books, 2011.

Critical Work about Paula Gunn Allen:
Jahner, Elaine. "Climbing a Sacred Ladder: Technique in the Poetry of Paula Gunn Allen." Studies in American Indian Literatures 7, no. 3 (1983): 76-80.
Ruppert, Jim. "Paula Gunn Allen and Joy Harjo: Closing the Distance between Personal and Mythic Space." American Indian Quarterly 7, no. 1 (1983): 27-40. doi:10.2307/1183880.
Mills, Ralph J. "Paula Gunn Allen's New Poems." Studies in American Indian Literatures 10, no. 1 (1986): 63-67.
TallMountain, Mary. "Paula Gunn Allen's ‘The One Who Skins Cats’: An Inquiry into Spiritedness." Studies in American Indian Literatures 5, no. 2 (1993): 34-38.
Babb, Genie. "Paula Gunn Allen's Grandmothers: Toward a Responsive Feminist-Tribal Reading of "Two Old Women"" American Indian Quarterly 21, no. 2 (1997): 299-320. doi:10.2307/1185649.
Lupack, Barbara Tepa. American Literature 69, no. 2 (1997): 428-29. doi:10.2307/2928287
Prince-Hughes, Tara. "Contemporary Two-Spirit Identity in the Fiction of Paula Gunn Allen and Beth Brant." Studies in American Indian Literatures 10, no. 4 (1998): 9-32.
Toohey, Michelle Campbell. "Paula Gunn Allen's Grandmothers of the Light: Falling through the Void." Studies in American Indian Literatures 12, no. 3 (2000): 35-51.
Van Dyke, Annette. "A Tribute to Paula Gunn Allen (1939-2008)." Studies in American Indian Literatures, Series 2, 20, no. 4 (2008): 68-75.

Book Reviews:
Jahner, Elaine. “Shadow Country by Paula Gunn Allen.” American Indian Quarterly 7, no. 1 (1983): 84-86. doi:10.2307/1183883.
Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown. “The Woman Who Owned Shadows: The Autobiography of Ephanie Atencio by Paula Gunn Allen.” Studies in American Indian Literatures 7, no. 3 (1983): 65-69.
Cliff, Michelle. "Journey of the Spirit." The Women's Review of Books 1, no. 6 (1984): 8. doi:10.2307/4019411.
Schoeler, Bo. “The Woman Who Owned the Shadows by Paula Gunn Allen.” Studies in American Indian Literatures 9, no. 4 (1985): 143-147.
Berner, Robert L. “Spider Woman’s Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women by Paula Gunn Allen.” World Literature Today 64, no. 2 (1990): 344-45. doi:10.2307/40146565.
Milspaw, Yvonne J. “The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Traditions by Paula Gunn Allen.” The Journal of American Folklore 103, no. 408 (1990): 245-47. doi:10.2307/541875.
Hans, Birgit. “Paula Gunn Allen. Western Writers Series, Number 96” Studies in American Indian Literatures 3, no. 3 (1991): 86-88.
Van Dyke, Annette. “Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook by Paula Gunn Allen.” NWSA Journal 4, no. 2 (1992): 259-60.
Berner, Robert L. “Life is a Fatal Disease: Collected Poems 1962-1995 by Paula Gunn Allen.” World Literature Today 71, no. 3 (1997): 631. doi:10.2307/40152971.

Cliff, Michelle, Tacie Dejanikus, and Loie Hayes. "Interview: Claiming an Identity: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." off our backs 11, no. 6 (1981): 18-20.
Ballinger, Franchot, Brian Swann, and Paul Gunn Allen. "A MELUS Interview: Paula Gunn Allen." MELUS 10, no. 2 (1983): 3-25. doi:10.2307/467306.
Purdy, John, and Paula Gunn Allen. ""And Then, Twenty Years Later…": A Conversation with Paula Gunn Allen." Studies in American Indian Literatures 9, no. 3 (1997): 5-16.
Braxton, Joanne M., and Paula Gunn Allen. "Pocahontas' Voice: A Conversation with Paula Gunn Allen." The Women's Review of Books 21, no. 8 (2004): 13. doi:10.2307/4024389.

Hubbell Medal for Lifetime Achievement in American Literary Studies – Modern Language Association
Lifetime Achievement Award – Popular and American Culture Associations
Native American Prize for Literature
Lannan Foundation Fellowship

Carolyn Dunn on Paula Gunn Allen:

Bibliography compiled by Zane DeZeeuw, May 2017

Allison, Dorothy

The Women Who Hate Me. New York: Long Haul Press, 1983.

Trash. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1988.

The Women Who Hate Me: Poetry, 1980-1990. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1991.

Bastard Out of Carolina. New York: Dutton, 1992. (Paperback edition from Plume, 1993.)

Skin: Talking about Sex, Class, & Literature. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1994.

Two or Three Things I Know for Sure. New York: Dutton, 1995.

Cavedweller. New York: Dutton, 1998.

Allison's work has been translated into multiple languages with numerous editions. These editions are not enumerated here.

Arnold, June


Applesauce. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.

Baby Houston. Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1987.

The Cook and the Carpenter: A Novel by the Carpenter. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973 (This book was originally published with the authorial assignation “the carpenter.”)

Sister Gin. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975.

Sister Gin. “Afterword” by Jane Marcus. New York: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 1989.


"Consciousness-Raising" in Women's Liberation: Blueprint for the Future, compiled by Sookie Stambler. New York: Ace Books, 1970: 155-160.

“Feminist Presses and Feminist Politics.” Quest 3 (Summer 1976).

“Lesbian Fiction: A Dialogue.” With Bertha Harris. Sinister Wisdom (July 1975).

“Small Presses: Fine Print.” off our backs 5 (November 1975): 17.

About June Arnold

Cottrell, Debbie Mauldin. “Arnold, June Fairfax Davis.” Handbook of Texas Online (, accessed March 29, 2013. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.

Kelly, Janis. “June Arnold.” off our backs April 1982).

Lowry, Beverly. “June.” In Baby Houston by June Arnold. Austin: Texas Monthly Press, 1987.

Marcus, Jane. “Bringing up Baby.” Women’s Review of Books 5 (October 1987).

Morgan, Ellen. “The Feminist Novels of Androgynous Fantasy.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 2 (Fall 1977).

Sears, James Thomas. Rebels, Rubyfruit, and Rhinestones: Queering Space in the Stonewall South.” In chapter 22, “Breaking Silences,” among others. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2001.

Van Ausdall, Mimi Susan Iimuro. “Novel Forms: Race, Class, and Revolution in the Novels of June Arnold and Sharon Isabell.” Chapter 3 in her PhD dissertation Writing Revolution in the 1970s. University of Iowa, 2007.

Zahava, Irene, ed. My Mother’s Daughter. Includes excerpt from Baby Houston. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1991.

Compiled by Joanna Cattonar

Brant, Beth

Beth Brant, 1941-2015, is a poet and essayist from Ontario, Canada. As a Mohawk woman, she also went by the names Degonwadonti and Kaieneke'hak. Her works center around lesbianism, domestic violence, and racial tensions for native representation.

Food & Spirits. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1991.
Testimony from the Faithful. 2003.
Mohawk Trail. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1985.

Anthologies Authored by Brant and in Which Brant Appears:
A Gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Women. Editor. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1988.
I'll Sing `til the Day I Die: Conversations with Tyendinaga Elders. Toronto: McGilligan Books, 1995.
Writing as Witness: Essay and Talk. Toronto: Women's Press, 1994.
Bruchac, Joseph, ed. New Voices from the Longhouse: An Anthology of Contemporary Iroquois Writing. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review Press, 1989.
Barrington, Judith, ed. An Intimate Wilderness: Lesbian Writers on Sexuality. Portland, OR: Eighth Mountain Press, 1991.
Bruchac, Joseph, ed. Songs from This Earth on Turtle's Back: Contemporary American Indian Poetry. Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review Press, 1983.
Dykewords: An Anthology of Lesbian Writing. Ed. Lesbian Writing and Publishing Collective. Toronto: Women's Press, 1990.
Piercy, Marge, ed. Early Ripening: Poetry by Women. New York, Pandora Books, 1987.
Roscoe, Will, ed. Living the Spirit: A Gay American Indian Anthology. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.

Other Works:
"Grandmothers of a New World." Women of Power 16 (Spring 1990): 40-47.
"Giveaway: Native Lesbian Writers." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 18 (Summer 1993): 944-947.
"The Good Red Road." American Indian Culture and Research Journal 21.1 (1997): 193-206.

Critical Work about Brant:
Cullum, Linda E. Contemporary American Ethnic Poets: Lives, Works, Sources . Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004.
Frances, Anne Day. Lesbian and Gay Voices: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Literature for Children and Young Adults . Greenwood Publishing Group, 2000.
Kostić, Milena and Vesna Lopičić. "'I will not cease to be': voicing the alternative in Beth Brant's 'A Long Story.'" The Central European Journal of Canadian Studies , vol. 8 issue 1, 2012. Pages 23-30.
Sonneborn, Liz. A to Z of American Indian Women . Infobase Publishing, 2014.
Byron, Glennis and Andrew J. Sneddon. The Body and the Book: Writings on Poetry and Sexuality . Rodopi, 2008.
Womack, Craig S. Art as Performance, Story as Criticism . University of Oklahoma Press, 2014.

Reviews of Brant's Work:
Danielson, Linda L. "Reviewed Work: Mohawk Trail ." Studies in American Indian Literatures , Series 2, Vol. 5, No. 1. 1993. pp. 103-107.
Jakoski, Helen. "Beth Brant (Degonwadonti). Mohawk Trail ." Explorations of Sights and Sounds Journal, No. 2. 1989.
Johnson, Lisa N. "A Review of Food and Spirits .", GLBT Reviews from ALA's Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Round Table. 1991.
Justice, Daniel Heath. "Daniel Heath Justice recommends Writing as Witness by Beth Brant." Edited by Jane van Koeverden. (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), CBC Books, 2017.

"Beth Brant" under Poets , Poetry Foundation,

Clark, Terri

Terri Clark wrote many articles in the 1970s for off our backs and was a member of the Washington, DC lesbian community.

Cliff, Michelle

Born in Kingston, Jamaica and raised in New York, Michelle Cliff was a Jamaican-American writer whose short stories, novels, and essays explored race, gender, sexuality, and post-colonialism. She received her BA in European History from Warner College and her Master of Philosophy at the Warburg Institute. Cliff worked at Time-Life Books, W.W. Norton, and held positions at various colleges. Cliff died in 2016 at the age of 69, just two years after her partner, Adrienne Rich, passed away.


Claiming an Identity They Taught Me to Despise. Watertown: Persephone Press, 1980.
Abeng: A Novel. Trumansburg: Crossing Press, 1984.
The Land of Look Behind: Prose and Poetry. Ithaca: Firebrand Books, 1985.
No Telephone to Heaven. New York: Dutton, 1987.
Bodies of Water. New York: Dutton, 1990.
Free Enterprise. New York: Dutton, 1993.
The Store of a Million Items: Stories. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
If I Could Write This in Fire. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008.
Into the Interior. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2010.
Everything is Now: New and Collected Stories. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.

"Object Into Subject: Some thoughts on the Work of Black Women Artists." Heresies. 1983.
"Clare Savage as a Crossroads Character." Caribbean Women Writers: Essays from the First International Conference. 1990.
"History as Fiction, Fiction as History." Ploughshares 20, no. 2/3 (1994): 196-202.
"Colonial Girl: and What Would it be Like." Sex and the Citizen: Interrogating the Caribbean. 2011.


“Notes on Speechlessness.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 5. 1978.
“Anonymity and the Denial of the Self.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 9, 1979.
“A Review of Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Joan Gibbs.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 13, 1980.
“Notes on a Magazine.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 17, 1981.
“Marking Soul, Creating Alchemy: a review of This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Colour.” Sinister Wisdom, no. 19, 1982.
“If I could Write this in Fire, I would Write this in Fire” in Home Girls: A Black Feminist Anthology, edited by Barbara Smith. New York: Kitchen Table – Women of Color Press, 1983.
“Sister/Outsider: Some Thoughts on Simone Weil” in Between Women: Biographers, Novelists, Critics, Teachers, and Artists Write About Their Work on Women, edited by Carol Ascher, Louise A. DeSalvo, and Sara Ruddick. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984.
“A Journey Into Speech; If I could Write this in Fire, I would Write This in Fire” in Multi-Cultural Literacy, edited by Rick Simonson and Scott Walker. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1988.
“Clare Savage as a Crossroads Character” in Caribbean Women Writers: Essays from the First International Conference, edited by Selwyn Reginald Cudjoe. Wellesley: Calaloux Publications, 1990.
“Object into Subject: Some Thoughts on the work of Black Women Artists” in Making Face, Making Soul = Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color, edited by Gloria Anzaldúa. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Foundation Books, 1990.
“Columba” in Green Cane and Juicy Flotsam: Short Stories by Caribbean Women, edited by Carmen C Esteves and Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991.
“Screen Memory” in Calling the Wind: Twentieth Century African-American Short Stories, edited by Clarence Major. New York: HarperPerennial, 1993.
“A History of Costume” in The Oxford Book of Women’s Writing in the United States, edited by Linda Wagner-Martin and Cathy N. Davidson, 301-304. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
“Columba” in Ancestral House: The Black Short Story in the Americas and Europe, edited by Charles H Rowell. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995.
“Within the Veil; Columba” in The Norton Anthology of African American Literature, edited by Henry Louis Gates Nellie Y. McKay. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1996. (also 1997, 2004)
“Transactions” in The Best American Short Stories, 1997: Selected from U.S. and Canadian Magazines, edited by Annie Proulx and Katrina Kenison. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997.
“Excerpt from Abeng” in The Whistling Bird: Women Writers of the Caribbean, edited by Elaine Campbell and Pierrette M Frickey. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.
“Ecce Homo” in Black Like Us: A Century of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual African American Fiction 2000, edited by Devon W. Carbado, Dwight A McBride, Donald Weise, and Evelyn C White. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2002.
“Women’s Work” in Poems from the Women’s Movement, edited by Honor Moore. New York: Library of America, 2009.

Critical Work about Cliff:
Smith, Sidonie and Julia Watson. “Of Mangoes and Maroons: Language, History, and the Multicultural Subject of Michelle Cliff’s Abeng” in De/Colonizing the Subject: The Politics of Gender in Women’s Autobiography. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1992.
Aegerter, Lindsay Pentolfe. "Michelle Cliff and the Paradox of Privilege." College English 59, no. 8 (1997): 898-915. doi:10.2307/378298.
Chancy, Myriam J. A. “Remembering Ourselves: The Power of the Erotic in Works by Audre Lorde, Rosa Guy, and Michelle Cliff; Exile, Resistance, Home: Retelling History in the Writings of Michelle Cliff and Marie Chauvet” in Searching for Safe Spaces: Afro-Caribbean Women Writers in Exile. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1997.
Rody, Caroline. “Decolonizing Jamaica’s Daughter: Learning History in the Novels of Michelle Cliff” in The Daughter’s Return: African-American and Caribbean Women’s Fictions of History. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Ilmonen, Kaisa. “Creolizing the Queer: Close Encounters of Race and Sexuality in the Novels of Michelle Cliff.” Close Encounters of an Other Kind: New Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity and American Studies, 2005.
Fenton, Jocelyn Stitt. “Gendered Legacies of Romantic Nationalism in the Works of Michelle Cliff.” Small Axe: A Journal of Criticism, no. 24 (2007): 52-72.
Maisier, Veronique. “Representations of History in Michelle Cliff’s and Patrick Chamoiseau’s Novels.” Journal of West Indian Literature vol. 20, no. 1 (2011). 51-69.

Book Reviews of Cliff's Work:
Gomez, Jewelle. "Coming of Age in Jamaica." The Women's Review of Books 1, no. 8 (1984): 5-6. doi:10.2307/4019482.
Smilowitz, Erika J. "Tales of the Caribbean." The Women's Review of Books 5, no. 2 (1987): 13-14. doi:10.2307/4020090.
Scales-Trent, Judy. "Produced and Abandoned." The Women's Review of Books 7, no. 12 (1990): 15. doi:10.2307/4020846.
McDowell, Deborah. "Taking Liberties with History." The Women's Review of Books 11, no. 10/11 (1994): 32-33. doi:10.2307/4021882.

Cliff, Michelle, Tacie Dejanikus, and Loie Hayes. "Interview: Claiming an Identity: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." Off Our Backs 11, no. 6 (1981): 18-20.
Schwartz, Meryl F., and Michelle Cliff. "An Interview with Michelle Cliff." Contemporary Literature 34, no. 4 (1993): 595-619. doi:10.2307/1208803.
Judith Raiskin, and Michelle Cliff. "The Art of History: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." The Kenyon Review 15, no. 1 (1993): 57-71.
Adisa, Opal Palmer. "Journey into Speech-A Writer between Two Worlds: An Interview with Michelle Cliff." African American Review 28, no. 2 (1994): 273-81. doi:10.2307/3041999.

Lindfors, Bernth and Reinhard Sander. “Michelle Cliff” in Twentieth-Century Caribbean and Black African Writers. Detroit: Gale Research, 1996.
Novak, Terry “Michelle Cliff” in Contemporary African American Novelists: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Emmanuel S Nelson. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1999.
Hogeland, Lisa Maria and Mary Klages“Michelle Cliff 1946” in The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers, edited by Lisa Maria Hogeland and Mary Klages. Edition: First Edition, 2004.
Basu, Lopamudra “Michelle Cliff” in Encyclopedia of African American Women Writers, edited by Yolanda Williams Page. Westport: Greenwood Press, 2007.

Michelle Cliff papers, 1982-1994. MS 3242. Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, The University of Georgia Libraries.

Michelle Cliff archive at Spelman College.
Items of note:
complete set of all the different editions of Michelle Cliff's books, including some bound galleys and translations
family and childhood photographs
six U.S. passports, issued 1968, '73, '78, '83, '93, '04
Michelle Cliff's diplomas from high school, college, and grad school at the Warburg Institute
M. Phil dissertation from Warburg on renaissance history
misc. papers relating to a visit by Queen Elizabeth at the Warburg Institute including two photos of the Queen with E.H. Gombrich
letter of recommendation by E.H. Gombrich, letter of recommendation by Gene Farmer at TimeLife Books
digital files of drafts of stories and translations from Cliff's laptop
a short typescript (unexamined) that may be a collection of talks and lectures and may be an original unpublished work
posters related to Cliff's public lectures
ephemera and decorative items from Cliff's study
framed letter from Ann Petry to Michelle Cliff
books related to art history, Caribbean studies, African American history, some signed by the authors, or inscribed to Michelle Cliff (including the Handbook of Black Librarianship signed by Ann Allen Shockley)

Bibliography Compiled by Zane DeZeeuw. May 2017

Cornwell, Anita


Black Lesbian in White America (Naiad Press, 1983)
The Girls of Summer (young-adult novel, 1989)


"Pat Parker Poet from San Francisco," Hera, Volume 1, Issue 4 (June 1975).
"The Black Lesbian in a Malevolent Society," Dyke: A Quarterly, 1977.

Drury, Joan

Drury, Joan M. The Other Side of Silence. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.

Drury, Joan M. Silent Words. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.

Drury, Joan M. Closed in Silence. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.

Drury, Joan M. Those Jordan Girls. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.

Feinberg, Leslie

Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come. New York, NY: World View Forum, 1992.
Stone Butch Blues. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1993. (Los Angeles: Alyson Books, 2003.)
Transgender Warriors: Making History from Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman. Beacon Press, 1996.
Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1998
Drag King Dreams. New York, NY: Carrol and Graf, 2006.

Rainbow Solidarity: In Defense of Cuba. New York, NY: World View Forum, 2008.

Galford, Ellen

Moll Cutpurse (novel) (Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1985).

The Fires of Bride, a Novel (Ithaca NY: Firebrand Books, 1988)

Queendom Come (London, UK: Virago, 1990)

The Dyke and the Dybbuk (London, UK: Virago, 1993; Seattle, WA: Seal Press, 1994).

Hales, Carol

Wind Woman. Woodford Press, 1953.

Such is My Beloved. Reprint of Wind Woman.

The author was also known as Lora Sela and wrote "I Am a Lesbian" under that name.

Hopkins, Lea

I'm Not Crazy, Just Different, 1970.
Womyn I have Known You, 1978.

Article about Lea Hopkins:

Oral History:

Jewell, Terri L.

Editorial Note: All sections should appear in chronological order of publication date. Pieces published more than once are listed together, with the earliest appearance listed first.

Jewell, Terri L. The Black Woman's Gumbo Ya-Ya: Quotations by Black Women. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.
Jewell, Terri L. Succulent Heretic: Poetry. Lansing, MI: Oral Tortuga Press, 1994.
Jewell, Terri. Our Names Are Many: The Black Woman's Book of Days. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1996.

Appearances in Collections/Anthologies
Jewell, Terri L. “Felled Shadows.” In Women and Aging: An Anthology by Women edited by Jo Alexander, Lisa Domitrovich & Debi Berrow, 90. Corvallis, OR: CALYX, 1986.
--- Jewell, Terri L. “Felled Shadows.” In A Fierce Brightness: 25 Years of Women’s Poetry, edited by Margarita Donnelly, Beverly McFarland, & Micki Reaman. CALYX Press, 2002, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Sistah Flo.” In Women and Aging: An Anthology by Women edited by Jo Alexander, Lisa Domitrovich & Debi Berrow, 91. Corvallis, OR: CALYX, 1986.
--- Jewell, Terri L. “Sistah Flo.” In Florilegia: A Retrospective of CALYX, 1976-1989, vol. 10, no. 2-3, edited by the CALYX Editorial Collective. CALYX Press, 1987, accessed June 15, 2022,
--- Jewell, Terri L. “Sistah Flo.” In A Fierce Brightness: 25 Years of Women’s Poetry, edited by Margarita Donnelly, Beverly McFarland, & Micki Reaman. CALYX Press, 2002, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. "Investment of Worth.” In When I Am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple, by Jenny Joseph. (Souvenir Press, 1991), 76.
Jewell, Terri. “Gracefully Afraid.” In When I am An Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple, by Jenny Joseph. (Souvenir Press, 1991), 76.
Jewell, Terri. “Interview with Miss Ruth.” In Piece of My Heart: A Lesbian of Colour Anthology, edited by Makeda Silvera, 149-154. Toronto: Sister Vision Press, 1991.
Jewell, Terri. "Miss Ruth.” In Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories, edited by Lisa C. Moore, 129-138. Redbone Press, 1997.
Jewell, Terri. “Spiderplant.” In If I Had My Life to Live Over, I Would Pick More Daisies, edited by Sandra Martz (Pennsylvania State University: Papier-Mache Press, 1992), 48.
Jewell, Terri L. "How to Teach One Dog a New Trick." In Sexual Harassment: Women Speak Out, edited by Amber Coverdale Sumrall & Dena Taylor, 136-139. Crossing Press, 1992.
Jewell, Terri. “Sapphire.” In Contemporary Lesbian Writers of the United States: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook, edited by Sandra Pollack and Denise D. Knight. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993.
Jewell, Terri L. “Found Cure One.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 96. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Jewell, Terri L. “Bad Ass.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 97. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Jewell, Terri L. “Agrology.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 145. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Jewell, Terri L. “Moving In.” In Reclaiming the Heartland: Lesbian and Gay Voices from the Midwest, edited by Karen Lee Osborne & William J. Spurlin, 193. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
"Interview with Stephanie Byrd." In Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories, edited by Lisa C. Moore, 129-138. Redbone Press, 1997.

Poetry in Journals/Periodicals
Jewell, Terri L. “Night Prayer to Oya.” Focus (May-June 1983): 18.
Jewell, Terri L. “Night Prayer to Oya.” WOMANSPIRIT 10, no. 40 (Summer 1984) 54, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Miss Nora.” WOMANSPIRIT 10, no. 37 (September 1983): 52, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Weaver.” Sister Lode 5, no. 3. (March-April 1984).
Jewell, Terri L. “A Sunday out of Mid-July.” Sister Lode 5, no. 3. (March-April 1984): 11.
Jewell, Terri. “A Sunday of Mid-July.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 14 (February 1985): 12.
Jewell, Terri L. “Theurgy.” Black American Literature Forum 18, no. 1 (Spring 1984): 35, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Salvaging Blood, January 1983.” Black American Literature Forum 18, no. 1 (Spring 1984): 35, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “One Night Reunion.” Sister Lode 5, no. 4. (June-July 1984): 7.
Jewell, Terri. “Fear of the Dark.” Women of Color News (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) 2, no. 3 (July 1984): 17.
Jewell, Terri L. “Semaphores.” The Gay News-Telegraph 3, no. 10. (July 1984): 17.
Jewell, Terri. “Ha’nt.” Spare Rib (September 1984): 49, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” Conditions Double Issue (January 1985): 135, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” The Centennial Review (Michigan State University Press) 29, no. 2 (Spring 1985): 207-208, accessed June 8, 2022,, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 109, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Ha’nt.” Sojourner 14, no. 11 (July 1989): 36, accessed June 22, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “The Dream.” Sisters United (Winter 1984).
Jewell, Terri L. “Diane with Prayer.” Kalliope 6, no. 3 (1984): 42, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Uxoricide.” Conditions Double Issue (January 1985): 136, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Returning Anymore.” Conditions Double Issue (January 1985): 135, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Armed Recruit.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 14 (February 1985): 15.
Jewell, Terri. “Armed Recruit.” Sinister Wisdom 28. (Winter 1985): 45.
Jewell, Terri L. “Celebrity Poet.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 14 (February 1985): 14.
Jewell, Terri. “Psychiatric Prescription from an Educated Man.” Valley Women’s Voice 7, no. 2. (March 1985): 13.
Jewell, Terri. “Disposal Law.” New Directions for Women 14, no. 2 (March/April 1985): 2, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Cross-question.” Valley Women’s Voice 7, no. 2. (March 1985): 13.
Jewell, Terri. “Show You Hear.” The Body Politic 113 (April 1985): 39, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Teda.”The Centennial Review (Michigan State University Press) 29, no. 2 (Spring 1985): 208-209, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Teda.” Women of Power 2 (Summer 1985): 48.
Jewell, Terri L. “Teda.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 108, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “No News Among Us.” Black American Literature Forum 19, no. 3 (Autumn 1985): 110, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “No News among Us.” Women’s Quarterly Review 1, no. 2 (Winter 1985): 13. Jewell, Terri L. “No News Among Us.” Feminary: Lesbian Feminist Magazine of Passion, Politics & Hope 14, no. 40. (Winter/Spring 1985): 40.
Jewell, Terri L. “No News Among Us.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 108, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Moving In.” The Lavender Letter 5, no. 10 (1985).
Jewell, Terri. “Moving In.” Sinister Wisdom 47. (Summer/Fall 1992): 111-112.
Jewell, Terri. “There are no hungry in this country on the lazy.” Lansing Beat (Michigan State University), Feb 6-20, 1986, accessed June 18, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Lessons for the 80s 1/28/86.” Lansing Beat (Michigan State University), Feb 20-Mar 6, 1986, accessed June 18, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Closed Case.” Obsidian II 1, no. 1/2 (Spring-Summer 1986): 55, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Taken by Michael Depores.” Obsidian II 1, no. 1/2 (Spring-Summer 1986): 56, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Key to Mena’s Wailing.” The Body Politic 131 (October 1986): 31, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “It Being Friday 13th is Irrelevant.” Hecate 12, Issue 1/2. (November 1986): 168, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Gasoline on the Roof.” Black American Literature Forum 20, no. 3 (Autumn 1986): 257-259, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Covenant.” Black American Literature Forum 20, no. 3 (Autumn 1986): 259-260, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Covenant.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 16, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “A Sister Gives Warning.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 17, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Woman Without Melody.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 17-18, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Terms with Past Things.” Obsidian II 2, no. 1 (Spring 1987): 18, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Elemi.” IKON 2, no. 7. (Special Issue June 1987): 109, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “She Who Bears the Thorn.” Conditions no. 15 (January 1988): 35, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “She Who Bears the Thorn.” Black American Literature Forum 23, no. 3 (Autumn 1989): 462, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. "She Who Bears the Thorn." Iris, University of Virginia. (1990): 18.
Jewell, Terri L. “Night Hush for Sister.” Conditions no. 15 (January 1988): 87, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Spiderplant.” Sisters United II no. 8 (Spring 1988): 23.
Jewell, Terri L. “Fatima Down South.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives 27. (Summer 1988): 22, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Miles Together.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives 27. (Summer 1988): 23-24, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Fragile Flower.” Obsidian II 3, no. 3 (Winter 1988): 120-121, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Marking Time.” Obsidian II 3, no. 3 (Winter 1988): page 120-121, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Felled Shadows.” Sojourner 14, no. 11 (July 1989): 36, accessed June 22, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Face of Africa.” Sinister Wisdom 38. (Summer/Fall 1989): 8.
Jewell, Terri L. “Basketeer” Sinister Wisdom 38. (Summer/Fall 1989): 10.
Jewell, Terri L.“Basketeer.” Obsidian II 5, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 52, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “the want.” Kalliope 11, no. 2 (1989): 23, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Family Jewel Heretics.” Conditions no. 17 (January 1990): 118, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Sleep in Unfamiliar Arms.”Conditions no. 17 (January 1990) 119, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “digestion.” Obsidian II 5, no. 1 (Spring 1990): 51, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Met Lately.” off our backs: a women’s newsjournal 20, no. 6 (June 1990): 24, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “How to Suck Them Neckbones.” Aché 2, no. 5 (September-October 1990): 32.
Jewell, Terri L. “How to Suck Them Neckbones.” Our Own Community Press 15, no. 3 (January 1991): 12.
Jewell, Terri L. “Athlone.” Obsidian II 5, no. 3 (Winter 1990): 175, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Mr. Drummond.” Obsidian II 5, no. 3 (Winter 1990): 76, accessed June 20, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Southpaw.” OutWeek (March 27, 1991): 62, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Agrology.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 5, no. 2. (July 1991): 62.
Jewell, Terri. “Dear Sappha II.” Aché 4, no. 1 (February-March 1992).
Jewell, Terri. “Reasons and Stranger Rejections.” Sinister Wisdom 46. (Spring 1992): 9.
Jewell, Terri. “Stephanie Byrd, Lesbian poet, in Pinkney Park, Michigan, June 1989.” Sinister Wisdom 46. (Spring 1992): 97.
Jewell, Terri L. “Harriet’s Power” African American Review 26, no. 2 (Summer 1992): 228, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Better than asking why a white lover.” Common Lives/Lesbian Lives 46. (Summer 1993): 56, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Better than Asking Why a White Lover.” Dyke Review. (Summer 1993): 8.
Jewell, Terri. “Dream.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 41 (Winter 1993): 10.
Jewell, Terri L. “Found Cure Nine.” Fireweed: A Feminist Quarterly 23, no. 1/2. (Spring/Summer 1994): 76.
Jewell, Terri. “Sine Qua Non.” Kalliope 17, no. 3 (1995): 76, accessed June 8, 2022,

Essays/Articles/Narrative Essays

Jewell, Terri L. “Crawling Around Inside One Black Writer.” Amazon: Milwaukee’s Feminist Press 11, no. 3. (June/July 1983): 24-25, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Crawling Around Inside One Black Writer.” off our backs: a women’s newsjournal 13, no. 6 (June 1983): 18, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “A Poor Woman’s Passing Thots on Food.” The Lesbian Inciter no. 5 (Winter 1983-84):1.
Jewell, Terri L. “An Alliance of Differences.” I Know You Know—Lesbian Views and News 1, no. 25 (February 1985).
Jewell, Terri L. “Black Dyke Self-Interview.” Gay Community News 12, no. 32. (March 2, 1985): 6-8.
Jewell, Terri. “A Different Kind of Calendar.” Review of Tracking Our Way Through Time: A Lesbian Herstory Calendar/Journal, edited by Janet S. Soule. Between Our Selves: Women of Color Newspaper (Washington, DC) 1, no. 1 (December 1985): 15.
Jewell, Terri L. “Essays Assess Black Writers’ Works: Black Feminist Criticism.” New Directions for Women 15, no. 5 (September/October 1986): 12, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Conversations with Grandma.” Our Own Community Press 20 (Fall 1987): 5.
Jewell, Terri L. “A Call to Black Lesbian Sisters.” Sinister Wisdom 35. (Summer/Fall 1988): 12-14.
Jewell, Terri L. “Beauty and the Boys.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 21 (Winter 1988): 22.
Jewell, Terri. “OA Versus the Love of BLTs.” Lesbian Contradiction 28 (Fall 1989): 1.
Jewell, Terri. “Letters between women: in defense of the cursive” Women of Power 13 (Spring 1989): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. “Thoughts on Christmas Eve.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 25 (Winter 1989): 14.
Jewell, Terri L. “Talkin’ With My Best Straight Friend.” Lesbian Contradiction, no. 25 (Winter 1989): 1.
Jewell, Terri. “A Short Account of My Behavior.” Our Own Community Press 14, no. 4 (January 1990): 14.
Jewell, Terri L. “A Short Account of My Behavior.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 4, no. 2. (July 1990): 52.
Jewell, Terri Lynn. “When the Girls Become Women.” New Directions for Women 19, no. 1 (January/February 1990): 25, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Barbara Smith and Kitchen Table Women of Color Press.” Hot Wire: The Journal of Women's Music and Culture (May 1990): 20–22,58, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “What Doing it Can Do.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 31 (Summer 1990): 8.
Jewell, Terri L. “Marion Oughton: British Feminist Story-Spinner.” Women Artist News 15, no. 3. (Fall 1990): 31, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “One Lesbian’s Political Ponderings While Watching Women’s Wrestling on Television.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 29 (Winter 1990): 13.
Jewell, Terri L. “Marion Oughton–Modern Day Storyteller.” New Directions for Women 20, no. 1 (January/February 1991): 10, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “A Reminder: The Strait* Person’s Guide to Understanding the Black Lesbian.” Aché 3, no. 3 (June-July 1991): 12.
Jewell, Terri L. “T.J.’s Stress Scale for Dykes.”Lesbian Contradiction no. 33 (Winter 1991): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. “For the Love of Kinks.” Kalliope 14, no. 3 (1992):19, accessed June 8, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “For the Love of Kinks.” Lesbian Contradiction no. 42 (Spring 1993): 19.
Jewell, Terri L. “Nineteen Rights for Lesbian Feminist Activists.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 3, no. 12. (May 1990): 39.
Jewell, Terri L. “Lesbian Is as Dyke Does as Gay Says.” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 4, no. 12. (May 1991): 43.
Jewell, Terri L. “Circumstantial Evidence.” Matrix 15, no. 2 (May 1991): 18.
Jewell, Terri L. “Girl, Had You Heard about Mary Fields?” Outlines: The Voices of the Gay and Lesbian Community 5, no. 2. (July 1991): 61.
Jewell, Terri. “Taking the Power within Without.” The Lavender Express: New Jersey’s Lesbian Journal. (April 1995): 41.
Jewell, Terri. “Cinematheque.” Dyke Review. (Spring 1994).

Book Reviews

Jewell, Terri L. “Essays intriguing and irresistable.” Review of Black Feminist Criticism: Perspectives on Black Women Writers, by Barbara Christian. Kinesis (July-August 1986): 29.
Jewell, Terri. “Black Women Poets Speak.” Review of A Dangerous Knowing: Four Black Women Poets, by Barbara Burford, Jackie Kay, Grace Nichols, & Gabriela Pearse. Hecate 12, no. 1/2. (November 1986): 169-172.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of A Dangerous Knowing: Four Black Women Poets, by Barbara Buford, Jackie Kay, Grace Nichols, and Gabriela Pearse. Sojourner 13, no. 12 (August 1988): 42.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of In the Shadow of the Peacock, by Grace Edwards-Yearwood. Belles Letters 4, no. 1. (Fall 1988).
Jewell, Terri L. “Sapphire’s Powerful Voice.” Review of Meditations on the Rainbow, by Sapphire. Sojourner 14, no. 5 (January 1989): 41.
Jewell, Terri L. “Poems with potential and the pitfalls of a first work; Secret Passages skirts sexual love between men.” Review of Secret Passages: A Trilogy of Thought, by Philip Robinson. Gay Community News 16, no. 26. (January 15-January 21, 1989): B3.
Jewell, Terri L. “A Poet’s Revolution of Life.” Review of Healing Heart, by Gloria T. Hull. Gay Community News 17, no. 23. (December 17-23, 1989).
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Healing Heart, by Gloria T. Hull. Calyx 12, no. 3 (Summer 1990), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “The Power of Black Women Together.” Review of The Big Mama Stories, by Shay Youngblood. Gay Community News 17, no. 23. (December 17-23, 1989): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. “The Indomitable Hattie Gossett.” Review of Presenting…Sister NoBlues, by Hattie Gossett. Gay Community News 17, no. 26. (January 14-20, 1990): 9.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Women for All Seasons: Poetry and Prose about Transitions in Women’s Lives, edited by Wanda Coleman & Joanne Leedom-Ackerman. Calyx 12, no. 3 (Summer 1990), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Upside Down Tapestry Mosaic History, by Leslie A. Reese. The Black Scholar 21, no. 3. (Summer 1990-Summer 1991): 49, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “That’s Ms. Manners to You: Idiosyncrasies of Daily Dyke Life According to Gail Sausser.” Review of More Lesbian Etiquette, by Gail Sausser. Lambda Book Report 2, no. 7. (November 1990).
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Deluged with Dudes: Platonic and Erotic Love Poems to Men, by Alta. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Bluestown Mockingbird Mambo, by Sandra María Esteves. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Discriminating Evidence, by Mary Logue. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991), accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Flytrap, by Janet Snell. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991) accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. Review of The Chant of the Women of Magdalena & the Magdalena Poems, by SDiane Bogus. Calyx 13, no. 2 (Summer 1991) accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “A Farewell to Harms: Women Reclaim the Sea.” Review of The Chant of Women of Magdalena & the Magdalena Poems, by S Diane Bogus. Lambda Book Report 2, no. 10. (June 1991).
Jewell, Terri L. “A Journey Toward Healing.” Review of Just after Inca…One Woman’s Journey through Incest to Healing, by Rebecca Bass. Sojourner 19, Issue 1 (September 1993): 45.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Trauma and Survival: Post-Traumatic and Dissociative Disorders in Women, by Elizabeth A. Waiters. New Directions for Women 22, no. 5
(September/October 1993): 4, accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “In Prints—Experimental Love Poetry by Cheryl Clarke.” Review of Experimental Love Poetry, by Cheryl Clarke. Lambda Book Report 4, no. 1. (November 1993).
Jewell, Terri L. Review of Faces of Feminism: Portraits of Women Across Canada (with Words by the Women Portrayed), by Pamela Harris. Calyx 15, no. 1 (Winter 1993-1994) accessed June 17, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “No household names.” Review of Faces of Feminism: Portraits of Women Across Canada (With Words by the Women Portrayed), by Pamela Harris. Belles Letters 9, no. 3. (Spring 1994): 10.
Jewell, Terri L. Review of From Mammy to Miss America and Beyond: Cultural Images and the Shaping of U.S. Social Policy, by K. Sue Jewell. The Black Scholar 24, no. 2. (Spring 1994): 45-46, accessed June 15, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Read this book naked.” Review of Pearls of Passion: A Treasury of Lesbian Erotica, edited by C. Allyson Lee and Silvera Makeda, and Courting Pleasure, by Tee Corinne. Lambda Book Report 4, no. 10. (May 1995): 34.
Jewell, Terri L. “The Beauties of Black Womanist Fiction.” Review of Sisterfire: Black Womanist Fiction and Poetry, by Charlotte Watson Sherman. The Lesbian Review of Books 1, no. 4 (Summer 1995): 21.


Byrd, Stephanie. “A Conversation with Stephanie Byrd; Questions by Terri L. Jewell.” By Terri L. Jewell. Visibilities: The Lesbian Magazine 3, no. 2 (March/April 1989): 7-10, accessed June 21, 2022,
Terri, Jewell. “Healing heart poetry: an interview with Gloria T. Hull.” Women of Power 14. (Summer 1989): 50.
Jewell, Terri L. “Yahoo! Maile Klein & The Lavender Fillies.” Matrix. (April 1990): 16.

Letters to Editor/Anthology Submission Calls

Jewell, Terri. “Byrd Plans New Black Lesbian Journal.” BLK Magazine 1, no. 13 (December 1989), accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri L. “Michigan Speaks.” Dimensions 5, no. 1 (July 1990): 5, accessed June 21, 2022,
Jewell, Terri. “Sisters.” Aché 3, no. 3 (June-July 1991).
Jewell, Terri. “Aché Editors.” Aché 3, no. 4 (August-September 1991).
Jewell, Terri L. Untitled letter. Aché 4, no. 1 (February-March 1992).


Jewell, Terri, photographer. “Consuela & Jera, Pinkney, MI - 1993.” Photograph. Sinister
Wisdom 51. (Winter 1993): cover art, 123.

Article by Terri L. Jewell interviewing Stephanie Byrd:

The papers of Terri Jewell are housed at Michigan State University. For more information:

Terri L. Jewell obituary:

Secondary Sources

Jean, Valerie. "Writing Survival" in Flat-footed Truths: Telling Black Women's Lives, edited by Patricia Bell-Scott with Juanita Johnson-Bailey. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1998.

Meagher, Maude

Copper Mountain: Adventurous Days Among the Eskimos (1925)
White Jade (1930)
Fantastic Traveller (1931)
The Green Scamander (1934)

The Green Scamander seems to be the novel with lesbian content.

Meagher with Carolyn Smiley ran a Boston-based publishing house during the 1930s and 1940s publishing the magazine World Youth Today. In 1940, they moved to Los Gatos, CA and built a 15,000 square foot adobe house.

Barbara Grier and Constance Barker corresponded about Meagher; that correspondence is in the Grier Papers at the SFPL.

Sarah Waters (Autumn 1996). "Wolfskins and Togas: Maude Meagher's The Green Scamander and the Lesbian Historical Novel". Women: A Cultural Review. 7 (2): 176–188. doi:10.1080/09574049608578272.

Moraga, Cherrie

Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Loving in the War Years. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 1983, 2003.

The Last Generation. Cambridge, MA: South End Press, 1993.

Waiting in the Wings. Ithaca, NY: Firebrand Books, 1997.

Xicana Codex of Changing Consciousness: Writings 2000-2010. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.

Nestle, Joan

A Restricted Country

Persistent Desire

A Fragile Union

Penelope, Julia


Call Me Lesbian: Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Theory. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1992.

Crossword Puzzles for Women: 60 Never-Before- Published Puzzles. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1995.

Flinging Wide the Eyed Universe: Poems. Athol, MA: Haley’s, 1998.

Speaking Freely: unlearning the lies of the fathers’ tongues. New York: Pergamon Press, 1990.

What’s in a Name: The Politics of Naming. Chicago: Northeastern Illinois University, 1974.


Sexual Practice/Textual Theory: Lesbian Cultural Criticism. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell
Publishers, 1993.


Out of the Class Closet: Lesbians Speak. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1994.


Found Goddesses: Asphalta to Viscera. Norwich, VT: New Victoria Publishers, 1988.


For Lesbians Only: A Separatist Anthology. London: Onlywomen Press, 1988.

Sinister Wisdom 15. A special issue on violence against women, 1981.


Lesbian Culture: an anthology: The Lives, Work, Ideas, Art and Visions of Lesbians Past and Present. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.

The Coming Out Stories. Foreword by Adrienne Rich. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.

The Original Coming Out Stories. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press,1989.


Finding the Lesbians: Personal Accounts From Around the World. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1990.

International Feminist Fiction. Introduction by Valerie Miner. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1992.


Three Russian Women Poets: Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetayeva, Bella Akhmadulina. Julia Penelope with Bella Akhmadulina and Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1995.


[Review of] “‘Concrete’ Poetry from East and West Germany: The Language of Exemplarism and Experimentalism.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (Spring 1980): 333-36.

“A Cursory and Precursory History of Language, and the Telling of It”

“Fact and Interpretation: Reflections in a Golden Eye.” Prairie Schooner 51 (Fall 1977): 312-13.

“Heteropatriarchal Semantics: ‘Just Two Kinds of People in the World.’” Lesbian Ethics 2
(Fall 1986): 58-80.

“Homosexual Slang.” American Speech 45 (Spring-Summer 1970): 45-59.

“Let the Silence Be Broken.” Prairie Schooner 52 (Fall 1978): 298-99.

“The Mystery of Lesbians.” Gossip #1 (1986): 9-45.

“The Mystery of Lesbians: III” from Lesbian Ethics 1 (1985) [no page].

“Sexist Grammar.” College English 39 (1978): 800-11.

“Sexist Slang and the Gay Community.” Occasional Papers in Women’s Studies (1979) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

“Toward a Feminist Aesthetic.” Chrysalis 6 [no date] 57-71.

“When We Say ‘Out of the Closets!’” College English (November 1974): 385-91


“Woman and Wife: Social and semantic shifts in English” Paper in Linguistics 12 (1979): 491-502.


“Forced inference: Uses and abuses of the passive.” Paper in Linguistics 10 (1977): 299-311.

“Lesbian Humor.” Women: A Journal of Liberation 5 (1977): 26-29.

“Linguistic problems with patriarchal reconstructions of Indo-European culture: A little more than kin, a little less than kind.” Women’s Studies International Quarterly 3 (1980): 227-37.

“Sexist Slang and the Gay Community: Are You One Too?” Occasional Papers in Women’s Studies (1979) Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.


“Chomsky’s ‘Ideal’ Native Speaker:Sexism in Synchronic Linguistics.” Paper presented at the annual convention of the Modern Language Association, New York, New York, December 27-30, 1978. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425829838. Accession number: ED179078.

“Language and Power: English as a Patriarchal Language.” Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 5-7, 1979. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425921127. Accession number: ED172252.

“Sexist Slang and the Gay Community: Are You One Too?” with Susan Robbins. Paper presented at the Modern Language Association, December 1976 [Reprinted as Michigan Occasional Paper No. XIV].

“The Sexist Tradition: Words and Meaning.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, New York, New York, November 24-26, 1977. ERIC database. OCLC number: 426994762. Accession number: ED 162303.

“Target Structure and Rule Conspiracies: Syntactic Exploitation” paper presented at the Theory of Rhetoric Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 5-6 1978. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425377053. Accession number: ED157392.

“Teaching Lesbian Novels: From Proposal to Reality.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Council of Teachers of English, Kansas City, Missouri, November 23-25, 1978. ERIC database. OCLC number: 425943743. Accession number: ED168012.


“The problem of unity in poetry: a linguistic approach;" [abstract] Thesis/dissertation. Austin: The University of Texas, 1971.


“Lesbian Separatism: The Linguistic and Social Sources of Separatist Politics.” In The Gay Academic, edited by Louie Crew, 121-31. Palm Springs, CA: ETC Publications, 1978.

“Paradigmatic Women: the Prostitute.” In Papers in Language Variation, edited by D. L. Shores and C. P. Hine, 303-21. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1977.

“Passing Lesbians: The High Cost of Femininity.” In An Intimacy of Equals: Lesbian Feminist Ethics,edited by Lilian Mohin, 118-52. London: Onlywomen Press, 1996.


“Consciousness as Style; Style as Aesthetic.” In Language, Gender, and Society, edited by Barrie Thorne, Cheri Kramarae, and Nancy Henley, 125-39. Rowley, MA: Newburg, 1983.

“Crooked and Straight in Academia.” In Pulling Our Own Strings, edited by Gloria Kaufman and Mary Kay Blakely, 119. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1980.

“Mother Wit: Tongue in Cheek.” In Lavender Culture, edited by Karla Jay and Allen Young. 299-307. New York: Jove Publications (Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich), 1978.


[No title] Journal of Homosexuality. 3 (1977): 91-94.


Behind Closed Doors: the dark legacy of the Johns Committee by Allyson Beutke and Scott Litvack Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Department of Journalism, Documentary Institute, 2000. [Includes interviews with Merril Mushroom and Julia Penelope.]

Summary: The Legislative Investigation Committee probed unpopular groups in Florida during the 1950’s and ‘60s. Also known as the Johns Committee, investigators questioned civil rights activists, suspected Communists and homosexuals. Includes live interviews with Art Copleston, Merril Mushroom, and Julia Penelope; and a narrative about Sigmund Diettrich (who is now deceased) by former colleagues.” www.worldcat/org/title/behind-closed-doors/oclc/59758907&referer=brief_r...


“Julia Penelope from Lesbiana – A Parallel Revolution” from Myriam Fougere


Julia Penelope's papers are held by Duke University. For more information:


For obituaries and remembrances of Julia Penelope, go here:

Bibliography compiled by Joanna Cattonar.

Scott, Claudia

Lesbian Writer: Collected Work of Claudia Scott. Edited by Frances Hanckel and Susan Windle. Tallahassee, FL: Naiad Press, 1981.

In This Morning. Chicago, IL: Tree Frog Press, 1979.

Portrait. Chicago, IL: Lavender Press, 1974.

Seajay, Carol

Carol Seajay is an extraordinary editor and lesbian print activist. She co-founded, edited, and published Feminist Bookstore News and Books To Watch Out For.

This page is a bibliography of where to find writing and videos by and about Carol Seajay.

Carol Seajay is a panelist at "Valencia Street as a Lesbian Corridor" with Canyon Sam, Molly Martin, and Ruth Mahaney; LisaRuth Elliott moderates. The panel was recorded in December 2019. The full video is here:

Sears, Vicky

Simple Songs. Firebrand Books, 1990.

Anthologies in which Sears appears:
Spider Woman's Granddaughters: Traditional Tales and Contemporary Writing by Native American Women. Ballantine Books, 1989.
Talking Leaves: Contemporary Native American Short Stories. Dell Publishing, 1991.
Gay and Lesbian Poetry in Our Time (Stonewall Inn Editions). St. Martin's Griffin, 1989.
Growing Up Native American. William Morrow & Co, 1993.
Leaving Home: Stories. HarperTeen, 1997.
The Things That Divide Us: Stories by Women. Seal, 1985.
Hear the Silence: Stories by Women of Myth, Magic & Renewal. Crossing Press, 1986.
Riding Desire: An Anthology of Erotic Writing. Banned Books, 1991.
Did My Mama Like to Dance? and Other Stories about Mothers and Daughters. Avon Books, 1994.
Dancing on the Rim of the World: An Anthology of Contemporary Northwest Native American Writing (Sun Tracks, Vol 19). University of Arizona Press, 1990.
The Colour of Resistance: A Contemporary Collection of Writing by Aboriginal Women. Sister Vision, 1993.
Sinister Wisdom 22/23: A Gathering of Spirit: North American Indian Women's Issue. Sinister Wisdom, 1983.
Sinister Wisdom 32: Death, Healing, Mourning, and Illness. Sinister Wisdom, 1987.
Here First: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers (Modern Library Paperbacks). Random House Publishing Group, 2000.
Hozho: Walking in Beauty: Native American Stories of Inspiration, Humor, and Life. McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Other works:
“On the Healing Road.” The Women's Review of Books, Vol. 9, No. 10/11 (1992): pp. 7-8

Secondary Works:
Herzog, Kristin. “Reviewed Work: Simple Songs.” MELUS, Vol. 19, No. 4, Ethnic Women Writers VI (Winter, 1994), pp. 147-149.

Sela, Lora

Push-over. Fabian, 1958.

I am a Lesbian. Saber Books, 1958.

Camera Bait. Saber Books, 1960.

Unknown Tomorrows. Saber Books, 1961.

Shockley, Ann Allen

Suncircle, Pat

"…ALMOST." So's Your Old Lady. Dec 1975, Issue 11, p16-17.

"A Day's Growth." Christopher Street. Feb77, Vol. 1 Issue 8, p23.

"Request." So's Your Old Lady. Apr1975, Issue 8, p18.

"Trapped in a House That Won't Burn." Out/Look. Summer 1992, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p65-69.

"When the Time Came." Christopher Street. Apr78, Vol. 2 Issue 10, p 30.

PDF icon WhenttheTimeCamePatSuncircle.pdf6.02 MB

Tsui, Kitty

Nightvision. 1982.

The Words of a Woman Who Breathes Fire. Spinsters Ink, 1983.

Breathless. Firebrand Books, 1996.

Sparks Fly. Writing as Eric Norton. BadBoy Books, 1997.

de la tierra, tatiana

Born in Colombia and raised in Miami, Florida, tatiana de la tierra was a bilingual and bicultural writer, exploring issues of Latina identity, sexuality, and social activism. She received her Master’s degree of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from the University of Texas at El Paso and a Master of Library Science from University at Buffalo. As an editor and contributor, tatiana de la tierra founded the Latina lesbian publications Esto no Tiene Nombre, Conmoción and La telaraña. In 2012, she passed away in Long Beach, California.


Para Las Duras: Una Fenomenologia Lesbiana / For the Hard Ones: A Lesbian Phenomenology. San Diego: Calaca, 2002.
Píntame Una Mujer Peligrosa. Buffalo, NY: Chibcha, 2005.

Porcupine Love and Other Tales from My Papaya. Buffalo (266 Elmwood Ave. #104, Buffalo 14222): Chibcha, 2005.

Biop-see. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
Desire and the Doll. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005
Dreaming of You. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
Girls Gotta Be Girls. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005. Print.
It Is Another Wonderful Day. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
This Is About Pleasure. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
The Uncollected Fiction of Tatiana De La Tierra. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
The Uncollected Poems of Tatiana De La Tierra. Alexandria, VA: Alexander Street, 2005.
Tierra, Tatiana De La, and Anna Cooke. Xía Y Las Mil Sirenas. Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Editorial Patlatonalli, 2009.


"Activist Latina Lesbian Publishing: Esto No Tiene Nombre and Conmoción." Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano Studies, 27.1 (2002): 139-78.

"Aliens and Others in Search of the Tribe in Academe." This Bridge We Call Home Radical Visions for Transformation. Ed. Gloria Anzaldua and AnaLouise Keating. New York: Routledge, 2002.

"Compañeras : Latina Lesbians : An Anthology." Compañeras: Latina Lesbians: An Anthology. By Juanita Ramos. New York: Routledge, 1994.

“Dancing with Daisy.” Gynomite: Fearless Feminist Porn. Ed. Liz Belile. New Orleans: New Mouth from the Dirty South, 2000. 30-35.

"The Fire in My Heart." This Bridge We Call Home Radical Visions for Transformation. Ed. Gloria Anzaldúa and AnaLouise Keating. Florence: Taylor and Francis, 2013.

"In Gay Code: Everything We Should Know." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S51.

"Jaime Manrique (1949)." LGBTQ America Today: An Encyclopedia. Ed. John C. Hawley and Emmanuel S. Nelson. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2009. 716.

“Latin American Lesbian-Feminists Together in Mexico.” Visibilities Sep./Oct. 1988: 8-11.

"Latina Lesbian Literature." Encyclopedia of Hispanic-American Literature. Ed. Luz Elena. Ramirez. New York, NY: Facts On File, 2008. 192-94.

“A Lesbian Journey Through the Fog.” Viva Arts Quarterly 1995: 15-16.

"Neurotic Love Letters." Journal of Lesbian Studies 8.3 (2004): 93-96.

"Queer books bloom in Spain." Curve, June 2004, p. 52+. Academic OneFile.

"Rebirthing." Journal of Internal Medicine 13.9 (1998): 650-53.SpringerLink.


"Argentina: Lesbian Visibility." Ms Magazine, vol. 1, no. 6, 05 1991, pp. 16. GenderWatch.

"Barriers to Selecting Materials about Sexual and Gender Diversity."Serving LGBTIQ Library and Archives Users: Essays on Outreach, Service, Collections and Access. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &,, 2011.

“Coming Out and Creating Queer Awareness in the Classroom: An Approach from the U.S.-Mexican Border." Lesbian and Gay Studies and the Teaching of English: Positions, Pedagogies, and Cultural Politics. Ed. William J. Spurlin. Urbana: National Council of Teachers of English, 2000. 163.

"Jail Time for Beginners." Latino Heretics. Ed. Tony Diaz. Normal, IL: Published by Fiction Collective Two, 1999. 67.

"A Latina Lesbian Activists's Survival Guide, O Mejor Dicho, Activism De-mystified, De-glorified & De-graded." Latino Heretics. Ed. Tony Diaz. Normal, IL: Published by Fiction Collective Two, 1999. 64-67.

“Prisoner of Hope: Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal.” El Andar 12.1 Spring 2001: 50-53.

"Silencing Our Lady : La Respuesta De Alma." I Am Aztlán: The Personal Essay in Chicano Studies. Ed. Chon A. Noriega and Wendy Laura. Belcher. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, 2008.

“Swine-juvenile Literature? : Good Cataloging vs. Good Public Service." Radical Cataloging: Essays at the Front. By K. R. Roberto and Sanford Berman. Jefferson (North Carolina): McFarland, 2008.

“Juego.” The Second Coming. Ed. Pat Califia and Robin Sweeney. Los Angeles: Alyson, 1996. 224.

Book Reviews

"Candelaria." Library Journal 126.13 (2001): S33.

"The Friends I Lost." Library Journal 126.10 (2001): S25.

"Garbageland." Library Journal 126.13 (2001): S28.

"I Sex, You Sex, We ...: A Guide to Fully Living Your Sexuality." Library Journal 126.10 (2001): S40.

"Of All Things Visible and Invisible." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S34.

"Season of Hell." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S48.

"Sun of My Fancy: Poetic Anthology of Gay Eroticism." School Library Journal 48.4 (2002): S48.

"Queen of America." School Library Journal 48.8 (2002): S33.

"Woman as Word." The Lesbian Review of Books I.4 (1995): 12. ProQuest. Web. 4 Mar. 2017.


tatiana de la tierra's writing, #7710. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.

tatiana de la tierra Latina lesbian magazine collection, CEMA 167. Department of Special Collections, UC Santa Barbara Library, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Tatiana de la Tierra Papers, 124, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, University of California, Los Angeles.


Castro, Nivea. "Tatiana De La Tierra: The ¿Cuándo Supiste? Interview, 9 July 2012." Sinister Wisdom 97 (2015): 175-96.

Compiled by Sara Gregory (March 2017).


13th Moon (Periodical)

13th Moon is a journal which began publishing in 1973 and continued publishing through 2009. Founding editor Ellen Marie Bissert handed the editor role to Marilyn Hacker in 1981. In 1987 through 2003, 13th Moon was published by an editorial collective including fiction editors Judith Fetterley and Hollis Seamon and the poetry editors working with Judith Johnson. The collective was based in Albany, NY.

Print copies on hand include:
Volume II, Issues 1 and 2 (1983-84)
Volume XI, Issues 1 and 2 (1993)
Volume XII, Issues 1 and 2 (1994)
Volume XIV, Issues 1 and 2 (1996)

For more information on 13th Moon: A Feminist Literary Magazine see the current website,

Amazon Quarterly

Amazon Quarterly, a production of Amazon Press, was based in Massachusetts and published queer art and creative writing in the 1970's. The editors included but were not limited to Gina Covina, Laurel Galana, and Audre Lorde.

Article Database
Files of the issues can be found here:
The PDFs are also attached as files at the bottom of this page.

Article About Amazon Quarterly
Tirza True Latimer, "Amazon Quarterly: Pre-Zine Print Culture and the Politics of Separatism," in Modern Print Activism in the United States, edited by Rachel Schreiber. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2013.

Copyright Statement
Images and texts from this journal were found online and were posted to enhance readers' knowledge and appreciation of queer literature and artwork. If you own the work featured and you do not want it on this archive, please contact editor Julie Enszer so your material can be removed.

Broadside (Canadian Feminist Newspaper)

Broadside was a groundbreaking Canadian feminist newspaper that published from 1979 until 1989. Based in Toronto, the newspaper was led by editor Philanda Masters and other volunteer staff members. All issues of the newspaper are now completely digitized and searchable at the archives of Broadside.

This article contextualizes Broadside's background and meaning in the Canadian feminist movement:

Common Lives, Lesbian Lives


Conditions was published in Brooklyn, New York, between 1977 and 1990 in sequentially numbered issues, One through Seventeen. Numerous editors built and maintained the magazine, including but not limited to Barbara Smith, Jewelle Gomez, and Rima Shore. Audre Lorde joined myriad contributors and published through Conditions.


Article Database
A database of all articles from digitized issues is available here

Twenty-One Boxes of Back Issues
An article about distributing the back issues of Conditions to research libraries and community archives published on Lambda Literary is available here.

Article About Conditions
“‘Fighting to Create and Maintain Our Own Black Women’s Culture’: Conditions Magazine, 1977-1990,” American Periodicals, vol. 25, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 160-176. Enszer American Periodicals 25.2.pdf

Grateful appreciation to the students in Women's Studies 250 class, fall 2012, at the University of Maryland for their enthusiastic participation in the creation of this archive.

Copyright Statement
Conditions and the materials printed in Conditions remain under copyright. In consultation with Cheryl Clarke, a member of the Conditions collective for ten years, I have created this archive of Conditions in an effort to preserve the vital work of the journal and make it available for scholarly and personal use.

If you are the copyright owner of material in Conditions and do not want your work to be displayed in this digital archive, please email me at JulieREnszer at gmail dot com. I will redact the pages with your legally copyright protected materials immediately and destroy all personal copies of the digital materials.
Thank you for your interest in and support of lesbian-feminist print culture.

Conditions: One

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: One

Rhoda Acquah and Poojah Ganesh digitized Conditions: One, October 2012

PDF icon CondictionsOne.pdf76.29 MB

Conditions: Two

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Two
Nicole Tashakkori and Kamil Williams digitized Conditions: Two.

PDF icon Conditions: Two57.56 MB

Conditions: Three

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Three

Ceaira Thomas digitized Conditions: Three.

PDF icon ConditionsThree.pdf50.54 MB

Conditions: Four

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Four

Laura McKeon and Meghan Mahoney created the digital edition of Conditions: Four.

PDF icon ConditionsFour.pdf60.63 MB

Conditions: Five

PDF icon Conditions 5.pdf80.79 MB

Conditions: Six

PDF icon Conditions 6.pdf121.53 MB

Conditions: Seven

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Seven

Sarah Greaney and Lily Hong created the digital edition of Conditions: Seven.

PDF icon ConditionsSevenB&W.pdf52.01 MB

Conditions: Eight

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Eight

Bari Turkheimer and Desire Renggli digitized Conditions: Eight, October 2012.

PDF icon ConditionsEight.pdf42.8 MB

Conditions: Nine

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Nine

Alysse Pazienza, Bri'anna "BJ" Jenkins, and Melyssa Rothstein created the digital edition of Conditions: Nine

PDF icon ConditionsNine.pdf29.47 MB

Conditions: Ten

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Ten

Meagan Campbell and Julie Grobios digitized Conditions: Ten, October 2012

PDF icon ConditionsTen.pdf80.26 MB

Conditions: Eleven/Twelve

This issue has two digital parts.

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Eleven/Twelve part 1

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Eleven/Twelve part 2

Nicholas Middleton and Antonella Perez Ferrero digitized Conditions: Eleven/Twelve.

Conditions: Thirteen

Conditions: Thirteen has two parts to the digital edition.

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Thirteen part 1

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Thirteen part 2

Ceaira Thomas and Sara Schulkowski digitized Conditions: Thirteen.

Conditions: Fourteen

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Fourteen

Laura Bonilla and Kelly Gesswein digitized Conditions: Fourteen.

PDF icon ConditionsFourteen.pdf69.52 MB

Conditions: Fifteen

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Fifteen

Brady Miller and Meghan Uhl digitized Conditions: Fifteen.

PDF icon ConditionsFifteen.pdf49.03 MB

Conditions: Sixteen

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Sixteen

Rachele Macarthy digitized Conditions: Sixteen.

PDF icon ConditionsSixteen.pdf145.71 MB

Conditions: Seventeen

Click here for a full PDF of Conditions: Seventeen

Rachel Hoffman and Kate Fitzgerald digitized Conditions: Seventeen.

PDF icon ConditionsSeventeen.pdf42.75 MB

Conditions Commentary

This area will feature discussions about Conditions by former editors and contributors as well as by feminist scholars.

Article Database
A database of all articles from digitized issues is available for download as a .xls file. The link to download this file is below or click here.

Twenty-One Boxes of Back Issues
An article about distributing the back issues of Conditions to research libraries and community archives published on Lambda Literary is available here.

Article About Conditions
“‘Fighting to Create and Maintain Our Own Black Women’s Culture’: Conditions Magazine, 1977-1990,” American Periodicals, vol. 25, no. 2 (Fall 2015): 160-176. Enszer American Periodicals 25.2.pdf

Grateful appreciation to the students in Women's Studies 250 class, fall 2012, at the University of Maryland for their enthusiastic participation in the creation of this archive.

Copyright Statement
Conditions and the materials printed in Conditions remain under copyright. In consultation with Cheryl Clarke, a member of the Conditions collective for ten years, I have created this archive of Conditions in an effort to preserve the vital work of the journal and make it available for scholarly and personal use.

If you are the copyright owner of material in Conditions and do not want your work to be displayed in this digital archive, please email me at JulieREnszer at gmail dot com. I will redact the pages with your legally copyright protected materials immediately and destroy all personal copies of the digital materials.
Thank you for your interest in and support of lesbian-feminist print culture.


Distaff published in New Orleans from 1973-1976. In its inaugural year, Distaff released new issues nearly every month; however, over time, the newspaper released issues more sporadically. After 1976, the journal briefly ceased publication until 1978. Editor Mary Gehman donated her collection from Distaff to the Newcomb Archives and Vorhoff Library Special Collections.

The complete run of Distaff is digitized here:

Dyke A Quarterly

Dyke A Quarterly was published in New York City from 1975-1979 under the leadership of editors Liza Cowan and Penny House. The full issues and archives of the magazine are online here:

Gay Community News (GCN)

The full run of Gay Community News is digitized and freely available here:

Here is a tribute to GCN including an archive of three zoom events that The History Project organized to celebrate GCN at 50.

Heresies (Journal)

The Heresies Collective was a group of women who documented their experiences with the Second Wave of feminism with this NY-based journal, Heresies, from 1977-1993. Contributors to the journal include but are not limited to Joan Braderman, Mary Beth Edelson, and Arlene Ladden. The complete archives of Heresies, a feminist art journal, are available as downloadable PDF files here:

Hot Wire - The Journal of Women's Music and Culture

Hot Wire published 10 issues from November of 1984 to September of 1994, and prices for the magazines ranged from around $5.00 to $6.00. The complete archives of Hot Wire - The Journal of Women's Music and Culture are available as downloadable PDF files on the Hot Wire website, although be patient as you wait for the larger PDF files to load. To read, please go here:

Motheroot Journal

Motheroot Publications released several progressive texts, including its own Motheroot Journal which reviewed independently-published feminist books. The journal was based in Pittsburgh, PA from 1979-1985, and it emerged as a quarterly publication that released new issues every 3 months. A blurb about Motheroot, as well as records of other Pittsburgh-based feminist publications, can be found at the University of Pittsburgh's library website:

Onyx / Black Lesbian Newsletter

The Black Lesbian Newsletter, later Onyx, published from 1982 until 1984.


Ivy Marie compiled a bibliography of items in Onyx for Sinister Wisdom and the Lesbian Poetry Archive. It is available for viewing here:


Out/Look, the National Lesbian & Gay Quarterly, was published in San Fransisco from the spring of 1988 through the summer of 1992 and contained 17 issues. The publication was founded by Jeffrey Escoffier and co-edited by E.G. Crichton, and it addressed issues including but not limited to: the AIDS outbreak, queer fashion, activism, and books/artwork. The journal inspired the OutWrite conferences that hosted numerous influential key speakers such as Allen Ginsberg.
Click below for the electronic archive.

For the 30th anniversary of Out/Look, E.G. Crichton has collaborated with the GLBT Historical Society of San Fransisco to create a database and meeting place of queer writers and artists. Readers can access this resource in October of 2017 at the following link:

Electronic Archive of Out/Look

Out/Look, the National Lesbian & Gay Quarterly, published from the spring of 1988 (issue 1) through the summer of 1992 (issue 17).


Article Database
A database of all articles from digitized issues is available for download as a .xls file. The link to download this file is below or click here.

Grateful appreciation to the students in LGBT Studies 200 class, fall 2012 and spring 2015, and in WMST/LGBT 494, spring 2013, at the University of Maryland for their enthusiastic participation in the creation of this archive.

Copyright Statement
Out/Look and the materials printed in Out/Look remain under copyright. I have created this archive of Out/Look in an effort to preserve the vital work of the journal and make it available for scholarly and personal use.

If you are the copyright owner of material in Out/Look and do not want your work to be displayed in this digital archive, please email me at JulieREnszer at gmail dot com. I will redact the pages with your legally copyright protected materials immediately and destroy all personal copies of the digital materials.

Thank you for your interest in and support of LGBT print culture.

Office spreadsheet icon OutlookDatabase.xls66 KB

Out/Look 2

Bill Cannon digitized Out/Look 2.

PDF icon Outlook2.pdf32.27 MB

Out/Look 3

PDF icon Outlook3.pdf19.85 MB

Out/Look 4

PDF icon OutLook4.pdf32.53 MB

Out/Look 5

PDF icon Outlook5.pdf61.36 MB

Out/Look 6

Camille Nelson, Benjamin Oursler, Jean Park, Patrick Steeger, and Nick Whims digitized Out/Look 6.

PDF icon Outlook6.pdf139.69 MB

Out/Look 7

PDF icon Outlook7.pdf80.77 MB

Out/Look 8

PDF icon Outlook8.pdf76.37 MB

Out/Look 9

Hayley Brock, Tyannis Carter, Domenica Hodak, and Natasha Tracey digitized Out/Look 9.

PDF icon Outlook9.pdf85.33 MB

Out/Look 10

Gemma d'Eustachio digitized Out/Look 10.

PDF icon Outlook10.pdf35.78 MB

Out/Look 11

Courtney Guth, Justin Jones, Brooks Gabel, and William Owen digitized Out/Look 11.

PDF icon Out/Look 1180.9 MB

Out/Look 12

PDF icon OutLook12.pdf90.51 MB

Out/Look 13

PDF icon Outlook13.pdf14.13 MB

Out/Look 14

Stephany Argueta, Sylvia Ejeh, Nicole Martin, Caitlin Moore, Michelle Song, Michael Stavros, and Farhan Wasif Quader digitized Out/Look 14.

PDF icon Outlook14.pdf62.25 MB

Out/Look 15

PDF icon Outlook15.pdf88.75 MB

Out/Look 16

Rayshaunda Hayes, Flor Orellana-Diaz, Hedge Amrine, and Danxia Cui digitized Out/Look 16.

Out/Look 17

PDF icon OutLook17.pdf48.02 MB

Sinister Wisdom

Sinister Wisdom began publishing in 1976 under initial editors Catherine Nicholson and Harriet Desmoines, and Sinister Wisdom continues to publish today with current editor Julie R. Enszer. This archive presents Sinister Wisdom from 1976 until 1990. While the journal originated in North Carolina, it moved to Massachusetts and Nebraska before finding its home in California.

Scholarly Writing about Sinister Wisdom

Enszer, Julie R. ""how to Stop Choking to Death": Rethinking Lesbian Separatism as a Vibrant Political Theory and Feminist Practice." Journal of Lesbian Studies 20, no. 2 (2016): 180-196.

Enszer, Julie R. "Night Heron Press and Lesbian Print Culture in North Carolina, 1976–1983." Southern Cultures 21, no. 2 (2015): 43-56.

Gambino, Elena. "Politics as ‘Sinister Wisdom’: Reparation and Responsibility in Lesbian Feminism." Contemporary Political Theory 20, no. 3 (2021): 524-546.

Holladay, Hilary. The Power of Adrienne Rich. New York, NY: Nan A. Talese, 2020.

Mims, La Shonda. Drastic Dykes and Accidental Activists: Queer Women in the Urban South. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press, 2022.

Stallings, L.H. Dirty South Manifesto. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2019.


Sinister Wisdom 3

Sinister Wisdom 7

PDF icon SinisterWisdom7.pdf41.36 MB

The Furies, a Lesbian/Feminist Monthly, poetry catalogue

Poetry in The Furies

The Furies, a lesbian/feminist monthly, began publishing in January 1972. A total of nine issues of the magazine were published until it ceased in 1973.

The Furies Collective in Washington DC, the center for the lesbian feminist group called by the same name (the Furies), is now on the National Register of Historic Places. PDFs of all issues (except one noted below) of The Furies newspaper are available online from

Certain issues can also be found at the Duke Rubenstein Library website at

Article titled, "Have Fun So We Do Not Go Mad in Male Supremacist Heterosexual Amerika: Lesbian-Feminist Poetry in The Furies," appeared in Beltway Quarterly, March 2009, in the theme issue on Literary Organizations.

Volume 1, January 1972
Four poems from Judy Grahn’s Edward the Dyke and Other Poems are included on page 7.
The poems are: “A History of Lesbianism,” “I’m not a girl,” “V. Detroit Annie, hitchhiking,” (one of "The Common Woman Poems") and “in the place where.”

Volume 2, February 1972
Seven poems from Rita Mae Brown’s The Hand That Rocks the Cradle are included on pages 12-13. The poems are: “The New Lost Feminist: A Triptych,” “For Lydia French,” “Sappho’s Reply,” “The Self Affirms Herself,” “ Canto Cantare Cantavi Cantatum,” “Song to a Handsome Woman,” and “The Bourgeois Questions.”
Other items of interest: Article by Helaine Harris, “Out of the O Zone,” opens with a poem by June Slavin title, “After Monterey Pop” (page 2.) Article by Jennifer Woodul on Emily Dickinson titled “Much Madness is Divinest Sense” (page 8.) Advertisement for Judy Grahn’s Edward the Dyke and Other Poems (page 23.)

Volume 1, issue 3, March-April 1972
No poetry.
Other item of interest: Text advertisement for Look at Women by Fran Winant, published by Violet Press including this advertisement “Violet Press is looking for material for a gay women’s anthology. Send your poems, songs, book reviews, essays, drawings and cartoons to them and include a stamped self-addressed return envelope.”

Volume 1, issue 4, May 1972
No poetry.
Correction to the poem “After Monterey Pop” on page 16.

Volume 1, issue 5, June-July 1972
Four poems from Pat Parker’s Child of Myself are included on page 4. The poems are: “A Moment Left Behind,” “With the sun,” “Let me come to you naked,” “Exodus (To my husbands, lovers).”
Other item of interest: “A Manifesto for the Feminist Artist” by Rita Mae Brown.

Volume 1, issue 6, August 1972
No poetry.
Other items of interest: Advertisement for Shameless Hussy Books including books by Alta, Susan Griffin, Paul Mariah, and Pat Parker, Advertisment for Diana Press, Lesbian Printshop, Printing, Tyepsetting, Layout, Graphics.

Volume 1, issue 7, Fall 1972
Poem by E. Sharon Gomillion on the cover, “We’re doing it in our schools. Poems on page 8 & 9: Susan Baker, “And Arab” and “Snapshots on Connecticut and K,” E. Sharon Gomillion, “My Love Called Me Today” and “Black Woman,” Merritt Wilson, “Diana, “I await, “Go from me lovely flower, and “A Preference,” Lee Lally, “Hurricanes, “For Meg at Clyde’s,” and “You Were Burying Us Before We Were Dead.”

Volume II, issue 1, February 1973
A Sonatina Followed by Another, by Gertrude Stein; edited by Fran Winant.
The introductory letter "To Our Readers" provides this information: The poem by Gertrude stein, pgs. 5, 6, was edited by Fran Winant. This is what Fran wrote to us about her editing: "My method was to put togetehr the sentences and paragraphs I felt were most revealing of the main ideas in the poem. . .I left out a lot of what I felt was Stein talking to herself, making personal references which had little or no meaning for anyone else. I felt that she was upset by the idea of talking about her lesbianism and tried to hide her subject by talking about irrelevant or obscure things. In orther words, I tried to extract the poem-within-the-poem. . . .
I find that, especially when read out loud, Stein's poetry has a magic quality, a feeling of giving off meaning beyond what words can say. I tried the poem on two audiences, one straight and one gay. The straights sat like sticks as if they didn't hear a word. The gay women laughed, cheered and generally exploded at every line. I feel this poem is part of gay women's culture, that even Stein tried to hide from us, and should be given back to gay women. . "
She Who, poetry by Judy Grahn, Graphics by Nancy Myron. Poems in this dossier include "She Who," "A Geology Lesson," "Slowly: A Plainsong from an Older Woman to a Younger Woman," and "The Woman Whose Head is On Fire."
"Sister of Mine," poem by E. Sharon Gomillion.
Other Items of Interest: Advertisement for These Days by Lee Lally, printed for Some of Us Press by Diana Press, advertisement for Amazon Quarterly, The Lesbian Tide, Diana Press's 1973 Women's Calendar, Diana Press, Lavender Woman (The Lesbian Paper of Chicago), Libera, Songs to a Handsome Woman by Rita Mae Brown, printed and distributed by Diana Press, The Gay Blade, and Whole Woman.

Volume II, issue 2
Journeys on the Living, poems by Linda Koolish: “My Neighbor is Thirty-Three” and “Conversation with my Mother” (page 3.) From Eating Artichokes by Willyce Kim, “Poem for Zahava,” “Eating artichokes,” and “The next woman” (page 4.)
New York Poems, poems by Lee Lally (page 8-11), “Time Square,” “New York Will Break Your Heart, Baby,” “W. 139th & Broadway,” Stop Light E 4th & 1st Avenue,” “234 E. 4th Street, “7th Ave. Broadway Local,” “East Village-Thompson St & E. 3rd St.” “Thompson Square and 7th Street,” Avenue B/E. 5th & 6th St.,” “Moon Poem,” “43rd St. between 7th and 8th Avenue,” “It is smooth,” and “Avenue of the Americas.”

Volume II, issue 3 Final Issue
Prose poem, "unnatural woman," by Diane O'Flynn.
"Oranges at Wandegeya" by Jay Williams.
"R St." by Keegan.

Trivia: A Journal of Ideas, 1982-1995

Trivia: A Journal of Ideas was founded in 1982 by a group of feminists in Massachusetts, but it morphed into the contemporary forum Triva: Voices of Feminism which is managed by Monica J. Casper, Julie Amparano, and Linda Van Leuven. Lise Weil, one of the founders and editors of the original Trivia: A Journal of Ideas, now serves on the new forum's advisory board.

Print archives are available for purchase upon request by visiting the following website:
Previous issues of the new Voices journal/forum can be found here:

Issue 1, Fall 1982 [Issues 1-18 are edited by Lise Weil and a series of associate and assistant editors. Issue 12 is edited by Linda Nelson]
• Janice Raymond, A Genealogy of Female Friendship
• Natalia Malachowskaja, Terra Incognita: On Women and Writing
• Kate Clinton, Making Light: Notes on Feminist Humor
• Anne G. Dellenbaugh, She Who Is and Is Not Yet: An Essay on Parthenogenesis
• H. Patricia Hynes, Active Women in Passive '80
• Kathleen Barry, "Sadomasochism": The New Backlash to Feminism
• Bonnie St. Andrews, Trivial Lives: Nelly Sachs: The Enduring Epitaph

Issue 2, Spring 1983
• Andrea Dworkin, Antifeminism
• Cynthia Rich, The Women in the Tower
• Kathy Newman, Re-membering an Interrupted Conversation: The Mother/Virgin Split
• Andrée M. Collard, Rape of the Wild
• Denise D. Connors, Trivial Lives: Florence Nightingale, A Radical Genius Re-membered
• Lise Weil, In Review: The Color Purple, by Alice Walker

Issue 3, Fall 1983
• Debbie Alicen, Intertextuality: The Language of Lesbian Relationships
• Camille Norton, "Tomb-Breakers": The Case Against Willa Cather
• Mary Daly, On Lust and the Lusty
• Gloria F. Orenstein, Towards a Bifocal Vision in Surrealist Ethics
• Kathy Newman, Trivial Lives: Susan Glaspell and Trifles

Issue 4, Spring 1984
• Jeffner Allen, Looking at Our Blood: A Lesbian Response to Men's Terrorization of Women
• Erika Wisselinck, Anna – One Day in the Life of an Old Woman
• Nancy Breeze, Who's Going To Rock the Petri Dish? For Feminists Who Have Considered Parthenogenesis When the Movement Is Not Enough
• Elizabeth Denny, Daughters of Harpalyce: Incest and Myth
• Katherine Kleitz, Madame Matisse and the Roman Ruins
• Stephanie A. Demetrakopoulos, Colette, Clairvoyance, and the Medium asSibyl: Another Step Towards a Female Metaphysics
• Camille Norton, Trivial Lives: The Naming of George Eliot
• Pauline E. Kayes, In Review: The Mirror Dance: Identity in a Women's Community, by Susan Krieger

Issue 5, Fall 1984
• Nicole Brossard, From Radical to Integral
• Harriet Ellenberger, The Dream Is the Bridge: In Search of Lesbian Theatre
• Jane Meyerding, On Nonviolence and Feminism
• Bonnie St. Andrews, Trivial Lives: Selma Lagerlöf
• Deirdre Neilen, In Review: Teaching a Stone To Talk, by Annie Dillard
• Jane Caputi, In Review: Pure Lust: Elemental Feminist Philosophy, by Mary Daly
• Hannah Quillet, Gadfly to the Sacred Cows

Issue 6, Winter 1985
• Emily Erwin Culpepper, Simone de Beauvoir and the Revolt of the Symbols
• Tremor, The Hundredth Lezzie
• Luce Irigaray, Any Theory of the "Subject" Has Always Been Appropriated by the "Masculine
• Juliet A. Langley, Audacious Fancies: A Collection of Letters from Charlotte Perkins Gilman to Martha Luther
• Ruthann Robson, A Son: Nightmares and Dreams of a Radical Feminist
• Lise Weil, Trivial Lives: Christa Wolf and Cassandra

Issue 7, Summer 1985
• Lise Weil, Imaging Our Freedom: Thoughts on the Pornography Debate
• Andrea Dworkin, Against the Male Flood: Censorship, Pornography, and Equality
• Louky Bersianik, Agenesias of the Old World
• Baba Copper, The View from Over the Hill: Notes on Ageism Between Lesbians
• Heide Göttner-Abendroth, Thou Gaia Art I: Matriarchal Mythology in Former Times and Today
• Erika Wisselinck, Trivial Lives: Notes from a Death Cell

Issue 8, Winter 1986
• Nicole Brossard, Access to Writing: Ritual of the Written Word
• Luisah Teish, She Who Whispers
• Micheline Grimard-Leduc, The Mind-Drifting Islands
• Jeffner Allen, Lesbian Economics
• Mab Maher, Feminism and Life-Memory
• Paula Gunn Allen, Haggles
• Betty La Duke, Trivial Lives: Artists Yolanda López and Patricia Rodríguez

Issue 9, Fall 1986
• Sonia Johnson, Telling the Truth
• Anna Lee, Therapy: The Evil Within
• Bonnie Mann, The Radical Feminist Task of History: Gathering Intelligence in Nicaragua
• Marisa Zavalloni, An Ego-Ecological Analysis of the Representation of Women: The Sartre-Beauvoir Interviews
• Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Moral Agency Under Oppression
• Michelle Jacobs, Trivial Lives: The Forgotten Woman
• Lorine M. Getz and Barbara Walsh, In Review: The Journey Is Home, by Nelle Morton

Issue 10, Spring 1987
• Andrée M. Collard, Freeing the Animals
• Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Moral Agency Under Oppression: Beyond Praise and Blame
• Bonnie Mann, Validation or Liberation? A Critical Look at Therapy and the Women's Movement
• I. Rose, A Passion for Revolution: Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)
• Heide Göttner-Abendroth, Urania – Time and Space of the Stars: The Matriarchal Cosmos through the Lens of Modern Physics and Hagia – Academy and Coven for Matriarchal Research and Experience
• Joyce Contrucci, Trivial Lives: Andrée M. Collard (1926-1986): A Biophilic Journey

Issue 11, Fall 1987
• Nicole Brossard, Certain Words
• Baba Copper, Mothers and Daughters of Invention
• Mary Daly in cahoots with Jane Caputi, Selected Words from Websters' First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language
• Diane R. Holman, The Penis as Problematic: Feminist Observations on the Anatomical Distinctions Between the Sexes
• Sarah Lucia Hoagland, Moral Agency Under Oppression: Playing Among Boundaries
• Bonnie St. Andrews, Trivial Lives: Writing the Revolution: Frederika Bremer (1801-65)
• Jane Caputi, In Review: This Is About Incest, by Margaret Randall
• Karen Elias, In Review: Forbidden Fruit: On the Relationship Between Women and Knowledge in Doris Lessing, Selma Lagerlöf,
• Kate Chopin, Margaret Atwood, by Bonnie St. Andrews
• Lise Weil, In Review: Going Out of Our Minds: The Metaphysics of Liberation, by Sonia Johnson

Issue 12, Spring 1988
• Margaret Lew, Relocating the Hedge Transforms the House: Monique Wittig and Pueblo Architecture
• Lou Robinson, Menstrual Extraction: A Mystery
• Nicole Brossard, Kind Skin My Mind
• Jewelle Gomez, Imagine a Lesbian . . . a Black Lesbian . . .
• Christina Thürmer-Rohr, From Deception to Un-Deception: On the Complicity of Women
• Anne G. Dellenbaugh, In and Out of Hell: Where Desire Meets Terror
• Gloria F. Orenstein, Trivial Lives: Interview with the Shaman of Samiland: The Methodology of the Marvelous
• Linda L. Nelson, In Review: A Restricted Country, by Joan Nestle

Issue 13, Fall 1988 Special issue: The Third International Feminist Book Fair, Part I
• Lise Weil, Memory/Transgression: Women Writing in Québec
• Louise Cotnoir, Québec Women's Writing: A Space-In-Between Theory and Fiction
• Gail Scott, A Feminist at the Carnival
• Lou Robinson, "our litanies, our transfusions": After Reading Heroine by Gail Scott
• Nicole Brossard, Memory: Hologram of Desire
• Shirley Hartwell, Words Speaking Body Memory: After Reading Don't: A Woman's Word, by Elly Danica
• Mary Meigs, Memories of Age
• Erin Mouré, Poetry, Memory, and the Polis
• Michèle Causse, Interview: For a Sea of Women and L'Interloquée
• Betsy Warland, the breasts refuse
• Alice Parker, In Review: The Aerial Letter, by Nicole Brossard

Issue 14, Spring 1989 Special Issue: The Third International Feminist Book Fair, Part II
• Linda Nelson and Lise Weil, Language/Difference: Writing in Tongues
• Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood, I Write Le Body Bilingual: a love affair-e in nomad's land
• Jeannette C. Armstrong, Cultural Robbery, Imperialism: Voices of Native Women
• Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood, Conversations at the Book Fair with Gloria Anzaldúa and Lee Maracle
• Gloria Anzaldúa, Border Crossings
• Marion Kraft, Between Aversion, Alibi and Acknowledgement: White Feminism and Black Women's Literature in Germany
• Catherine Gonnard, Interview with Michèle Causse
• Ruthann Robson, Nightshade: After Reading Trivia 13
• Verena Stefan, Literally Dreaming
• Jewelle L. Gomez, In Review: Not Vanishing, by Chrystos
• Linda L. Nelson, After Reading Borderlands/La Frontera, by Gloria Anzaldúa

Issue 15, Fall 1989
• Ruthann Robson, Historicity
• Carol LeMasters, S/M and the Violence of Desire
• Christina Thürmer-Rohr, Turning Thoughts/Turning Away
• Carolyn Gage, No Dobermans Allowed: A Dramatic Argument for Separatist Theater
• Amy Elman, Sexual Subordination and State Intervention: Lessons for Feminists from the Nazi State
• Joan Chevalier, Notes on the Weather
• Camille Norton, The Music of Wolves: After Reading Spaces Like Stairs, by Gail Scott
• Laurel Rust, Trivial Lives: Anna, the Moon and the Stars

Issue 16/17, Fall 1990 Special Double Issue: Breaking Forms
• Kirsten Backstrom, Rogue
• Marlene Nourbese Philip, The Absence of Writing, or How I Almost Became a Spy and Universal Grammar
• Dyana Werden, Women's Languaging: An Image/Word Conjunction
• Jane Caputi, Interview with Paula Gunn Allen
• Shirley Hartwell, The Lie of the Feminist Right Wing Ethic
• Rena Rosenwasser, Berlin Nights
• Jennifer Weston, "Thinking in Things": A Women's Symbol Language
• Susanna J. Sturgis, Mimi's Revenge
• Lee Maracle, Nobody Home
• Sheila Pepe, To Soar: Interview with Nancy Spero
• Lou Robinson, Rapport
• Toni Mirosevich, Do Muscles Have Memories?
• Carolyn Gage, Louisa May Incest: A One-Act Play

Issue 18, Fall 1991 Special Issue: Collaboration
• Lise Weil, Linda Nelson, Kay Parkhurst, and Erin J. Rice, "The Knots and Lines Between Us": an editorial in four voices
• Christine Ianieri and Susan Stinson, Rough Fat
• Kathryn Kirk, Linda Nelson, and Lise Weil, Interview with Martha Fleming and Lyne Lapointe
• Gillian Hanscombe and Suniti Namjoshi, Heavenly Enough
• Daphne Marlatt and Betsy Warland, Subject to Change
• Kim Chernin and Renate Stendhal, Between Intimacy and Passion, a Collaboration
• Lise Weil, Lowering the Case: After Reading Sex and Other Sacred Games, by Kim Chernin and Renate Stendhal
• Joli Sandoz, The Stakes of the Game: After Reading Grey Is the
• Color of Hope, by Irina Ratushinskaya

Issue 19, Spring 1992 [Issues 19- 22 are edited by Kay Parkhurst and Erin Rice]
• Lorrie Sprecher, Lesbian Crimes Against the State
• Lou Robinson and Ellen Zweig, Centrifugal nineteen
• Lee Maracle, The Lost Days of Columbus
• Barbara Mor, aWoman Drums on MEN and Letters
• Anne Witten, Blue Water
• Anne Witten with Martha Mickles, Speaking About My Life
• Michèle Causse and Nicole Brossard, Correspondance, 1986
• Concetta Principe, March Cantos
• Monica Sjöö, The New World Order
• Robin Parks, Meditations on Form
• CB Sundance, Strabismus: A Trivial Challenge
• Helen Barolini, Trivial Lives: Bianca, the Gulf War, Saroyan, and Me
• Mary Meigs, After Reading Look Me in the Eye: Old Women, Aging and Ageism, by Barbara Macdonald with Cynthia Rich
• Ruth West, Explanation of Thea's Tarot

Issue 20, 1992 "10 Years: A Retrospective"
• Ruthann Robson, authenticity and excerpt from historicity
• Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood, Manu Opera: Fragments of a Lovers' Dis-Course and excerpt from I Write Le Body Bilingual
• Linda Nelson, What They Have Left
• Linda Nelson and Lise Weil, excerpt from Language/Difference: Writing in Tongues
• Lise Weil and Erin Rice, Talking Eds
• Harriet Ellenberger, Communique and excerpt from The Dream Is the Bridge
• I. Rose, Report and excerpt from A Passion for Revolution
• Rena Rosenwasser, HER forwards and Berlin Nights
• Lise Weil, Conversation with Michèle Causse
• Michèle Causse, excerpt from For a Sea of Women
• Anne G. Dellenbaugh, Of a Wild Kind and excerpt from She Who Is and Is Not Yet
• Betsy Warland, excerpt from The Bat Had Blue Eyes
• Betsy Warland and Daphne Marlatt, excerpt from Subject to Change
• Daphne Marlatt, Salvaging: The Subversion of Mainstream Culture in Contemporary Feminist Writing
• Leah Halper, Trivial Lives: The Tiger Reminds Me of Myself
• Barbara Mor, the mirrors of her ice/eyes: After Reading Vagabonding: Feminist Thinking Cut Loose, by Christina Thürmer-Rohr (Part I)

Issue 21, 1993
• Ann Stokes, This Fresco Stuns Me
• Patricia Webb, A Benign Case of Writing Flu
• Myrna Elana, Differently
• The Kiss and Tell Collective, Artists Talk: An Interview with the Kiss and Tell Collective
• Penelope J. Engelbrecht, Re/viewing Kathy Acker
• Ann Veronica Simon, Friendship, 1989 and Friendship, 1990
• Naomi Riches, Crop Circles
• Lorraine Schein, Angel of Anarchy
• Mykel Johnson, Wanting To Be Indian
• Louie Galloway, Crone Comes Calling on Zus!
• Jennifer Drake, Four Poems
• Liz Waldner, Thinking of Petra Kelly
• Nancy Goldhar, After Viewing: Correspondences
• Cara J. MariAnna, The Seven Mythic Cycles of Thelma and Louise
• Barbara Mor, the mirrors of her ice/eyes: After Reading Vagabonding: Feminist Thinking Cut Loose, by Christina Thürmer-Rohr (Part II)

Issue 22, 1995
Part I: "A journal of Rejected Ideas"
• Rita Reese, Skin
• Marilyn Murphy, The Lesbian as Hero
• Jennifer Kramer, The Method of Exhaustion
• Rena Rosenwasser and Kate Delos, Hand
• Slick Harris, Shrink Rap
• Judith K. Witherow, Goddess or Godawful? An Interview with Camille Paglia
• Diana L. Fowlkes, Descending on Heptonstall: Between Sylvia Plath and the Yorkshire Ripper
• Linda Hooper, Ain't Love a Drag
• Eunice Scarfe, Pillar of Salt: The Song of Miriam
• Linda A. Bell, Do You, or Does Someone You Know, Have Vaginal Fortitude?
• Amani Kali Obike, athene of androgyny and the immortal
• Lynne Taetzsch, On My Way to Sparrow's

Part 2: "Our Regularly Scheduled Program"
• Lilian Friedberg, Undine's Valediction: A Translation of the Story by Ingeborg Bachmann and A Liberal Translation of Bachmann's "Undine Geht": Transposing Literature in the Spirit of a Common Language and In the Society of the Dead Poet
• Charlotte Templin, Webs and Goddesses: The Art of Cristina Biaggi
• Jodi Lundgren, Ini-SHE-ating & Re-Acting; or, What Happened When I Hugged Her
• Erin Rice and Trystan Skeigh, Pillow Talk: An Interview with Buddhist Editor Helen Tworkov
• Barbara Mor, the mirrors of her ice/eyes: After Reading Vagabonding: Feminist Thinking Cut Loose, by Christina Thürmer-Rohr (Part III)

Vice Versa (June 1947-February 1948)

Vice Versa was the first lesbian magazine circulated in the United States in Los Angeles starting in 1947. Edythe Eyde published ten copies of each edition of her magazine, all marked with the pseudonym Lisa Ben (an anagram for lesbian). J.D. Doyle has digitized all of the issues of Vice Versa on the website Queer Music Heritage.

You can read all of the issues and background on the magazine Vice Versa here:

Wilde Magazine

Wilde: covering men from head to toe

Premiere issue March/April 1995
John Fall, editor,

San Francisco: PDA Press, 1995. Magazine. 8.5x11 inches glossy

gay men's fashion and enntertainment magazines in stapled pictorial wraps.

This slick magazine lasted only four issues plus one promotional six page excerpt.

[Description adapted from Bolerium Books]

Publishers/Small Presses

13th Moon (Publisher)

13th Moon Press published books as well. This bibliography is of the books published by 13th Moon Press. The list is from WorldCat and, I believe, is incomplete.

Bissert, Ellen Marie. The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Dyke. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1977. (Reviewed in Sinister Wisdom.)

Cain, Mary Ann. Down from Moonshine: A Novel. Fort Lee, NJ: 13th Moon Press, 2009.

Piercy, Marge. Martha as the Angel Gabriel. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1977.

Piercy, Marge. For the Furies. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1982.

Piercy, Marge. Listening to a Speech. New York, NY: 13th Moon, Inc., 1983.

Piercy, Marge. A Day in the Life. Albany, NY: 13th Moon, 1996.

Cowell, Pattie. Women poets in pre-Revolutionary America, 1650-1775. [New York, NY?] 13th Moon, 1979.

Aunt Lute Books

Chronological Bibliography

Azpadu, Dodici. Saturday Night in the Prime of Life: A Novel. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1983.
Schoenfielder, Lisa and Barb Weiser. Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1983.

Azpadu, Dodici. Goat Song. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1984.

Brody, Michal. Are We There Yet? A Continuing History of Lavender Women, A Chicago Lesbian Newspaper, 1971-1976. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1985.
McDermott, Kate. Places, Please! The First Anthology of Lesbian Plays. Iowa City, IA: Aunt Lute Books, 1985.

Spinsters/Aunt Lute

Cameron, Anne. The Journey. Spinsters Ink, 1986.
Gordon, Rebecca. Letters from Nicaragua. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.
Swallow, Jean. Leave a Light On for Me: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.

Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Child of Her People. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Hall, Sandi. Wingwomen of Hera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987 (reprint edition).
Loulan, JoAnn. Lesbian Passion: Loving Ourselves and Each Other. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Scott, Kesho, Cherry Muhanji, and Egyirba High. Tight Spaces. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.

Due, Linnea A. High and Outside. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
McRae, Diana. All the Muscle You Need: An Eliza Pirex Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Thompson, Karen and Julie Andrzejewski. Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Velez, Diana Lourdes. Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women (Second Edition). San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988, 1997.

Barr, Nevada. Bittersweet. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
De Monteflores, Carmen. Singing Softly/Cantando Bajito: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Pjerrou, Mary. Coz: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Rich, Cynthia. Desert Years: Undreaming the American Dream. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Swan, Bonita. Thirteen Steps: An Empowerment Process for Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.

Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie. My Jewish Face & Other Stories. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Kwasny, Melissa. Modern Daughters and the Outlaw West: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Loulan, JoAnn. The Lesbian Erotic Dance: Butch, Femme, Androgyny, and Other Rhythms. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Aunt Lute Books as a non-profit organization

Anzaldzúa, Gloria. Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1990.
Muhanji, Cherry. Her: A Novel. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1990.

Calderón, Sara Levi. The Two Mujeres. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991.
Escamil, Edna. Daughter of the Mountain: Un Cuento. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991.
Gomez-Vega, Ibis. Send My Roots Rain. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1991.

Felman, Jyl Lynn. Hot Chicken Wings. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1992.
Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie. The Issue Is Power: Essays on Women, Jews, Violence, and Resistance. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1992.
Rosenwasser, Penny. Visionary Voices: Women on Power/Conversations with Shamans, Activists, Teachers, Artists, and Healers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1992.

Kanwar, Asha. The Unforgetting Heart: An Anthology of Short Stories by African-American Women, 1859-1993. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1993.
Our Feet Walk the Sky: Women of the South Asian Diaspora. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1993.

Forté-Escamilla, Kleya. The Storyteller with Nike Airs and Other Barrio Stories. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1994.
Ding, Xiaoqi. Maidenhome. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1994.

Davis, DeeAnne, Rabie Harris, Gloria Yamato and Others. New Voices from Aunt Lute 1. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1995.
Kahn, Karen. Frontline Feminism 1975-1995: Essays from Sojourner’s First Twenty Years. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1995.
Kamani, Ginu. Junglee Girl. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1995.
Kuzwayo, Ellen. Call Me Woman. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1985, 1995.

Walker, Alice. Alice Walker Banned. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.
Manojlovic Zarkovic, Radmila and Fran Peavey. I remember=Sjecam Se: Writings by Bosnian Women Refugees. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.
Weisinger, Jean. Imagery, Women Writers: Portraits (Calendar). San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1996.

Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1980, 1992, 1997.
Shelley, Martha. Haggadah: A Celebration of Freedom. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1997.

Stapleton, Lara. The Lowest Blue Flame Before Nothing. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1998.

Anderson, Carolyn Dunn and Carol Comfort. Through the Eye of the Deer: An Anthology of Native American Women Writers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.
Yan, Geling. White Snake and Other Stories. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1999.

Carbó, Nick and Eileen Tabios. Babaylan: An Anthology of Filipina and Filipina-American Writers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2000.
Dow, Unity. Far and Beyon’. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2000.

Bobis, Merlinda C. The Kissing: A Collection of Short Stories. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2001.
Grobman, Laurie. Teaching at the Crossroads: Cultures and Critical Perspectives on Literature by Women of Color. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2001.
Howe, LeAnne. Shell Shaker. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2001.

Harrington, Imani and Chyrell D. Bellamy. Positive/Negative: Women of Color and HIV/AIDS/A Collection of Plays. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2002.
Pettigrew, Dawn Karima. The Way We Make Sense. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2002.

Fernandes, Leela. Transforming Feminist Practice: Non-violence, Social Justice, and the Possibilities of a Spiritualized Feminism. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2003.

Hogeland, Lisa Maria and Mary Klages. The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2004.
DeDonato, Colette. City of One: Young Writers Speak to the World. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2004.

Tannenbaum, Judith. Solid Ground. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2006.

Armstrong, Ann Elizabeth and Kathleen Juhl. Radical Acts: Theatre and Feminist Pedagogies of Change. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2007.
Howe, LeAnne. Miko Kings: An Indian Baseball Story. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2007.

Agabian, Nancy. Me As Her Again: True Stories of an Armenian Daughter. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2008.
Hogeland, Lisa Maria and Shay Brawn. The Aunt Lute Anthology of U.S. Women Writers: Volume Two: The 20th Century. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2008.

Grahn, Judy. The Judy Grahn Reader. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2009.
Montero, Rosa and Adrienne Mitchell. Beautiful and Dark. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2009.
Pérez, Emma. Gulf Dreams. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2009.

Scott-Coe, Jo. Teacher at Point Blank: Confronting Sexuality, Violence, and Secrets in a Suburban School. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2010.

Grahn, Judy. A Simple Revolution: The Making of an Activist Poet. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 2012.

Special Projects

El Mundo Zurdo: Selected Works from the Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa, 2007 and 2009.
El Mundo Zurdo 2: Selected Works from the Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa, 2010.

Black Lesbian Feminist Press

Allen, Stephanie Andrea. A Failure to Communicate: Stories. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2017.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea. How to Dispatch a Human: Stories and Suggestions. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2021.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Black From the Future: A Collection of Black Speculative Writing. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2019.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Black Joy Unbound: An Anthology. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2023.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Lez Talk: A Collection of Black Lesbian Short Fiction. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2016.
Allen, Stephanie Andrea, and Lauren Cherelle, ed. Solace: Writing, Refuge, & LGBTQ Women of Color. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2017.
Gomez, Jewelle. Still Water: Poems. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2022.
Mickelbury, Penny. God’s Will and Other Lies: Stories. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2019.
Smith, Krystal A. This is Not About Love. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2021.
Smith, Krystal A. Two Moons: Stories. Bloomington, IN: Black Lesbian Feminist Press, 2018.

Compiled by Amanda Loney.

Bobbeh Meisehs Press

Operated by Judith Stein

Booklegger Press

Artel, Linda J. and Susan Wengraf. Positive Images: A Guide to Non-Sexist Films for Young People. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1976.

Booklegger Magazine. On Democratizing Library Management. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1974.

Dawson, Bonnie. Women's Films in Print: An Annotated Guide to 800 16mm Films by Women. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1975.

Gidlow, Elsa. Elsa, I Come with My Songs: The Autobiography of Elsa Gidlow. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1986.

Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1982.

Macey, Marsie and Susie Papeman. The Whole Woman Catalog / Volume 1. Portsmouth, NH: Booklegger Press, 1971.

West, Celeste and Elizabeth Katz. Revolting Librarians. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1972.

West, Celeste and Valerie Wheat. The Passionate Perils of Publishing. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1978.

West, Celeste. Where have all the publishers gone?: gone to conglomerates every one. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1980

Booklegger Press also published Booklegger Magazine (Bookazine?), a quarterly serial, from 1973-1976.

Crone Books

Wood-Thompson, Susan. Crazy Quilt: Poems. Washington, DC: Crone Books, 1980

Daughters, Inc.

Arnold, June. Applesauce. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1977. (Original edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1967.)

Arnold, June. The Cook and the Carpenter: A Novel by the Carpenter. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.
(This book was originally published with the authorial assignation: "the carpenter.")

Arnold, June. Sister Gin. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975. Simultaneously published by London: Women's Press, 1975, 1979. Reissued by New York: Feminist Press, 1989.

Beal, M. F. Angel Dance. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1977.

Boyd, Blanche M. Nerves: A Novel. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.

Brown, Rita Mae. Rubyfruit Jungle. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973. Reissued as a Bantam Paperback edition in 1978.

Brown, Rita Mae. In Her Day. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1976. Reissued as a Bantam paperback edition in 1978, 1988.

Burch, Pat. Early Losses. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.

Gould, Lois. X: A Fabulous Child's Story. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1978.

Hall, Nancy Lee. A True Story of a Drunken Mother. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1974.

Harris, Bertha. Lover. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1976.

Harris, Bertha. Confessions of Cherubino. New York, NY: Daughters, 1978. (Original edition New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1972.)

Hobbs, May. Born to Struggle. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975.

Lagerlöf, Selma. The Treasure. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1973.

Mace, Betty Webb. You Can have It When I'm Through with It. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1976.

Marie, Linda. I Must Not Rock. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1977.

McCauley, Carole Spearin. Happenthing in Travel On. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1975. (This is the only book omitted from the books published by Daughters Inc. in Bertha Harris's introduction to a reissue of Lovers from NYU Press.)

Mortimer, Penelope. The Pumpkin Eater. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc. 1975

Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana. Riverfinger Women. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1974.

Russ, Joanna. Kittatinny: A Tale of Magic. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1978.

Singer, Freida. Daughters in High School. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1974.

Stefan, Verena. Shedding. New York, NY: Daughters, Inc., 1978.

Wittig, Monique. The Opoponax. Plainfield, VT: Daughters, Inc., 1976. (This is a reissue from the 1966 edition from Simon & Schuster.)

Editor's Note: When I initially compiled the list of Daughters, Inc. publications, I used WorldCat and identified nine books. I knew there were more. The fifth issue of Sinister Wisdom yielded a longer list as did Bertha Harris's introduction to the NYU Press edition of her book Lover.

In the fifth issue of Sinister Wisdom (1978), Harriet Desmoines wrote the essay, "RETRIEVED FROM SILENCE: My Life and Times with Daughters, Inc." At the conclusion of the essay is this list of books published by Daughters, Inc.

Angel Dance by M. F. Beal $5.00
Applesauce by June Arnold $5.00
Born to Struggle by May Hobbs $3.50
The Cook and the Carpenter by the carpenter $3.50
Daughters in High School edited by Frieda Singer $4.80
Early Losses by Pat Burch $3.50
Happenthing in Travel On by Carole Spearin McCauley $4.00
I Must Not Rock by Linda Marie $5.00
In Her Day by Rita Mae Brown $4.50
Lover by Bertha Harris $4.50
Nerves by Blanche Boyd $3.50
The Opoponax by Monique Wittig $4.50
The Pumpkin Eater by Penelope Mortimer $4.00
Riverfinger Women by Elana Nachman $4.00
Rubyfruit Jungle by Rita Mae Brown $4.00
Sister Gin by June Arnold $4.00
The Treasure by Selma Lagerlof $3.00
A True Story of a Drunken Mother by Nancy Lee Hall $3.50
You Can have It When I'm Through with It $4.00
by Betty Webb Mace
To order: add $.50 per title handling charges; New York State residents add 7% sales tax; New York City residents add 8% sales tax.
Daughters Publishing Co., Inc.
22 Charles Street
New York, New York 10014

Diana Press

Brown, Rita Mae with illustrations by Sue Sellars. A Plain Brown Rapper. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1976.

Brown, Rita Mae. Songs to a handsome woman. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1973. Digitized:

Brown, Rita Mae. The hand that cradles the rock. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.

Budapest, Zsuzsanna Emese, Helen Beardwomon, and Carol Clement. Selene, the most famous bull-leaper on earth. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Bunch, Charlotte and Nancy Myron. Class and feminism; a collection of essays from the Furies. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.

Clement, Carol and Zsuzsanna Emese Budapest. 1977 a year and a day calendar. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Cheney, Joyce and Marcia Deihl. All our lives : a women's songbook. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Czarnik, Casey and Coletta Reid. The day before : a graphic datebook of our female ancestors. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.

Foster, Jeannette H. Sex variant women in literature. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.

Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic songs : seventeen to seventy. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Gomillion, E. Sharon. Forty acres and a mule. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1973.

Grahn, Judy. True to life adventure stories. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

Grahn, Judy. The Work of a Common Woman. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

Grier, Barbara and Coletta Reid. Lesbian lives: biographies of women from the Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Grier, Barbara and Coletta Reid. The Lesbians home journal : stories from the Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Grier, Barbara and Coletta Reid. The Lavender herring : lesbian essays from the Ladder. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1976.

Myron, Nancy and Charlotte Bunch. Lesbianism and the women's movement. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1975.

Myron, Nancy and Charlotte Bunch. Women Remembered: A Collection of Biographies from The Furies. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.

Parker, Pat. Movement in Black : the collected poetry of Pat Parker. [Foreword by Audre Lorde; introduction by Judy Grahn; graphics by Wendy Cadden, Irmajean, Karen Sjoholm.] Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

Parker, Pat. Womanslaughter. Oakland, CA: Diana Press, 1978.

Raeschild, Sheila. Lessons in leaving. Baltimore, MD: Diana Press, 1974.

Druid Heights Book

Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1982.

Gidlow, Elsa. Makings for Meditation; A Collection of Parapoems, Reverant & Irreverant. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1973.

Gidlow, Elsa. Ask No Man Pardon: The Philosophical Significance of Being Lesbian. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1975.

Gidlow, Elsa. Moods of Eros, and Other Poems. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1972.

Gidlow, Elsa. Wise Man's Gold. A Drama in Rhythm. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Press, 1972.

Gidlow, Elsa. Shattering the Mirror. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1976.

Gidlow, Thea Singleton. Lone Dancer and Other Poems. Mill Valley, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1975.

Ryan, Terry. Amaranth: Poetry. San Francisco, CA: Druid Heights Books, 1976.

Editors Note: Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty was distributed by Naiad Press.

Dyke Books, Inc. (Australia)

Easter Day Press

Easter Day Press, based in Washington, DC, published two books.

Dykes for an Amerikan Revolution. Washington, DC: Easter Day Press, 1971.

Notes toward a Women's Analysis of Class. Washington, DC Easter Day Press, 1970.

Effie's Press

Bergé, Carol. The Doppler Effect. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1979.

Dahlen, Beverly. A Letter at Easter: to George Stanley. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1976.

Jaffer, Frances. Any Time Now. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1977.

Kitrilakis, Thalia. Nostos. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1979.

Makcey, Mary. One Night Stand. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1976.

Moore, Honor. Leaving and Coming Back. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1981.

Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Twenty-One Love Poems. Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1976.

Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Twenty-One Love Poems (2nd edition). Emeryville, CA: Effie's Press, 1977.

Eighth Mountain Press

Anderson, Lori. Cultivating Excess. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Barrington, Judith. History and Geography. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Barrington, Judith. Intimate Wilderness: Lesbian Writers on Sexuality. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Barrington, Judith. Lifesaving: A Memoir. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Barrington, Judith. Trying to Be an Honest Woman. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Barrington, Judith. Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Barrington, Judith. Writing the Memoir: From Truth to Art, Second Edition. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2002.

Bateman, Claire. Friction. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1998.

Carlisle, Andrea with Mary Narkiewicz (Illustrator). The Riverhouse Stories: How Pubah S. Queen and Lazy LaRue Save the World. Portland, OR:The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

David, Almitra. Between the Sea and Home. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Hartman, Cherry, Julie Sheldon Huffaker, and Nancy Coffelt (illustrator). The Fearless Flyer: How to fly in Comfort and Without Trepidation. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1995.

Hochman, Anndee. Everyday Acts And Small Subversions: Women Reinventing Family, Community and Home. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Klepfisz, Irena. Dreams of an Insomniac: Jewish Feminist Essays, Speeches and Diatribes. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Klepfisz, Irena. A Few Words in the Mother Tongue: Poems Selected and New (1971-1990). Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Lee, Elaine (editor). Go Girl! The Black Woman's Book of Travel and Adventure. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1997.

Le Guin, Ursula K. Steering the Craft: Exercises and Discussions on Story Writing for the Lone Navigator or the Mutinous Crew. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1998.

Livia, Anna. Incidents Involving Mirth. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Livia, Anna. Minimax. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Mitchell, Karen. The Eating Hill. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Nye, Naomi Shihab. Words Under the Words. Portland, OR:The Eighth Mountain Press
Selected Poems, 1994.

Roy, Lucinda. The Humming Birds. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1995.

Seaton, Maureen. Fear of Subways. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Wilson, Barbara. Cows and Horses. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1993.

Woody, Elizabeth and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith (Illustrator). Seven Hands, Seven Hearts. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 1994.

Zepatos, Thalia. Adventures in Good Company: The Complete Guide to Women's Tours and Outdoor Trips. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Zepatos, Thalia. Journey Of One's Own. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Zepatos, Thalia. A Journey of One's Own, 3rd Edition; Uncommon Advice for the Independent Woman Traveler. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2003.

Zepatos, Thalia. A Journey of One's Own (Second Edition). Uncommon Advice for the Independent Woman Traveler. Portland, OR: The Eighth Mountain Press, 2000.

Firebrand Books

Spring 1985

Jonestown & Other Madness, Poetry by Pat Parker, 1985
Mohawk Trail, Beth Brant, 1985
Moll Cutpurse (novel), Ellen Galford, 1985

Fall 1985

My Mama's Dead Squirrel: Lesbian Essays on Southern Culture, Mab Segrest, 1985
The Sun is Not Merciful: Short Stories, Anna Lee Walters, 1985
The Land of Look Behind: Prose and Poetry, Michelle Cliff, 1985

Spring 1986

Living As a Lesbian, Poetry by Cheryl Clarke, 1986
Tender Warriors: A Novel, Rachel Guido deVries, 1986
Words to the Wise: a writers guide to feminist and lesbian predicable and publishers, Andrea Fleck Clardy, 1986 (Firebrand Sparks)
The Women Who Hate Me, Dorothy Allison, 1986
Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Seminism and Racism, Elly Bulkin, Minnie Bruce Pratt, and Barbara Smith, 1986

Fall 1986

Getting Home Alive by Aurora Levins Morales and Rosario Morales
Good Enough to Eat, a novel by Leslea Newman
Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons by Alison Bechdel

Spring 1987

Shoulders, a novel by Georgia Cotrell
The Threshing Floor, Short Stories by Barbara Burford
This Is About Incest, a word and images Book by Margaret Randall
Sanctuary, a journey, a memoir by Judith McDaniel

Fall 1987

Politics of the Heart: A Lesbian Parenting Anthology, edited by Sandra Pollack and Jeanne Vaughn
The Monarchs are Flying, a Novel by Marion Foster
A Restricted Country, essays by Joan Nestlé
Making It: A Woman's guide to Sex in the Age of AIDS by Cindy Patton and Janis Kelly (second in the Firebrand Sparks Series)

Spirited Women 1988 A Wall Calendar

Spring 1988

A Burst of Light by Audre Lorde
A Letter to Harvey Milk, Short Stories by Leslea Newman
The Fires of Bride, a Novel by Ellen Galford
More Dykes to Watch Out For, cartoons by Alison Bechdel

Fall 1988

Presenting...Sister NOblues by Hattie Gossett
Diamonds are a Dyke's Best Friend: Reflections, Reminiscences, and Reports from the Field on the Lesbian National Pastime by Yvonne Zipter
Trash, stories by Dorothy Allison

Spring 1989

The Big Mama Stories by Shay Youngblood
Metamorphosis: Reflections on Recovery, by Judith McDaniel
Leaving in the Night, a novel by Joan Lindau
A gathering of Spirit: A Collection by North American Indian Women, edited by Beth Brant

Fall 1989

Eye of a Hurricane, Stories by Ruthann Robson
Humid Pitch, Narrative Poetry by Cheryl Clarke
The Other Sappho, a Novel by Ellen Frye
Sans Souci and other stories by Dionne Brand

1990 Dykes to Watch Out For Calendar

Spring 1990

Exile in the Promised Land, a memoir by Marcia Freedman
Jewish Women's Call for Peace: A handbook for Jewish women on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, edited by Rita Falbel, Irena Klepfisz, and Donna Nevel, preface by Grace Paley (Firebrand Sparks Pamphlet #3)
New, Improved! dykes to Watch Out for, cartoons by Alison Bechdel
Simple Songs, Stories by Vickie Sears

January 1990

Movement in Black by Pat Parker
Crime Against Nature, Poetry by Minnie Bruce Pratt

Beneath my Heart, Poetry by Janice Gould
Cecile, Stories by RuthAnn Robson
Eye of a Hurricane, Stories by Ruthann Robson
Free Ride, a novel by Marilyn Gayle
Rebellion, Essays 1980-1991 by Minnie Bruce Pratt
Scuttlebutt, a novel by Jana Williams
Out in the World: International Lesbian Organizing by Shelley Anderson (firebrand pamphlet)

Spring 1991

Just say Yes, a Novel by Judith McDaniel
The Women Who Hate Me, Poetry: 1980-1990 by Dorothy Allison (revised and expanded)
The Gilda stories, a novel by Jewelle Gomez
Artemis in Echo Park, Poetry by Eloise Klein Healy
Food & Spirits, Stories by Beth Brant

Spring 1992

Dykes to Watch Out for: The Sequel, added attraction--"Serial Monogamy", cartoons by Alison Bechdel
Legal Tender, A Mystery by Marion Foster
Lesbian (Out)Law, survival Under the Rule of Law by Ruthann Robson
Speaking Dreams, science fiction by Severna Park
The Worry Girl: Stories from a Childhood by Andrea Freud Loewenstein

Fall 1992

1993 Dykes To Watch Out For calendar (Published in July)
Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound, A Novel by Judith Katz
Talking Indian: Reflections on Survival and Writing by Anna Lee Walters
We Say We Love Each Other by Minnie Bruce Pratt (2nd edition of this poetry collection)

Spring 1993

The Black Back-Ups , Poetry by Kate Rushin (February 1993)
Stone Butch Blues, A Novel by Leslie Feinberg (February 1993)
Restoring the Color of Roses by Barrie Jean Borich (April 1993)
Words to the Wise: A Writer's Guide to Feminist and Lesbian Periodicals &Publishers by Andrea Fleck Clardy (updated editions with Bright Yellow Cover)

Fall 1993

1994 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar (July)

Before Out Eyes, A Novel by Joan Alden (September)
Experimental Love, poetry by Cheryl Clarke (September)
Forty-Three Septembers, Essays by Jewelle Gomez (October)
Spawn of Dykes To Watch Out For, Cartoons by Alison Bechdel (October)

Spring 1994

Skin, Talking about Sex, Class, and Literature by Dorothy Allison
Normal Sex by Linda Smukler
Staying the Distance, A Novel by Franci McMahon

Fall 1994

1995 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar

Now Poof She is Gone, Poetry by Wendy Rose
Sister Safety Pin, a Novel by Lorrie Sprecher
Stardust Bound, A Novel by Karen Cadora

Spring 1995

Eight Bullets: One Woman's Story of Surviving Anti-Gay Violence by Claudia Brenner with Hannah Ashley
Post-Diagnosis, Sandra Steingraber
S/He, Minnie Bruce Pratt

Fall 1995

1996 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar

Horseshoe Sky, A Novel by Catherine Koger

Oral Tradition, Poems Selected & New by Jewelle Gomez
Parker &Hulme: a Lesbian View by Julie Glamuzina and Alison J. Laurie, introductions by B. Ruby Rich
Unnatural Dykes To Watch Out For, Cartoons by Alison Bechdel

Fall 1996

1997 Dykes To Watch Out For Calendar

Cookin' with Honey, What Literary Lesbians Eat, Edited by Amy Scholder
Love and Death, & Other Disasters, Stories 1977-1995, by Jennifer Levin
The Rooms We Make Our Own, by Toni Mirosevich

Spring 1997

A Crystal Diary, a Novel by Frankie Hucklenbroich
The Escape Artist, a Novel by Judith Katz
Hot, Throbbing Dykes to Watch Out For, Cartoons by Alison Bechdel

Fall 1997

Evil Dead Center, a mystery by Carole laFavor
Read My Lips, Sexual Subversion and the End of Gender by Riki Anne Wilchins
Waiting in the Wings, Portrait of a Queer Motherhood, by Cherrie Moraga

Spring 1998

The Indelible Alison Bechdel: Confessions, Comix, and Miscellaneous Dykes to Watch Out For, by Alison Bechdel
Don't Explain, Short Fiction by Jewelle Gomez
The Wolf Ticket, A Novel by Caro Clarke

Fall 1998

Falling to Earth, A Novel by Elizabeth Brownrigg
Split-Level Dykes To Watch Out For, cartoons by Alison Bechdel
To Be Continued. . . Edited by Michele Karlsberg and Karen X. Tulchinsky

Spring 1999

Bruised Fruit, A Novel by Anna Livia
Movement in Black by Pat Parker, Introduction by Cheryl Clarke
Celebrations/Remembrances/Tributes by Donna Allegra, Angela Y. Davis, Toi Derricotte, Jewelle Gomez, Audre Lorde, Michelle Parkerson, Ann Allen Shockley, Barbara Smith, Pamela Sneed, and Evelyn C. White
To Be Continued: Take Two, Edited by Michele Karlsberg and Karen X. Tulchinsky

Good Gay Poets

Ballard, Nancer. Dead Reckoning. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Press, 1978.

Borawski, Walta. Sexually Dangerous Poet. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1984.

Byrd, Stephanie. 25 Years of Malcontent. Boston: The Good Gay Poets, 1976.

Dickenson, George-Thérèse, 1951- . Striations. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1976.

Eberly, David. What Has Been Lost: Poems. Boston, MA: The Good Gay Poets, 1982.

Farinella, Salvatore. The Orange Telephone: The San Francisco Experience: Poems. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Books, 1975.

Farinella, Salvatore. Night Blooming: [about Allyn Amundson]. Boston, MA: The Good Gay Poets, 1976.

Greenfield, Freddie. Amusement Business and Then Some: Poems. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1976.

Kenny, Maurice, 1929- . Only as far as Brooklyn. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1979.

Kuras, Pat M. The Pinball Player. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets?, 1982.

Shively, Charley. Nuestra Señora de los Dolores: the San Francisco experience. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1975.

Stanford, Adrian. Black & Queer. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Press, 1977.

Weiss, Ruth (1928-). Desert Journal. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1977.

Wieners, John, 1934-2002. Playboy. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1972.

Wieners, John, 1934-2002. Behind the State Capitol, or, Cincinnati Pike: a collection of poetry. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1975.

Weiners, John, 1934-2002. We were there! ... a gay presence at the Democratic convention. Boston : Good Gay Poets, 1972.

Shurin, Aaron, 1947- . Exorcism of the straight/man/demon. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets Press, 1972.

Editors Notes: Good Gay Poets: taste & try hot publications. Boston, MA: Good Gay Poets, 1975. This appears to be a flyer at the archives at the University of Kansas.
In Gay & Lesbian Poetry In Our Time, editor Carl Morse says that "The Boston Gay Liberation Front generated both the radical magazine Fag Rag . . .and a publishing operation, Good Gay Poets, which, since 1972, has issued an important series of poetry books by lesbians and gay men" (Morse & Larkin, xviii.)

Granite Press

Anglesey, Zoë. Ixok amar·go: poesía de mujeres centroamericanas por la paz /Central American women's poetry for peace. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1987.

Gates, Bea. Shooting at Night: Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1980.

Lane, Rosa. Roots and Reckonings: Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1980.

Larkin, Joan. A Long Sound: A Book of Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1986.

Paley, Grace. Leaning Forward: Poems. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press 1985.

Paley, Grace. Goldenrod. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1982.

Valentine, Jean. Forces: To Raphael, Angel of Happy Meeting. Penobscot, ME: Granite Press, 1982.

Jamima House Press

Loftin, Elouise. Barefoot Necklace: Pome. Brooklyn, NY: Jamima House Press, 1975.

Jungle Press

Florence, Sandy. Recital. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1978.

Jones, Stephanie and Suzanne Korey. The Midnight Sun: Stories and Poems on Old Age. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1978.

Kantner, Carol. Roughly Chronological: Poems. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1976.

Mattie, D. Pat. No Lies, No More, Not Now. San Francisco: Jungle Press, 1975.

Mimski, Elizabeth. Tongue. San Francisco, CA: Jungle Press, 1975.

O’Neill, William, translator. Augustine: Philosophical Texts, a selection. San Francisco, CA: Jungle Press, 1975.

O’Neill, William, translator. Augustine Aesthetics. San Francisco, CA: Jungle Press, 1975.

Kitchen Table Women of Color Press

Aguilar, Mila D. A comrade is as precious as a rice seedling. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1987.

Clarke, Cheryl. Narratives: poems in the tradition of Black women. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.

Combahee River Collective. The Combahee River Collective statement: Black Feminist organizing in the seventies and eighties. Albany, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.

Davis, Angela Y. Violence against women and the ongoing challenge to racism. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1985.

Gómez, Alma and Cherríe Moraga. Cuentos: stories by Latinas. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.

Hull, Gloria T. Healing heart: poems, 1973-1988. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1989.

Lorde, Audre. Need: a chorale for black woman voices. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1990.

Lorde, Audre. I am your sister: Black women organizing across sexualities. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1985.

Lorde, Audre and Merle Woo. Apartheid U.S.A. / freedom organizing in the eighties. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.

Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.

Omolade, Barbara. It's a family affair: the real lives of black single mothers. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1986.

Smith, Barbara. Home girls: a Black feminist anthology. New York, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1983.

Yamada, Mitsuye. Desert run: poems and stories. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1988.

Yamada, Mitsuye. Camp notes and other poems. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1992.

Yamamoto, Hisaye. Seventeen syllables and other stories. Latham, NY: Kitchen Table, Women of Color Press, 1988.

The Freedom Organizing Pamphlet Series

The Freedom Organizing Pamphlet Series presents current issues, strategies, and resources focusing upon the political concerns of women of color in a highly accessible format. Each pamphlet includes a Resource Listing of organizations and publications and comes individually shrink-wrapped with a wearable button reflecting the pamphlet's theme. The Freedom Organizing Series provides a much needed antidote to the repression of the eighties.

#1: The Combahee River Collective Statement: Black Feminist Organizing in the Seventies and Eighties. With a new Foreword by Barbara Smith.
This classic articulation of Black feminist theory and practice, has been anthologized in numerous collections and is now available for the first time in pamphlet form. (Includes button: BLACK FEMINISM LIVES!)
$3.25 paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 28 pages ISBN 0-913175-05-6

#2 Apartheid U.S.A. by Audre Lorde and Our Common Enemy, Our Common Cause: Freedom Organizing in the Eighties by Merle Woo.
An African American and an Asian American poet make the connections between South African apartheid and North American racism. Woo chronicles the divestment movement at the University of California, Berkeley, and the wide-ranging coaltions that have grown out of student anti-apartheid organizing. (includes button: NO TO APARTHEID, NO TO RACISM)
$3.50 paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 28 pages ISBN 0-913175-06-4

#3 I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities by Audre Lorde.
The international acclaimed author challenges homophobia as a divisive force, particularly among Black women.
(Includes button: Universal NO symbol slashed across HOMOPHOBIA)

$2.95 paper, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 12 pages ISBN 0-913175-07-2

#4 It's a Family Affair: The Real Lives of Black Single Mothers by Barbara Omolade.
In her article which originally appeared in The Village Voice, omolade, a teacher, activist, and Black single mother, provides a factual and supportive look at the challenges that Black single mothers face and offers some practical strategies for change.
(Includes button: Black Single Mothers: We Are Family)

$3.50, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 16 pages, ISBN 0-913175-10-2

#5 Violence Against Women and teh Ongoing Challenge to Racism by Angela Y. Davis.
Scholar and activist, Davis analyzes the complex racial history of rape in this country and why race and class, as well as gender oppression, must be eradicated in order to end violence against women.
(Includes button: Fight Racism, Fight Rape)

$3.50 paper, 20 pages, ISBN 0-913175-11-0

Lavender Press

Hunger, Rebecca and Susan Edwards. Proud an[d] Queer. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1972.

Hunter, Rebecca and Susan S. M. Edwards. Thunder from the Earth: an anthology of poetry and graphics. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1973.

Kuda, Marie J. Women Loving Women: A Select and Annotated Bibliography of Women Loving Women in Literature. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1974.

Scott, Claudia. Portrait. Chicago: Lavender Press, 1974.

Editor's Note: In Women Loving Women, Lavender Press announced a forthcoming book, Like Violets Love Due, poetry by Rebecca Hunter and Graphics by Rock. I don't believe that this book was published, but am happy to hear reports that it was.

Long Breast Press (Australia)

Holland-Moore, Anah, Ardella Tibby, Barbary Clarke, Cathy Wheel, Claudia Huber, Jean Taylor, Lorraine Le Plastrier, Rosalinda Rayne. Willing Up and Keeling Over: A Lesbian Handbook of Death Rights and Rituals. Melbourne: Long Breast Press, 2007.

Olivares, Esther. Esther’s Nine Lives. Long Breast Press.

Tibby, Ardy, Barbary Clarke, Claudia Huber, Jean Taylor and Rosalinda Rayne, editors. Lesbians Write On: A Celebration of Contemporary Australian Lesbian Writing. Melbourne: Long Breast Press.

Long Haul Press

Bulkin, Elly, Minnie Bruce Pratt and Barbara Smith. Yours in Struggle: Three Feminist Perspectives on Anti-Semitism and Racism. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1984.

Clausen, Jan. A Movement of Poets: Thoughts on Poetry and Feminism. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1982.

Allison, Dorothy. The Women Who Hate Me. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1983.

Clausen, Jan. Waking at the Bottom of the Dark. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1979.

McDaniel, Judith. Metamorphosis, and Other Poems of Recovery. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1986.

Shannon, Edna Wright. Twentieth Century Pioneer. Brooklyn, NY: Long Haul Press, 1987.

Mama's Press

Alta. True Story: Prose. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press, 1973.

Boucher, Sandy. Assaults & Rituals: Stories. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press, 1975.

Crider, Brenda. Schizophrenia and Other Diatribes. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press 1970.

Gardner-Loulan, JoAnn. Period. Burlingame, CA: My Mama's Press, 1979.

Griffin, Susan. Let Them Be Said. Berkeley, CA: Mama's Press, 1973.

Holt, Laura Wharton. Mid Day Moon. Berkeley,? CA: Mama's Press?, 1974

Mackey, Mary. Split Ends: Poems. Oakland, CA: Mama's Press, 1974.

Editor Note: The WorldCat entry for the Holt book is uncertain about the publisher and I have not examined a copy of the book. I am uncertain if the book by Gardner-Loulan is from Mama's Press or a different press.

Megaera Press

Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana and Laura K. Vera (illustrator?). They will know me by my teeth : stories and poems of lesbian struggle, celebration, and survival. Northhampton, MA: Megaera Press, 1976.

The Rock. Northampton, MA: Megaera Press, 1977.

Editor's Note: I read that Mother Jones Press was a precursor to Megaera Press. I have recorded the three books that I have found from Mother Jones Press below.

Sostre, Martin and Zoe Best. Letters and quotations. Northhampton, MA: Mother Jones Press, 1975.

Quarterly Journal: The Second wave. Boston, MA: Mother Jones Press, 1971-

Metis Press

Emrys, Barbara. Wild Women Don’t Get the Blues: Stories. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1977.
Johnson, Christine Leslie and Arny Christine Straayer. A Book of One’s Own: Guide to Self-Publishing. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1979.
Madden, Muriel Goldenson. On the Wire, Stretched with Power. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1978.
Ressmeyer, Georgia Jo. Bernice: A Comedy in Letters. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1984.
Sheen, Barbara. Shedevils: Stories. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1978.
Stern, Linda Johnson, Tio, Valerie Pinkerton. The Secret Witch; and, They Met the Who-Ever-It Was. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1979.
Straayer, Arny Christine. Hurtin & Healin & Talking It Over. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1980.
Straayer, Arny Christin. Momma Used to Hum to Me. Chicago, IL: Metis Press, 1978.

Moon Books

Ortiz, Roxanne Dunbar. The Great Sioux Nation: Sitting in Judgment on America. San Francisco: American Indian Treaty Council Information Center, Moon Books, 1977.

Forest, Eva. From a Spanish Prison (originally published as Diario y cartas desde la cárcel). Berkeley: Moon Books [New York: distributed by Random House], 1975.

Rush, Anne Kent. The Basic Back Book. Berkeley: Moon Books [New York: distributed by Simon & Schuster], 1979.

Mander, Anica Vesel. Blood Ties: A Woman's History. Berkeley: Moon Books [New York: distributed by Random House], 1976.

Winter, Nina. Interview with the Muse: Remarkable Women Speak on Creativity and Power. Berkeley: Moon Books, 1978.

Bryant, Dorothy. The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You. Berkeley: Moon Books, 1971 [New York: distributed by Random House], 1971. [This book was reissued in 1997 by Random House.]

Galana, Laurel and Gina Covina. The New Lesbians: Interviews with Women across the U.S. and Canada. Berkeley: Moon Books [Westminster, MD: distributed by Random House], 1977

Spretnak, Charlene. Lost Goddesses of Early Greece: A Collection of Pre-Hellenic Mythology. Berkeley: Moon Books [Washington distributed by Women in Distribution], 1978.

Editor's Note: I am interested in how Moon Press did its distribution. If anyone reading this is familiar with Moon Press and its operations, please contact me at JulieREnszer at gmail dot com.


Motheroot Journal. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1979-1985. Quarterly Publication (every 3 months)

Kaye, Melanie. We Speak in Code: Poems and Other Writings. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1980

Ippolito, Donna. The Uprising of the 20,000. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1979.

Petesch, Natalie L.M. The Odyssey of Katinou Kalokovich: A Novel. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot, 1979.

Perish, Melanie. Notes of a Daughter from the Old Country. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978.

Rich, Adrienne Cecile. Women and Honor: Some Notes on Lying. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, Pittsburgh Women Writers, 1977

Scott, Virginia. The Witness Box: Poems and a Memoir. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1984.

Scott, Virginia. Toward Appomattox and Other Poems. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1992.

Tanenhaus, Beverly. To Know Each Other and Be Known: Women's Writing Workshops. Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978.

Villanueva, Alma. Mother, May I? (Poems). Pittsburgh, PA: Motheroot Publications, 1978

Mulch Press

Susan Sherman, whose recent memoir, America's Child (Curbstone Press, 2007), published a collection of poetry with Mulch Press and was the editor of IKON.

Mulch. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1971- (Quarterly).

Aliesan, Jody. Soul Claiming: Poems. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.

Blackburn, Paul. Halfway Down the Coast: Poems & Snapshots. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.

García Lorca, Federico, 1898-1936.; Blackburn, Paul. Lorca/Blackburn. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1976.

Ginsberg, Allen. The Visions of the Great Rememberer. Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.

Glotzer, David. Do Not He Said Be Embarrassed About Fear. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.

Lewis, Harry. Home Cooking: Poems. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.

Lewis, Harry. Will You Be My Valentine? Cooper Station, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.

Oppenheimer, Joel. Pan's Eyes: Stories. Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.

Peire, Vidal. Peire Vidal. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1972.

Pines, Paul. Onion: Poems. New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1972.

Porter, T.E. King's Day: A Novella. Northampton, MA: Mulch Press, 1975.

Sherman, Susan. With Anger/With Love; Selections: Poems & Prose (1963-1972). Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.

Stark, Bradford. Always Modern Times. Cooper Station, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.

Stephens, Michael Gregory. Paragraphs. Amherst, MA: Mulch Press, 1974.

Vas Dias, Robert. Nights in the Gardens of New Jersey. Cooper Station, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.

Yakovenko, P. Where is my aunt Anna? New York, NY: Mulch Press, 1971.

New Woman Press

Carol, Chris. Rainbow Warrior Woman: Songs to Celebrate Life on Earth; Songs for Lovers; Songs for Keeping the Peace; Songs for Women. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1983.

Carol, Chris. Silver Wheel: Songs of Womanspirit, for Seasons and Circles. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1979.

Mountaingrove, Ruth. Celebrations: Feminist Songs for Solstice and Equinox, Menarche and Menopause. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1982 (sound recording).

Mountaingrove, Ruth. For Those Who Cannot Sleep: Poems. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1977.

Mountaingrove, Ruth and Jean Mountain Grove. Turned On Woman Songbook. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1975.

New Woman Press also distributed the following titles:

Zana. Herb Womon: Poems and Art. Wolf Creek, OR: New Woman Press, 1983 (distributor.)

Night Heron Press

Pratt, Minnie Bruce. The Sound of One Fork. Durham, NC: Night Heron Press, 1981.

Segrest, Mab. Living in a House I Do Not Own. Durham, NC: Night Heron Press, 1982.

Onlywomen Press

Onlywomen Press
run by Lillian and Sheila

Out & Out Books

Out & Out Books Bibliography – Chronological Order

Bulkin, Elly and Joan Larkin. Amazon Poetry: An Anthology of Lesbian Poetry. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.
Larkin, Joan. Housework: Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.
Clausen, Jan. After Touch. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975.
Klepfisz, Irena. Periods of Stress: poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1975, 1977.
Goodman, Bernice. The Lesbian: A Celebration of Difference. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.
Sherman, Susan. Women Poems, Love Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.*
*Out & Out Books distributed Sherman’s Women Poems, Love Poems though they were not involved in the printing and publishing of the book.
Lapidus, Jacqueline. Starting Over: Poetry. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977.
Smith, Barbara. Toward a Black Feminist Criticism. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977, 1980. (chapbook)
Rich, Adrienne. The Meaning of Our Love For Women Is What We Have Constantly to Expand. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1977. (chapbook)
Broumas, Olga. From Caritas: Poem 3. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Kaye, Melanie. Carrington. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Jordan, June and Lynne Reynolds. Unemployment: monologue. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Newman, Felice and Ellen Weiss. Frances Holt. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978. (broadside)
Tanenhaus, Beverly. To know each other and be known: women's writing workshops. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978.
Lorde, Audre. Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1978, 1982. (chapbook)
Cook, Blanche Wiesen. Women and support networks. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1979.
Creighton, Jane. Ceres in an open field. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1980.
Russ, Joanna. On strike against God. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1980.
Hacker, Marilyn. Taking notice. Brooklyn, NY: Out & Out Books, 1980. (chapbook)

Radio interview with Out & Out Books Poets and Writers

Painted Leaf Press

Allen, Roberta. The Dreaming Girl. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Allen, Roberta. The Traveling Woman: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000, 1986.

Baran, Susan. The Necessary Boat. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Black, Star. Balefire. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Black, Star. October for Idas. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.

Carey, Tom. Desire: poems, 1986-1996. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.

de la Cruz, Sister Juana Inés, 1651-1695.; Joan Larkin, and Jaime Manrique. Sor Juana's love poems = poemas de amor: a bilingual edition. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.

DeLynn, Jane. Bad Sex is Good: Fiction and Essays. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

DeLynn, Jane. Don Juan in the village. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

DeLynn, Jane. In Thrall. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

DeLynn, Jane. New York Sex: Stories. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

Derrick, Neil and Edward Field. The Villagers: A Novel of Greenwich Village. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Enson, Beth. A Bee in the Sheets: Poems. Hudson, NY: Groundwater Press; New York: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Ely, Stanley E. Perfect Mondays: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Field, Edward and Neil Derrick. The Villagers. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Gates, Bea. In the Open: Poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

Georgiou, Elena. Mercy Mercy Me: Poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Guerra, Erasmo. Between Dances: A Novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Guerra, Erasmo. Latin Lovers: True Stories of Latin Men in Love. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Gibson, Scott. Blood & Tears: Poems for Matthew Shepard. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Hansbury, Griffin. Day for Night: poems, 1993-1999. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Harris, Paul. The Queer Press Guide 2000. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Holland, Walter. Transatlantic. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Jacoby, Richard. Conversations with the Capeman: the untold story of Salvador Agron. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Killian, Kevin. I Cry like a Baby. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Kostos, Dean. The Sentence that Ends with a Comma,. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Kostos, Dean and Eugene Grygo. Mama's Boy: Gay Men Write about Their Mothers. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000.

Larkin, Joan. Cold River: Poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.

Lassell, Michael. Certain Ecstasies. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Lassell, Michael. A flame for the touch that matters: poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

Lassell, Michael. Men Seeking Men: Adventures in Gay Personals. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

Lazarre, Jane. The powers of Charlotte: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000, 1987.

Lazarre, Jane. Worlds Beyond My Control: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2000, 1991.

Martin, Iris. The President's Psychoanalyst: A Novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Manrique, Jaime. Colombian Gold: a thriller. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

Manrique, Jaime. Twilight at the Equator: a novel. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999, 1997.

Manrique, Jaime and Jesse Dorris. Bésame mucho. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Manrique, Jaime, Edith Grossman, and Eugene Richie. My Night with Federico García Lorca /Mi noche con Federico García Lorca. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1997.

Manrique, Jaime, Margaret Sayers Peden, Edith Grossman, and others. Tarzan; My Body; Christopher Columbus. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Pearlberg, Gerry Gomez. Mr. Bluebird. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Ransohoff, Rita M. Fear and Envy: why men need to dominate and control women. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Richie, Eugene. Island Light: poems. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1998.

Schmidt, Paul. Night Life. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1996.

Schmidt, Paul. Winter Solstice. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1996.

Wasserman, Rosanne. Other Selves. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.

Westmoreland, Joe. Tramps Like Us. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 2001.

Xavier, Emanuel. Christ-like. New York, NY: Painted Leaf Press, 1999.


Corinne, Tee. Ancestors and descendants of George Meares and Louisa Maria Jeffreys: Wales, New Zealand, India, and Florida. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 1997

Corinne, Tee. Closures: poems. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002

Corinne, Tee. Cunt Coloring Book: Drawings. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild Productions, 1975.

Corinne, Tee. Bill Doody: A Literary Friendship, Text Poems and Drawings. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1994, 1998.

Corinne, Tee. A First Book of Landscape Drawings. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2001.

Corinne, Tee. The graphic art of Jessie Meares. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2000

Corinne, Tee. In the presence or absence of music: poems. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998

Corinne, Tee. The Little Houses on Women's Lands: Feminism, Photography, and Vernacular Architecture. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002

Corinne, Tee. Outside inside: a self-portrait. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998.

Corinne, Tee. Predators. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998.

Corinne, Tee. San Francisco Haircut, 1975: Radical Imaginings and Lesbian Feminist Photography. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002.

Corinne, Tee. Self-portrait. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1991.

Corinne, Tee. A Sense of Place: Poems. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2003

Corinne, Tee. The Sex Lives of Daffodils: Growing Up as an Artist who also Writes. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1994, 1997.

Corinne, Tee. Softies: drawings. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1999

Corinne, Tee. What difference does poetry make? Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1996, 1998.

Corinne, Tee. Wild Crazy Poems. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 2002.

Corinne, Tee. Wild Lesbian Roses: Essays on Art, Rural Living, and Creativity, 1986-1995. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1997, 2003.

Corinne, Tee. Women Who Loved Women: Posters. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1984.

Corinne, Tee. Woodstoves: drawings. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2001

Corinne, Tee with Harry E. F. Atkins and Jessie Meares. The Woozle that Wasn't; and, The witch that went off "pop": stories. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 1997.

Corinne, Tee with Norma Jean Coleman. Mean Norma Jean: autobiographical writing and oral history of Norma Jean Coleman. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1996.

Corinne, Tee with Norma Jean Colman. Norma Jean and Phyllis Ann: A Scrapbook. Wolf Creek, OR: Pearlchild, 1998.

Corinne, Tee with Tamsin Wilton. Intimacies (a book proposal): erotic art. Wolf Creek, OR : Pearlchild, 2000.

Courtot, Martha. Tribe. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1977.

Courtot, Martha. Journey. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1977.

Overman, Caroline. Scholar in Hot Pursuit: Essays from WomanSpirit 1978-1982. Sunny Valley, OR: Pearlchild, 1983.

Seajay, Carol. Visual Conceptions: dyke cream/eye to eye: two slide shows. San Francisco, CA: Pearlchild, 1980.

Persephone Press

Beck, Evelyn Torton. Nice Jewish girls: a lesbian anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.

Bloch, Alice. The law of return: a novel. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1983.

Bloch, Alice. Lifetime guarantee: a journey through loss and survival. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Blue, Shelley. The fourteenth witch: poetry. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1977.

Bulkin, Elly. Lesbian fiction: an anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Bulkin, Elly and Joan Larkin. Lesbian poetry, an anthology. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Cliff, Michelle. Claiming an identity they taught me to despise. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.

Gage, Matilda Joslyn, 1826-1898. Woman, church & state: the original exposé of male collaboration against the female sex. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980, 1893.

Gearhart, Sally Miller. The wanderground: stories of the hill women. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1978, 1979. The Wanderground is available as a PDF download from Gearhart's website:

Gearhart, Sally, Miller and Susan Rennie. A feminist tarot. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1977, 1981. A Feminist Tarot is available as a PDF download from Gearhart's website:

Klepfisz, Irena. Keeper of accounts. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.

Lorde, Audre. Zami, a new spelling of my name. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1982.

Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This bridge called my back: writings by radical women of color. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1981.

Toder, Nancy. Choices. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.

Wolfe, Susan J. and Julia Penelope. The coming out stories. Watertown, MA: Persephone Press, 1980.

Archival Material from Persephone Press
Persephone Press was founded in 1976 in Watertown, Massachusetts, by a lesbian-feminist collective called Pomegranate Productions. Its first publication, The Feminist Tarot, helped subsidize the first National Women's Spirituality Conference, Through the Looking Glass, held in Boston in April 1976. The goal of Persephone Press was to produce innovative material to foster lesbian sensibility and to effect social change by building a successful publishing company and communications network. Two of its three founders, Gloria Z. Greenfield and Pat McGloin, served as financial administrator and director of marketing respectively. Persephone Press was sold to Beacon Press in 1983.

Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman in the Guide to Women's Publishing (Paradise, CA: Dustbooks, 1978) note that Persephone Press was "marketing six books at the moment." Those six books were A Feminist Tarot, The Feminist Book of Lights and Shadows (by Z. Budapest), Through the Looking Glass, Susan B. Anthony Coven No. 1, The Beguines, Moondance, and The Fourteenth Witch. Of these, Persephone Press published A Feminist Tarot and The Fourteenth Witch. I believe other publishers published the other books and Persephone Press was marketing them.

Porpoise Press

Van Felix-Wilde, Martha and Lucy Van Felix-Wilde. The Ripening Fig. West Hempstead, NY: Porpoise Press, 1975.

Press Gang Publishers

Adelberg, Ellen. Too Few to Count: Canadian Women in Conflict with the Law. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1987.

Adelberg, Ellen, and Claudia Currie. In Conflict with the Law: Women and the Canadian Justice System. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.

Ainsworth, Jackie. An Account to Settle : The Story of the United Bank Workers. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1979.

Arnott, Joanne. Wiles of Girlhood. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1991.

Arnott, Joanne. My Grass Cradle. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Baker, Phyllis. Fishmarket & Other Poems. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1975.

Bank Book Collective (Vancouver, B.C.). An Account to Settle : The Story of the United Bank Workers (SORWUC). Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1979.

Baxter, Sheila. Still Raising Hell: Poverty, Activism and Other True Stories. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Beckylane. Where the Rivers Join: A Personal Account of Healing from Ritual Abuse. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Beebe, Janet, and Vancouver Status of Women. Update on the Status of Women in British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1978.

Berge, Marilyn. Common Ground: Stories by Women. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1980.

Blackbridge, Persimmon, and Sheila Gilhooly. Still Sane. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1985.

Blackbridge, Persimmon, et al. Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Blackbridge, Persimmon. Sunnybrook: A True Story with Lies. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Blackbridge, Persimmon. Prozac Highway: A Novel. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Blackbridge, Persimmon and Sheila Gilhoody. Still Sane. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1985.

Bociurkiw, Marusya. The Woman Who Loved Airports: Stories and Narratives. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Brant, Beth. Food & Spirits: Stories by Beth Brant (Degonwadonti). Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Briskin, Linda, et al. The Day the Fairies Went on Strike!Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1981.

Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1981.
^* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 8th printing, Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1985.
^* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 11th printing, Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
^* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 11th printing, Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1987.
* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. Large Print Book. 12th printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1988.
^* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 14th printing, Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.
^* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. 1st edn., 17th printing, Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.
* Cameron, Anne. Daughters of Copper Woman. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1998.

Cameron, Karen, and Corrective Collective (Group). If He Didn’t Laugh, He’d Cry [an Excerpt from the Book “She Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called” by the Corrective Collective, Karen Cameron, and Others]. 3rd rev. edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1972

Cameron, Karen, and Corrective Collective (Group). She Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called. [By the Corrective Collective, Karen Cameron, and Others.]. 3rd rev. edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1973.

Chrystos. Dream On. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1991.

Chrystos. I Am Not Your Princess [an Excerpt from the Book “Not Vanishing”]. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1988.

Chrystos. In Her I Am. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.

Chrystos. Not Vanishing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1988.

Chrystos. Fire Power. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Chrystos. Shame On. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Cohen, Marcy, et al. Cuz There Ain’t No Daycare (or Almost None She Said): A Book About Daycare in B.C. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers ,1973.

Cohen, Marcy, et al. Taking Control of Our Future: Clerical Workers and New Technology. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1987.

Coyote, Ivan E. Boys Like Her. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1998.

Creese, Gillian Laura, et al. British Columbia Reconsidered: Essays on Women. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Crossland, Jackie. Collateral Damage: The Tragedy of Medea. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

D’Anna, Lynnette. sing me no more. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Decter, Ann. Honour: A Novel. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Decter, Ann. Paper, Scissors, Rock. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Diamond, Sara. Women’s Labour History in British Columbia: A Bibliography, 1930-1948. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1980.

Douglas, Marion K. Magic Eight Ball. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 2000.

Douglas, Marion K. Bending at the Bow. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Douglas, Marion K., et al. iction Sampler 1995 : Excerpts from Three Exciting New Novels. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Dueck, Lynnette. Sing Me No More. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Ellis, Megan. Surviving Procedures after a Sexual Assault. 3rd edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1986.

Faith, Karlene. Unruly Women: The Politics of Confinement and Resistance. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.

Frank, K. Portland. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1974.

Fuller, Janine, et al. Restricted Entry: Censorship on Trial. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Grossland, Jackie. Collateral Damage. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1992.

Hughes, Nym, et al. Stepping out of Line: A Workbook on Lesbianism and Feminism. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1982.

Jacob, Suzanne. Life, after All. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1989.

Jankola, Beth. Jody Said. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1977.

Jones, Lizard. Two Ends of Sleep: A Novel. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Kellerhals-Stewart, Heather, and Karen Muntean. Muktu, the Backward Muskox. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1975.

Kiss & Tell (Group of artists). Her Tongue on My Theory: Images, Essays and Fantasies. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Krawczyk, Betty Shiver. Lock Me up or Let Me Go: The Protests, Arrest, and Trial of an Environmental Activist. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 2002.

Lai, Larissa. When Fox Is a Thousand. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Lee, Sky and Telling It Book Collective (Vancouver, B.C.). Telling It: Women and Language across Cultures. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Lee, Sky. Bellydancer: Stories. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Maracle, Lee. Sojourner’s Truth and Other Stories. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Maracle, Lee. I Am Woman: A Native Perspective on Sociology and Feminism. 2nd rev. edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
*^ Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 2nd printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.
*^ Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 4th printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.
*^ Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 5th printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.
*^ Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 6th printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 2000.
*^ Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 7th printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 2001.
*^ Maracle, Lee. Ravensong: A Novel. 8th printing. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 2002.

Maracle, Lee. Sojourners and Sundogs First Nations Fiction. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1999.

McLaughlin, Karen. Choral: A Novel. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1995.

Mootoo, Shani. Cereus Blooms at Night. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Mootoo, Shani. Out on Main Street & Other Stories. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1993.

Nachman/Dykewomon, Elana. Beyond the Pale: A Novel. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Norgate, Sheila. Storm Clouds over Party Shoes : Etiquette for the Ill-Bred Woman. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Portland Frank, K. The Anti-Psychiatry Bibliography and Resource Guide: Second Edition, Revised & Expanded. 2nd rev. edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1979.

Potrebenko, Helen. Sometimes They Sang. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1986.

Richler, Nancy. Throwaway Angels. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1996.

Shimrat, Irit. Call Me Crazy : Stories from the Mad Movement. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1997.

Silvera, Makeda. Her Head a Village and Other Stories. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Smith, Dorothy E., and Sara J. David. Women Look at Psychiatry. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1975.

Smith, Paul Thomas. High Seas & Quiet Harbors: The Life and Times of Thomas William Whitaker. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 2016.

Stewart, Susan, et al. Drawing the Line : Lesbian Sexual Politics on the Wall. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1991.

Stonehouse, Cathy. The Words I Know. 1st edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1994.

Tulchinsky, Karen X. Love Ruins Everything: A Novel. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1998.

Van de Walle, Elly. Falling from Grace. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1984.

Vancouver Women’s Health Collective. A Vancouver Women’s Health Booklet. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1972.

Video Inn, and Satellite Video Exchange Society. Video Inn Videotape Catalogue. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1977.

Warland, Betsy, editor. InVersions : Writing by Dykes, Queers & Lesbians. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1991.

Warland, Betsy. Proper Deafinitions: Collected Theorograms. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Williams, Jana L. Scuttlebutt. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1990.

Woman’s Place. A Vancouver Women’s Health Booklet. 2d edn., Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1972.

Women’s Research Centre (Vancouver, B.C.). Recollecting Our Lives : Women’s Experience of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1989.

Wong, Rita. Monkeypuzzle: Poems. Vancouver, B.C: Press Gang Publishers, 1998.

Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci

RedBone Press

Bashir, Samiya. Gospel: poems. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2009.
Bashir, Samiya. Where the Apple Falls: poems. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2005.
Beam, Joseph (ed.). In the Life. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2008.
Branner, Djola. sash & trim and other plays. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2013.
Bridgforth, Sharon. love conjure/blues. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2004.
Bridgforth, Sharon. the bull-jean stories. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 1998.
De Veaux, Alexis. Yabo. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2014.
Etaghene, Yvonne Fly Onakeme. For Sizakele. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2015.
Fullwood, Steven G. (ed.) and Moore, Lisa C. (ed.). Carry the Word: A Bibliography of Black LGBTQ Books. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press and New York City, NY: Vintage Entity Press, 2007.
Hardy, Ernest. Blood Beats: Vol. 1. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2006.
Hardy, Ernest. Blood Beats: Vol. 2. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2008.
Hemphill, Essex (ed.) and Beam, Joseph (ed.). Brother to Brother: New Writing by Black Gay Men. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2007.
James, G. Winston (ed.) and Moore, Lisa C. (ed.). Spirited. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2006.
James, G. Winston (ed.) and Other Countries (ed.). Voices Rising. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2007.
Lara, Ana-Maurine. Erzulie’s Skirt. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2006.
Lara, Ana-Maurine. Kohnjehr Woman. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2017.
Moore, Lisa C. (ed.). does your mama know? (Rev. ed.). New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2009.
Morris, Kathleen E. Speaking in Whispers. 2nd edn, New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 1996.
White, Marvin K. Last Rights. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2004.
White, Marvin K. nothin' ugly fly: poems. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2004.
White, Marvin K. Our Name Be Witness. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2011.
White, Marvin K. Status. New Orleans, LA: RedBone Press, 2011.

Bibliography compiled by Ruby Stefanucci.

Sea Horse Press

Browne, Alan. Forty-deuce: A Play. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.

Cooper, Dennis. Idols. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1979.

Cooper, Dennis. Safe. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.

Dillard, Gavin. Notes from a Marriage: Love Poems. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.

Esser, Kevin. Streetboy Dreams: A Novel. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press/Calamus Books, 1983.

Fisher, Peter. Dreamlovers. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1980.

Gooch, Brad. Jailbait and Other Stories. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.

Henley, Clark. The Butch Manual: The Current Drag and How to Do It. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1982.

Kikel, Rudy. Lasting Relations: Poems. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1984.

Peters, Robert. What Dillinger Meant to Me. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.

Picano, Felice. The Deformity Lover and Other Poems. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1978.

Picano, Felice. An Asian Minor: The True Story of Ganymede. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1981.

Picano, Felice. A True Likeness: Lesbian and Gay Writing Today. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1980.

Wilson, Doric. A Perfect Relationship: A Domestic Comedy in Two Acts. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1983.

Wilson, Doric. Two Plays: A Perfect Relatioship and The West Street Gang. New York, NY: Sea Horse Press, 1979.

Editor's Note: Sea Horse Press, run by Felice Picano published A True Likeness: Lesbian and Gay Writing Today, an anthology of contemporary lesbian and gay writers. I include the bibliography here to demonstrate connections between gay male writers and publishers and lesbian writers and publishers.

Shameless Hussy Press

Albert, Mimi. The Small Singer. San Lorenzo, CA : Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.

alta. Deluged with dudes: platonic & erotic love poems to men. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1989.

alta. If we know where the poems come from why don't we just go there: a collection of poems from "Women Making Poetry". San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.

alta. Letters to women. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1974, 1976, 1979.

alta. No Visible Means of Support. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.

alta. Song of the Wife; Song of the Mistress. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971. (also listed as: alta and Martha Krech. Song of the wife. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.)

alta. Theme & variations: longpoem. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.

alta. The Vow: For Anne Hutchinson. San Leandro, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1974

alta. Remember our fire; poetry by women. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1970.

Arcana, Judith. Our Mothers' Daughters. Berkeley, CA Shameless Hussy Press, 1979.

Buyze, Jean. The Tenth Muse: Women Poets before 1806 a rediscovery of 540 women poets lost to history. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1980.

Byrd, Barthy. Home front: women and Vietnam. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1986.

Calamity Jane (1852-1903). Calamity Jane's letters to her daughter. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.

Erens, Pamela. Fight for freedom: a slave girl's escape. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1978.

Eriksen, James Adam. Mother racoon and family. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1978.

Griffin, Susan. Dear Sky. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971, 1973.

Griffin, Susan. The Sink: [six short stories] San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1974.

Hernandez, Felicia. I don't know you but I love you-write me a letter? Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1978.

Jaffe, Jennifer. My special father and me. Berkeley, CA : Shameless Hussy Press, 1981 [Trumansburg, NY: Distributed by Crossing Press].

Krech, Martha. Remember Our Fire: Poetry by Women (& 3 men). San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1970-1979?.

Krysl, Marilyn. Diana Lucifera. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1983.

LaTempa, Susan and Susan Boyd. New plays by women. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1979.

Lifshin, Lyn. The Old House on the Croton. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1973.

Maas, James. Fifteen past seventy: counsel from my elders. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1980.

Maas, James. Speaking of Friends: The Variety of Man-to-Man Friendships. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy press, 1985.

Mackey, Mary. Immersion. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1972.

Mariah, Paul. Personae non gratae: [poems]. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971, 1973, 1976.

Meltzer, Amanda. The Worlds Tiniest Dog. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975, 1982.

Murray, Judith. Leila. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.

Nations, Opal L. A Pen, Some Paper, Pen & Paper. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.

Noda, Barbara. Strawberries. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1979.

Owings, Alison. The Wander Woman's Phrasebook. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1987.

Pamela. Monster Coloring Book. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1977

Parker, Pat. Child of Myself. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.

Pepin, Yvonne. Cabin Journal. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1984.

Pepin, Yvonne. Three Summers: A Journal. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1986.

Ratch, Jerry. Clown Birth. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.

Ratch, Jerry. Puppet X. San Lorenzo, CA : Shameless Hussy Press, 1973, 1976.

Sand, George (1804-1876) and Frank Hunter Potter. The haunted pool: (la mare au diable). San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.

Shange, Ntozake. For colored girls who have considered suicide, when the rainbow is enuf. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.

Shange, Ntozake. Sassafrass. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976, 1977.

Simon, John Oliver. Neither of us can break the other's hold: poems for my father. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1981.

Simon, Kia. The Wise Queen. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1977.

Simon, Kia, Lorelei Bosserman, and Edith Hodgkinson. & everybody is a children. San Lorenzo, Calif. : Shameless Hussy Press, 1974.

Thomas, Heather Smith. Watch out, brother, I'm here! [poems]. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1971.

Travis, Nancy. April & June. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1987.

Todd, Gail. Family Way. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1975.

Yamada, Mitsuye. Camp notes and other poems. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1976.

Yamada, Mitsuye. Camp notes and other poems. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1986.

Wells, Jess. A herstory of prostitution in western Europe. Berkeley, CA: Shameless Hussy Press, 1982.

Shameless Hussy Review. San Lorenzo, CA: Shameless Hussy Press 1974-?.

Sister Vision Women of Color Press

Adisa, Opal Palmer. Tamarind and Mango Women: Poetry. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1992.

Bannerji, Himani. Returning the Gaze : Essays on Racism, Feminism and Politics. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Bannerji, Himani. Doing Time: Poems. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1986.

Bannerji, Himani. Coloured Pictures. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Bisexual Anthology Collective. Plural Desires: Writing Bisexual Women’s Realities. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1995.

Braithwaite, Rella, and Tessa Benn-Ireland. Some Black Women: Profiles of Black Women in Canada. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1990.

Brand, Dionne. Earth Magic : Poetry for Young People. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1983.

Camper, Carol. Miscegenation Blues: Voices of Mixed Race Women. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1994.

Chow, Ijose. Sunday Sunday. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press.

Cooper, Afua. Utterances and Incantations : Women, Poetry and Dub. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1999.

De Haarte, Norma. Guyana Betrayal. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Degale, Laurice. Down to Earth Jamaican Cooking. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1996.

Espinet, Ramabai. Nuclear Seasons : Poems. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Espinet, Ramabai, and CAFRA (Association). Creation Fire: An Anthology of Caribbean Women Poets. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1990.

Fife, Connie. The Colour of Resistance. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Finney, Nikky. Rice: Poems. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1995.

Ford-Smith, Honor, and Sistren (Organization). Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1987.

Gaikezheyongai, Sally, and Polly Keeshig-Tobias. The Seven Fires: An Ojibway Prophecy. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1994.

Gupta, Nila, and Makeda Silvera. The Issue Is ’Ism : Women of Colour Speak Out. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1989.

Haniff, Nesha Z. Blaze a Fire: Significant Contributions of Caribbean Women. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1988.

Harper, Maddie, and Carlos Freire. “Mush-Hole”: Memories of a Residential School. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Henderson, Peta, and Ann Bryn Houghton. Rising up: Life Stories of Belizean Women. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Hernandez-Ramdwar, Camille, et al. Mercury Retrograde. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1999.

International Task Force on Literacy. Words Are What I’ve Got: Writings by Learners from All around the World during International Literacy Year. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Keeshig, Lenore. Bineshiinh Dibaajmowin = Bird Talk. Illustrated by Polly Keeshig-Tobias, Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Keeshig-Tobias, Lenore, et al. Emma & the Trees = Emma Minwaah Mtigooh. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1996.

Lee, C. Allyson, and Makeda Silvera. Pearls of Passion : A Treasury of Lesbian Erotica. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1994.

Lim-Hing, Sharon. The Very inside: An Anthology of Writing by Asian and Pacific Islander Lesbian and Bisexual Women. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1997.

Maguire, Elizabeth Dianne Rose Kelvin. Dry Land Tourist and Other Stories. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Mandiela, Ahdri Zhina.Speshal Rikwes. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1985.

Mandiela, Ahdri Zhina. Dark Diaspora--in Dub: A Dub Theatre Piece. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Maracle, Sylvia, and Carlos Freire. Onkwehonwe-Neha : “Our Ways”. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1994.

Maracle, Sylvia. Onkwehonwe-Neha. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1990.

Montague, Masani. Dread Culture: A Rastawoman’s Story. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1993.

Mordecai, Pamela. De Man: A Performance Poem. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1995.

Ovid, and Remo Giomini. Heroidas. 2nd edn., Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press/ Roma, Italy: A. Signorelli, 1963.

Parameswaran, Uma, and University of Winnipeg. Names Resonant and Sweet: An Overview of South Asian Canadian Women’s Writing. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1995.

Prince, Althea, and Sasso. How the East Pond Got Its Flowers: A Story. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Sears, Djanet. Afrika Solo. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1990.

Silvera, Makeda. Piece of My Heart : A Lesbian of Colour Anthology. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Silvera, Makeda. Black Girl Talk. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1995.

Silvera, Makeda. Silenced: Talks with Working Class Caribbean Women About Their Lives and Struggles as Domestic Workers in Canada. 2nd rev. edn., Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1989.

Silvera, Makeda. Remembering G and other stories. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1991.

Silvera, Makeda. Growing up Black: A Resource Manual for Black Youths. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1989.

Silvera, Makeda, and Stephanie Martin. Sapodilla: The Sister Vision Book of Lesbian Poetry. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 2000.

Sister Vision: Black Women and Women of Colour Press. Spring/Fall Catalogue 1992/93. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press, 1992.

Sister Vision Press. Abeng: We Celebrate and Pay Tribute to Black History Month and International Women’s Day. Toronto, ON: Sister Vision Press.

Compiled by Ruby Stefanucci

Some of Us Press

Andrews, Bruce. Edge. Washington, D.C., Printed by Arry Press for Some of Us Press, 1973.

Baker, Susan. "She's a Jim-dandy." Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1970.

Baker, Susan. Snapshots at Connecticut and K. Washington, DC: Some Of Us Press, 2000.

Cox, Ed. Blocks. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973.

Dlugos, Tim. High There: Poems. Washington, DC, Some of Us Press 1973.

Dreyer, Lynne. Lamplights Used to Feed the Deer. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1974.

Edgcomb, Gabrielle Simon. Moving Violation. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973.

Gibson, Margaret. Lunes: Poems. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973.

Holland, William. How Us White Folks Discovered Rock and Roll. Washington, DC, Some of Us Press, 1973.

Inman, P. What Happens Next. Washington, D.C., Some of Us Press, 1974.

Joselow, Beth. Ice Fishing. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1974.

Lally, Lee. These Days. Washington, DC: Diana Press for Some Of Us Press, 1972.

Lally, Michael. The South Orange Sonnets. Washington, DC: Some Of Us Press, 1972.

Randolph, Leonard. Scar Tissue. Washington, DC: Corporate Press for Some Of Us Press, 1973.

Slater, Robert. A Rumor of Inhabitants. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press 1974

Schuchat, Simon. Blue Skies. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1973

Winch, Terence. Boning Up. Washington, DC: Some Of Us Press, 1972.

Zahniser, Ed. The Ultimate Double Play. Washington, DC: Some of Us Press, 1974.

Editor Note: Some of Us Press is not a lesbian or feminist press as the others in this archive, but the publication of Lee Lally's chapbook in conjunction with Diana Press sparked my interest in the press. There are a number of chapbooks by women on the list as well that I have note reviewed. There is some information about Lee Lally available on this blog:
I would be happy to receive email correspondence from anyone with information about Some of Us Press.

Spinsters Ink

Chronological Bibliography

Spinsters Ink under stewardship of founders, Judith McDaniel and Maureen Brady

McDaniel, Judith. Reconstituting the World: The Poetry and Vision of Adrienne Rich. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1978.
Brady, Maureen. Give Me Your Good Ear. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1979.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1980.
Strongin, Lynn. Bones & Kim. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1980.
McDaniel, Judith. Elegy from a Hill in Hebron. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink, 1981.
Sjoholm, Barbara. Ambitious Women: A Novel. Argyle, NY: Spinsters Ink 1982.

Spinsters Ink under stewardship of Sherry Thomas

Tsui, Kitty. The Words of a Woman Who Breathes Fire. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.
Allen, Paula Gunn. The woman Who Owned the Shadows. San Francisco: Spinsters, Ink, 1983.
Swallow, Jean. Out from Under: Sober Dykes and Our Friends. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.
Macdonald, Barbara and Cynthia Rich. Look Me in the Eye: Old women, Aging, and Ageism. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1983.

Loulan, JoAnn. Lesbian Sex. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1984.
McDaniel, Judith. Winter Passage. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1984.

Kuzwayo, Ellen. Call Me Woman. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Deming, Barbara and Joan E. Biren. Prisons That Could Not Hold. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Grahn, Judy. The Highest Apple: Sappho and the Lesbian Poetic Tradition. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Pratt, Minnie Bruce. We Say We Love Each Other. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Barnes, Liz. Hand-Me-Downs: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.
Pies, Cheri. Considering Parenthood: A Workbook for Lesbians. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1985.

Spinsters Ink co-operating with Aunt Lute Books under stewardship of Sherry Thomas and Joan Pinkvoss

Cameron, Anne. The Journey. Spinsters Ink, 1986.
Gordon, Rebecca. Letters from Nicaragua. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.
Swallow, Jean. Leave a Light On for Me: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1986.

Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Cameron, Anne. Child of Her People. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Hall, Sandi. Wingwomen of Hera. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Lorde, Audre. The Cancer Journals. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987 (reprint edition).
Loulan, JoAnn. Lesbian Passion: Loving Ourselves and Each Other. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.
Scott, Kesho, Cherry Muhanji, and Egyirba High. Tight Spaces. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987.

Due, Linnea A. High and Outside. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
McRae, Diana. All the Muscle You Need: An Eliza Pirex Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Thompson, Karen and Julie Andrzejewski. Why Can’t Sharon Kowalski Come Home? San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.
Velez, Diana Lourdes. Reclaiming Medusa: Short Stories by Contemporary Puerto Rican Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1988.

Barr, Nevada. Bittersweet. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
De Monteflores, Carmen. Singing Softly/Cantando Bajito: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Pjerrou, Mary. Coz: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Rich, Cynthia. Desert Years: Undreaming the American Dream. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.
Swan, Bonita. Thirteen Steps: An Empowerment Process for Women. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1989.

Kaye/Kantrowitz, Melanie. My Jewish Face & Other Stories. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Kwasny, Melissa. Modern Daughters and the Outlaw West: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.
Loulan, JoAnn. The Lesbian Erotic Dance: Butch, Femme, Androgyny, and Other Rhythms. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1990.

Spinsters Ink under stewardship of Sherry Thomas

Butler, Sandra and Barbara Rosenblum. Cancer in Two Voices. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Kensington, Claire. Elise. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
MacLeod, Ann. Being Someone: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Morell, Mary. Final Session: A Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Oleson, Amy. Love & Memory: A Novel: San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
Sang, Barbara and Joyce Warshow. Lesbians at Midlife: The Creative Transition/An Anthology. San Francisco, CA: Spinsters Ink, 1991.

Due, Linnea A. Life Savings: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1992.
Kringle, Karen. Vital Ties: A Novel. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1992.
Pincus, Elizabeth. The Two-Bit Tango: A Mystery. San Francisco: Spinsters Ink, 1992.

Spinsters Ink under stewardship of Joan Drury

Sang, Barbara and Joyce Warshow. Lesbians at Midlife: The Creative Transition/An Anthology. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1991.
MacDonald, Barbara and Cynthia Rich. Look Me In the Eye: Old Women, Aging, and Ageism. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1991.

Drury, Joan M. The Other Side of Silence. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Kwasny, Melissa. Trees Call for What They Need. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
McDermid, Val. Conferences are Murder: The Fourth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Morell, Mary. Final Rest: A Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Moore, Madeline. As You Desire. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Pincus, Elizabeth. The Solitary Twist: A Nell Fury Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.
Saracino, Mary. No Matter What: A Novel. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1993.

Brady, Maureen. Give Me Your Good Ear. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Frye, Ellen. Amazon Story Bones. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
McAllester, Melanie. The Lessons. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Reddy, Maureen T. and Martha Roth. Mother Journeys: Feminist Write about Mothering. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.
Stinson, Susan. Fat Girl Dances with Rocks. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1994.

Pincus, Elizabeth. The Hangdog Hustle: A Nell Fury Mystery. Minneapolis, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.

McDermid, Val. Common Murder: The Second Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.
Stinson, Susan. Martha Moody: A Novel. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.
Zipter, Yvonne. Ransacking the Closet. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1995.

Butler, Sandra and Barbara Rosenblum. Cancer in Two Voices. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.

Drury, Joan M. Silent Words. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Hartman, Cherry. The Well-Heeled Murders. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
McDermid, Val. Booked for Murder: The Fifth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Roberts, Shelly. Roberts’ Rules of Lesbian Living. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.
Roth, Martha. Goodness. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1996.

McDermid, Val. Deadline for Murder: The Third Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Bache, Ellyn. The Activist’s Daughter. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Park, Therese. A Gift of the Emperor. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Roberts, Shelly. Roberts’ Rules of Lesbian Break-ups. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.
Romo-Carmona, Mariana. Living at Night. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1997.

Campbell, Helen. Turnip Blues. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Drury, Joan M. Closed in Silence. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
McDermid, Val. Report for Murder. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Roberts, Shelly. Roberts’ Rules of Lesbian Dating. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.
Swallow, Jean. A Woman Determined. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1998.

McDermid, Val. Conferences are Murder: The Fourth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Michener, Marian. Dreaming Under a Ton of Lizards. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Rodgers, Joni. Sugar Land: A Novel. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.
Saracino, Mary. Finding Grace: A Novel. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999. (2000)
Labovitz, Trudy. Ordinary Justice. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 1999.

Dalglish, Cass. Nin. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Drury, Joan M. Those Jordan Girls. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Labovitz, Trudy. Deadly Embrace. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
McDermid, Val. Booked for Murder: The Fifth Lindsay Gordon Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.
Windrath, Helen. They Wrote the Book: Thirteen Women Mystery Writers Tell All. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2000.

Gearhart, Sally Miller. The Magister. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2002.

Dykewomon, Elana. Moon Creek Road. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2004.
Mason, Anita. Perfection. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2004.

Jordan, Jennifer L. A Safe Place to Sleep: A Kristin Ashe Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Jordan, Jennifer L. Existing Solutions: A Kristin Ashe Mystery. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Jordan, Jennifer L. Unbearable Losses. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Saint Marie, Francine. The Secret Keeping. Duluth, MN: Spinsters Ink, 2006.

Spinisters Ink under stewardship of Katherine V. Forrest

Merchant, Jane. French Postcards. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2006.
Taylor, Sheila Ortiz. Outrageous. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2006.

Cooper, Blayne. The Last Train Home. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2008.

Brownworth, Victoria A. Day of the Dead. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Moore, Mary Carroll. Qualities of Light. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Harris, C.M. The Children of Mother Glory. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.
Salvatore, Diane. Benediction. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2009.

Cordova, Jeanne. When We Were Outlaws: A Memoir of Love & Revolution. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2011.

Manahan, Nancy and Rosemary Curb. Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2013.
Leach, Marlene. The Inscrutable Mr. Elizabeth. Midway, FL: Spinsters Ink, 2013.

Spinsters/Aunt Lute distributed Joan E Biren’s Making a Way: Lesbians Out Front, published by Glad Hag Books (Washington, DC, 1987).

Switchback Books

Whitbeck, Caroline. Our Classical Heritage. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2007.
de la Torre, Mónica. Talk Shows. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2007.

Munson, Peggy. Pathogenesis. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2008.
Rooney, Kathleen. Oneiromance. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2008.

Bozek, Jessica. The Bodyfeel Lexicon. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2009.

Crawford, Marisa. The Haunted House. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2010.

Tamayo, Jennifer. Red Missed Aches Read Missed Aches Red Mistakes Read Mistakes. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2011.

de la Torre, Mónica. Four. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2012. (collection of 4 chapbooks; Mariposa Negra, Shift, Photos While U Wait, Lines to Undo Linearity)

Arrieu-King, Cynthia. Manifest. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2013.

Heim, Stefania. A Table That Goes on for Miles. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2014.

Parker, Morgan. Other People's Comfort Keeps Me Up at Night. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2015.
Nunes, Jenn Marie. And/Or. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2015.

Knorr, Alyse. Mega-City Redux. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2016.
Knorr, Alyse. Copper Mother. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2016.
Curry, Crystal. But I Have Realized It. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2016.

Crawford, Marisa. Reversible. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2017.

Mathieu, Irène. Grand Marronage. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2019.
Case, Kristen. Principles of Economics. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2019.

Andrews, Hanna. Slope Move. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2020.
Guzman, Jessica. Adelante. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2020.

Franklin, Jordan E. when the signals come home. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2021.

Blitshteyn, Marina. i take your voice. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2022.

Muenz, Olivia. I Feel Fine. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2023.

Khoury, Jill. earthwork. Denver, CO: Switchback Books, 2024.

Third Woman Press

Agosín, Marjorie and Emma S. Nolan. Silencio que se Deja Oir: Poemas. Ann Arbor, MI: McNaughton & Gunn (Distributed by Third Woman Press, Bloomington, IN.)

Alarcón, Norma. Chicana Critical Issues. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1993.

Alarcón, Norma. Hispanic Women: International Perspectives. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.

Alarcón, Norma and Ana Castillo. The Sexuality of Latinas. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1989, 1993.

Alarcón, Norma. Southwest/Midwest. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.

Alarcón, Norma. Texas and More. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1986.

Arrizon, Alicia and Lillian Manzor. Latinas on Stage. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 2000.

Cisneros, Sandra. My Wicked, Wicked Ways. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1987.

Cisneros, Sandra. My Wicked, Wicked Ways. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1992.

Cha, Theresa Hak Kyung. Dictée. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1995, 1982.

Corpi, Lucha. Máscaras. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1997.

Corpi, Lucha and Catherine Rodriguez-Nieto. Variaciones Sobre Una Tempestad = Variations on a Storm. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1990.

Curiel, Barbara Brinson. Speak to Me from Dreams. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1989.

Dominguez, Delia. The Sun Looks Back. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.

Herrera-Sobek, María and Helena María Viramontes. Chicana (w)rites: On Word and Film. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press 1995.

Kang, Hyun Ti and Norma Alarcón. Writing Self, Writing Nation: A Collection of Essays on Dictée by Theresa Hak Kyung Cha. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1994.

Moraga, Cherríe and Gloria Anzaldúa. This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 2001, 2002.

Trujillo, Carla Mari. Chicana Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers Warned Us About. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1991.

Trujillo, Carla Mari. Living Chicana Theory. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1998.

Pérez, Emma. Gulf Dreams. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1996.

Parrenas, Celine Salazar. Smell This 2. Berkeley, CA: Third Woman Press, 1991.

Umpierre, Luz Maria. En el País de las Maravillas: Kempis Puertoriqueño. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1982.

Umpierre, Luz Maria. The Margarita Poems. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1987.

Umpierre, Luz Maria. –Y Otra Desgracias = And Other Misfortunes. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1985.

Woodruff, Joan Leslie. Neighbors. Berkeley, CA Third Woman Press, 1993.

Zavala, Iris M. Chiliagony. Bloomington, IN: Third Woman Press, 1984.

Editor’s Note: It appears as though Third Woman Press published a journal titled, Third World Journal. Perhaps edited by Norma Alarcon, two issues are listed in WorldCat, Third World Journal 2: Southwest/Midwest and Third World Journal 3: Texas and More.

Topside Press

Topside Press Bibliography

Aoki, Ryka. He Mele a Hilo: A Hilo Song. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.

Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2013.

Burke, Cheryl. My Awesome Place: The Autobiography of Cheryl B. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.

Dunham, Kelli. Freak of Nurture. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2013.

Fitzpatrick, Cat. Glamourpuss. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.

Fitzpatrick, Cat, and Casey Plett, eds. Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.

Kokumo. Reacquainted with Life. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.

Lamb, Sybil. I’ve Got a Time Bomb: A Novel. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.

Latini, Lilith. Improvise, Girl, Improvise. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.

Légar, Tom and Riley MacLeod, eds. The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.

Plett, Casey. A Safe Girl to Love: Stories. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.

Theonia, Charles. Which One is the Bridge. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.

Ulanday Barrett, Kay. When the Chant Comes. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.

Vile, Tyler. Never Coming Home. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.

Bibliography compiled by Bailey Hosfelt.

Topside Press

Wikipedia entry on Topside Press

Aoki, Ryka. He Mele a Hilo: A Hilo Song. New York, NY: Topside Signature, 2014.
Aoki, Ryka, Imogen Binnie, Dane Edidi, Merritt K., Jeanne Thornton, Red Durkin, Emma Caterine, and Bahar
Akyurtlu. Where We’re Going We Don’t Need Roads. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Binnie, Imogen. Nevada. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2013.
Burke, Cheryl. My Awesome Place: The Autobiography of Cheryl B. New York, NY: Topside Signature, 2012.
Dunham, Kelli. Freak of Nurture: Essays and Stories. New York, NY: Topside Signature, 2013.
Fitzpatrick, Cat. Glamourpuss. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Fitzpatrick, Cat, and Casey Plett, eds. Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017. (Click here to see a bibliography of the table of contents.)
Kokumo. Reacquainted with Life. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2016.
Lamb, Sybil. I’ve Got a Time Bomb: A Novel. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Latini, Lilith. Improvise, Girl, Improvise. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Légar, Tom and Riley MacLeod, eds. The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard. New York, NY:
Topside Press, 2012. (Click here to see a bibliography of the table of contents.)
Plett, Casey. A Safe Girl to Love: Stories. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2014.
Theonia, Charles. Which One is the Bridge. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.
Ulanday Barrett, Kay. When the Chant Comes. New York, NY: Topside Heliotrope, 2016.
Vile, Tyler. Never Coming Home. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2015.

Bibliography compiled by Ash Lev.

Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers

Addams, Emma. “Thieves and Lovers” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
, 260-278. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Aoki, Ryka. “The Gift” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers, 393-405.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Arrand, Colette. “Themyscira” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
, 193-199. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Avery, Sadie. “Using A Treadmill, You Can Run Until Exhaustion Without Moving” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere:
Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers
, 166-176. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Bauer, Beckett K. “Notes From A Hunter Boy” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers
, 177-192. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Binnie, Imogen. “Gamers” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
337-346. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Bombardier, Cooper Lee. “After The Big One” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers
, 140-165. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Bryony, Paige. “Control Shift Down” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
, 126-139. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Buchbinder, Nat. “Kid Ghost” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
380-392. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Devrim, Ayşe. “No Comment” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
102-125. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Edidi, Dane Figueroa. “Matchmaker” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
, 279-294. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Edwards, RJ. “What Cheer” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
30-52. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Fae, Aisling. “Satan, Are You There? It’s Me, Laura” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers
, 53-66. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Gimpelevich, Calvin. “Rent, Don’t Sell” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
, 79-101. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Lamb, Sybil. “Cybervania” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
200-224. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Liang, Bridget. “Delicate Bodies” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
9-29. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Lovebomb, Janey. “Under The Rainbow” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender
, 225-252. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Nieto, Tristan Alice. “Imago” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
347-379. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Page, Morgan M. “Visions” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
406-413. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Salah, Trish. “It Can Grow!!!” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
67-78. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Téllez, M. “Heat Death of Western Human Arrogance” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers
, 253-259. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Thornton, Jeanne. “Angels Are Here To Help You” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers
, 414-438. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Williams-Childs, Brendan. “Schwaberow, Ohio” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from
Transgender Writers
, 295-310. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Worth, Kaj. “It’s Called Fashion” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
311-336. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.
Zall, Rachel K. “Control” in Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers,
1-8. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2017.

compiled by Ash Lev

The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard

Aoki, Ryka. “To The New World” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 77-90. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Bigelow, Susan Jane. “Ramona’s Demons” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
341-377. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Binnie, Imogen. “I Met A Girl Named Bat Who Met Jeffrey Palmer” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the
Transgender Vanguard
, 13-34. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Connelly, Sherilyn. “Malediction And Pee Play” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
399-418. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Cook, M. Robin. “Birthrights” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 459-472. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
DeLine, Elliott. “Dean And Teddy” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 378-398. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Diamond, Terence. “Tomboy Of The Western World” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender
, 234-256. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Doyle, Alice. “Two Girls” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 296-301. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Drew, R. “The Cafe” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 91-113. New York, NY:
Topside Press, 2012.
Durkin, Red. “A Roman Incident” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 257-266. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Edwards, RJ. “Black Holes” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 114-128. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Gimpelevich, Calvin. “Runaways” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 302-321. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Halwitz, Adam. “Power Out” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 495-508. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Harris, Riley Calais. “Entries” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 482-494. New
York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Heimpel, Noel Arthur. “War With Waking Up” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
419-450. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Ira, Stephen. “To Do List For Morning” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 322-329.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Jarboe, K. Tait. “Greenhorn” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 173-210. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Johnson, A. Raymond. “Tammy Faye” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 211-224.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Kaufman, MJ. “A Short History of My Genders” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
337-340. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Maroon, Everett. “Cursed” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 451-458. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
McEvilly, Madison Lynn. “Stones Stand Still” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
291-295. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Nelson, Katherine Scott. “Winning The Tiger” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
330-336. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Nova, Cyd. “An Exquisite Vulnerability” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 267-274.
New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Ostrowsky, Donna. “The Queer Experiment” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
225-233. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Pickle, Oliver. “Ride Home Under A Thunderstorm” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender
, 473-481. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Plett, Casey. “Other Women” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 129-172. New York,
NY: Topside Press, 2012.
Sickels, Carter. “Saving” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard, 35-76. New York, NY:
Topside Press, 2012.
Whitworth, Mikki. “Masks Of A Superhero” in The Collection: Short Fiction from the Transgender Vanguard,
275-290. New York, NY: Topside Press, 2012.

Compiled by Ash Lev

Two and Two Press

King, Martha. Women & Children First. Brooklyn, NY: Two and Two Press, 1975.

Lewis, Harry and Marc Shanker. Spring. Brooklyn, NY: Two & Two Press, 1975.

Sherman, Susan. America. Brooklyn, NY: Two & Two Press, 1974.

Sherman, Susan. Women Poems, Love Poems. Brooklyn, NY: Two and Two Press, 1975.

Violet Press

Greenspan, Judy. To lesbians everywhere: poems. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1976.

We are all lesbians: A Poetry Anthology. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1973.

Winant, Fran. Dyke Jacket: Poems and Songs. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1975, 1976.

Winant, Fran. Goddess of lesbian dreams: poems and songs. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1980.

Winant, Fran. Looking at Women: Poems. New York, NY: Violet Press, 1971.


Grier, Barbara. The Possibilities are Staggering. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1976.

Description from Flyer: the text of a speech delivered before the 2nd Annual Lesbian Writers Conference, Chicago, Sept. 19, 1975 by Barbara Grier (Gene Damon)
Ms. Grier, principal compiler of The Lesbian in Literature and for several years editor of The Ladder, talks about the herstory of that magazine, the future of lesbian writing and women controlled presses. The question and answer session following the talk is also included.
Available Summer, 1976
16 pges
65 cents

Pope, Penelope. The Enclosed Garden. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1977.

Description from Flyer: Ms. Pope is in her early thirties, Chicgo born, and educated in parochial schools. She took her B. A. in English Literature and Philosophy from Mundelein College. She has worked in the Civil Rights Movement and has been active with lesbian and gay publications and organizations.
She thinks of herself as a feminist first and works toward a woman’s idiom in her writing. She sees ours as a period of transition toward an achievable liberation and is writing for that time in our herstory and for those people who have already achieved this liberation in their own lives
Available FAll, 1976
64 pages

Taylor, Valerie. For my Granddaughters. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1974.

Description from Flyer: the text of a speech delivered before the 1st Annual Lesbian Writers Conference, Chicago, September 13, 1974 by Valerie Taylor
Ms. Taylor, author of several lesbian novels offers a capsule herstory of lesbian literature
16 pages
50 cents

Taylor, Valerie and Jeannette Howard Foster. Two Women: the poetry of Valerie Taylor and Jeannette Foster. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1976.

Description from Flyer: Jeannette Foster, now eighty, resides in a nursing home in Arkansas and lives in the timeless world of literature. She has retained the wit, lucidity and passionate dedication to books which commended her to thousands of undergraduates during her long career as a university librarian. In her poems, written between 1916 and 1938, readers will find an intense love of nature as well as a love of women which has room for both idealism and passion.
Dr. Foster was one of Kinsey’s first librarians and in that capacity had access to a vast store of unpublished material which undoubtedly furnished some of the data for her masterpiece, Sex Variant Women in Literature. This definitive work, out of print for many years, will soon be re-issued by Diana Press of Baltimore.
Valerie Taylor set out on the path to personal liberation at the age of forty by ending a disastrous marriage and undertaking the total support and upbringing of three sons. She was a rural teacher and office worker from 1956 to 1975 was employed in the publishing industry.
A feminist, peace activist and an advocate of gay liberation, she also spends considerable time worrying about the problem of feeding the world’s population. She has published seven lesbian novels, two other books and a sizeable body of short material. Now retired and living in the East, she is working on a novel about two women over sixty—love at any age!
Ms. Taylor’s influences range from Edna St. Vincent Millay through Gertrude Stein to Denise Levertov. The verses in this volumer were written between 1940 and 1975.
With photographs by Eunice Militante
64 pages

Kuda, Marie. Women Loving Women: A select and annotated bibliography of women loving women in literature. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1975.

Approximately two hundred entries covering works published from 1914 to 1974, with annotations.

Various Authors. Women Loving, Women Writing.
an anthology of poetry and prose from the 2nd Annual Lesbian Writers Conference, 1975
Contains material submitted from forty of the one hundred sixty women from all over the country who attended LWC II in Chicago, Setpember 19th through 21st, 1975.
Contributors include high school dropouts and Ph.D.s with a variety of job skills, their ages run from 18 to 62 and their work ranges from the angry to the erotic with some song lyrics, workshop reports and an allegory for children.

Hodges, Beth. Print is our medium : the text of a speech delivered before the 3rd Annual Lesbian Writers Conference Chicago, September 17, 1976. Chicago, IL: Womanpress, 1977.

Women Writing Press

Chesman, Andrea and Polly Joan. Directory of Women Writing. Newfield, NY: Women Writing Press, 1977.

Colbert, Alison. Let the Circle Be Unbroken: Poems. New York, NY: Women Writing Press, 1976.

Joan, Polly. No apologies. New York, NY: Women Writing Press, 1975.

Women's Press Collective

Berkeley Music Collective songbook. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1975.

Gordon. Ann. Woman, carved of sun. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Grahn, Judy. Edward the dyke: and other poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1971. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Grahn, Judy. Elephant poem coloring book. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972.

Grahn, Judy. A woman is talking to death; poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Grahn, Judy; illustrations by Wendy Cadden. The common woman. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1979.

Grahn, Judy. The common woman. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1973, 1980. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Isabell, Sharon. Yesterday's lessons. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974, 1976.

Kim, Willyce. Eating artichokes. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972. This chapbook is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Lesbians speak out. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. (2nd edition, 1975.)

Molloy, Alice. In other words : notes on the politics and morale of survival [with comments and word trips, and excerpts from things I was reading during that time, that held my attention]. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1980.

Parker, Pat. Child of myself. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1972, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Parker, Pat. Pit stop. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1973, 1975. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Richards, Dell. The rape journal. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Save Joann Little. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1976. The book is available for viewing here:

Shelley, Martha. Crossing the DMZ. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Digitized by Catherine Kelly and shared with the Lesbian Poetry Archive in 2021.)

Shipley, Donna and Karen Sjöholm. Six ears of corn: poetry. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1975. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Sing a Battle Song: Poetry by Women in the Weather Underground. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 197?.

Wilson, Carol. Lesbians speak out. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974.

Woman to woman : a book of poems and drawings by women. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1970.

Women against electric shock treatment. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1970-78?. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

The women's gun pamphlet: a primer on handguns. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1975. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

Xarai, Max. Witch dream: matriarchal comix. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1976. The comix is available for viewing here:

Zelima. Soy: poems. Oakland, CA: Women's Press Collective, 1974. This book is available for download as a PDF below. (Originally digitized by Stephanie Young for Deep Oakland.)

The following books were originally archived at Deep Oakland by Stephanie Young:
Ann Gordon, Woman, Carved of Sun
Judy Grahn, Common Woman Poems
Judy Grahn, Edward the Dyke
Judy Grahn, Woman Is
Willyce Kim, Eating Artichokes
Pat Parker, Child of Myself
Pat Parker, Pit Stop
Dell Richards, The Rape Journals
Donna Shipley, Six Ears of Corn
Women's Gun Pamphlet
Women Against Electric Shock Therapy
Zelima, Soy: Poems

Word Weavers

Cheney, Joyce. Lesbian Land. Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1985.

Hart, Nett. Spirited Lesbians: Lesbian Desire as Social Action. Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1989.

Lanning, Lee, and Nett Hart. Ripening: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision (volume 1). Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1981.

Lanning, Lee, and Nett Hart. Dreaming: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision (volume 2). Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1983.

Lanning, Lee, and Nett Hart. Awakening: An Almanac of Lesbian Lore and Vision (volume 3). Minneapolis, MN: Word Weavers, 1981-1987.

The Lesbian in Literature by Barbara Grier

The 3rd edition of Barbara Grier's bibliography, The Lesbian in Literature, is completely reproduced at including downloadable PDFs which are fully searchable.

To read, The Lesbian in Literature, click on this link:

Heartfelt appreciation to for making this important book available more broadly.

Women Loving Women: A Bibliography

This bibliography, compiled by Marie J. Kuda and published in 1974 by Lavender Press in Chicago annotates, books of interest to lesbians.