Booklegger Press

Artel, Linda J. and Susan Wengraf. Positive Images: A Guide to Non-Sexist Films for Young People. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1976.

Booklegger Magazine. On Democratizing Library Management. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1974.

Dawson, Bonnie. Women's Films in Print: An Annotated Guide to 800 16mm Films by Women. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1975.

Gidlow, Elsa. Elsa, I Come with My Songs: The Autobiography of Elsa Gidlow. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1986.

Gidlow, Elsa. Sapphic Songs: Eighteen to Eighty. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1982.

Macey, Marsie and Susie Papeman. The Whole Woman Catalog / Volume 1. Portsmouth, NH: Booklegger Press, 1971.

West, Celeste and Elizabeth Katz. Revolting Librarians. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1972.

West, Celeste and Valerie Wheat. The Passionate Perils of Publishing. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1978.

West, Celeste. Where have all the publishers gone?: gone to conglomerates every one. San Francisco: Booklegger Press, 1980

Booklegger Press also published Booklegger Magazine (Bookazine?), a quarterly serial, from 1973-1976.